Sick of Ca Bashing!

I was born in the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia in the San Francisko Gulag. Actually, it wasn't that bad then. I could wait 3 days to get police approval of my handgun. What did I know?
After military service, I returned, got a job, married etc. At that time, my wife and I were living in a project. Not everybody got big paychecks.
In 1966 there were the Watts riots, and things in S.F. were rather tense. I tried to get a Colt Cobra for my wife. The 3 day wait began to seem unreasonable. Then I was turned down. Seems like the cops said there was nobody home. That was a lie. They never came over. I was told that they would come over at 7 P.M. sharp. Another no show, and I was supposedly not home. My Godfather (not the Mafia kind) had some pull at city hall and when he dug into it, it was brought out that the cops were afraid to go to that project because they would be shot at. I finally was able to take possession of the gun, but it took almost a month.
My wife and I split up shortly thereafter.
I was there when the wicked bitch of the west, Feinstein, had her great gun turn-in. I saw her "turn in" her gun too. I also saw her bodyguard pick her gun up off the pile, and return it to her purse well after the TV cameras were turned off. I was there! What integrity.
God help this country if that woman ever runs for president.
When the privately owned range that our gun club was closed down, due to the influence of rich greedy developers, the city of S.F. allowed us to use it's range on weekends. It was normally used during the week for police training and closed on week-ends. When Feinstein came into power, the first thing she did was close it off for us "civilian" shooters.
I left the state, returning once in a while to visit relatives. Now that they are all dead, NEVER AGAIN!
When I lived in Nevada, I hunted Nevada, Oregon, Washington State, and Arizona.
California hunters are looked down upon as stupid game hogs that are dangerous to be around. I know they are not all like that, but a few screwed it up for the rest.
Do I hate Kalifornia? No. I hate what it has become. A haven for loud radical idiots with agendas, and stupid people who follow these agendas as if they were the word of God. They have f*ck*d up a beautiful state.
Paul B.
Never been to California. However, a couple of guys from Mission College come out (to WY)every summer and fish with me for a week. Mind you, these guys are California natives and all they do is bash California. Sounds to me like the whole state is a mess. Now the ex-California crowd is buying up places like Jackson Hole, Dubois, etc. I don't know a thing about California other than the disgruntled Californians who have moved here are trying to screw this place up too.
I am a native and present Californian, own the rural property I grew up it here and not even close to leaving, I'd rather fight. That said I bash on Kalifornia with the best of them and will continue to do so until I am pleased with how it is.

Why? Because its a socialist fascist cesspool, with a government as corrupt and venal and unresponsive as the Federal government.
I've been a bit scarce the past couple days as there is a more immediate threat to me and my rights...the State of Kalifornia is making a backdoor grab on statewide water rights. Those SOB's want to put a meter on my damned well!!!! My well!! And then tax me on my water useage!! Kiss my @ss!

Bashing?? I haven't even gotten started
Va fan culo!!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
WOW! So much for the great peoples republic of Kalifornica. Didn't know we were so hated around the rest of the country.

Pthfndr, lighten up. People have a right to complain about what's coming out of this state. You can't blame them. After all, we did give them Feinstein and Boxer, not to mention model for all kinds of ideas for stupid laws etc.

I was born in Texas, raised in South Dakota, and grew up in Viet Nam. The Navy brought me out here thirty some years ago and left me here. I've seen how things are in the rest of the country and Yeah, we have some great thing out here. Yosemite, Big Sur, Shasta, all those things are nice. Have you seen Jackson Hole WY? Kind of gives Yosmite a run for it's money. The Grand Canyon? Haliakala(SP?) in Hawaii? Aspen? The Rockies at sunrise? The Great Plains? My point is, we have no lock on the physical stuff or the scenery in this country. That isn't what we have to complain about. The social and political climate in this place is becoming intolerable for those of us who live here and it is spilling out over the rest of the country. No wonder people don't like us.

That being said, Where is Littleton? Not in Kalifornica is it? You can't blame us for that. Kalifornicans driving up property values? How is that? Why, whenever someone selling real estate in another state spots a CA license plate on a prospective buyer's car they automatically jack up the price 10, 20, or 30 thousand dollars. I submit that it isn't us who are driving up the prices, it's the greedy (insert your state here) sellers who are doing that. I've seen it happen. Not all bad things come from here. South Dakota gave us Tom Daschle, Massachusets gave us Ted Kennedy, New York gave us Chuckie Schumer, Florida gave us Janet Reno, Arkansas gave us Clinton. Need I go on?

I'm a knife and gun dealer here in lower Kalifornica (San Diego) and yeah, I've thought about leaving just to make sure my business can survive. I have also been collecting guns for about 30 years and would like to keep them. I was looking real hard at Nevada.

Besides the fact that my wife won't leave here, (she hates this situation more than I do but won't leave her grandkids), I got to thinking about how I feel about refugees. I absolutely refuse to become one of those I have so little respect for. So, I'm going to stay here and fight this.

I'm not sure yet how, I just know that if we keep doing what we are doing, we will lose. The NRA has written us off and the legislature has become a power unto itself. The public here is so fragmented and unorganized,(that's what DIVERSITY gets you, by the way)that there just isn't the means to counter them. It looks hopeless, I know.

I have some ideas, and when I get them fully developed, you'll be hearing from me. I'm not going to go quietly and this fight is just getting started.

You can bitch about Kalifornica all you want, it's still a (sort of) free country. Those of us who live here have the right to, the rest of you can follow along, if you like. When we turn things around though, just remember who did it.

Peace! Live free or die.


"That no free man should ever be disarmed". (Thomas Jefferson)
DougB - I was born outside Modesto. Lived there many years. Used to shoot in the hills right outside of town. Used to. That was when I was 8 and the place was still sane and it was still legal. Now the entire area I lived in is a stinkpit of crime and degenerates funded by the Cali welfare system (used to be a real nice hometown). There are entire cities in that area that used to be very nice, where now you can't walk the streets without being accosted, all thanks to the soft-on-crime system and socialist welfare system. I am talking about entire cities of slums, extended for counties wide, that have been tranformed from a nice safe family place to one huge slum, all due to the policies of Cali that have allowed those type of people to flourish.

I lived in San Fran....lived in Oakland....lived in Berzerkely for school....lived in Concord....lived in live in San Diego. I lived in all these areas for years; long enough to get a feel for them. They are all filled with whackos and nutjobs. Meeting a sane person in Cali is rare, and I am sure that the people on this board are part of the exception. San Diego is the best yet for sanity, but I am gone soon anyway. Can't buy a two-bedroom house here in a "reasonably safe" area (read: "non-slum" by any other city's standards) for less than $300k and that's a fact.
If the whacko self-centered people don't scare you off, the screaming picketing liberals in your face everywhere does not bother you, and the criminals and insane walking the streets does not disturb you, and the oppressive government does not offend you, then the land prices and the standard of living you get for a good income will.

Right now I live on the beach. It is beautiful. I soak it up. But, the glitter wears off and eventully the beach is not enough. I will visit the beach from Phoenix, and I will not miss Kalifornia and the whackos that live here. (Did I mention that I live in the absolute nicest part of San Diego right now, in a plush gated community with a walking security guard, and my car has been broken into and vandalized four times?)

There are some people that live here that don't notice the insanity. I know one or two, and they very good people. They have lived here so long that they don't realize that societies are not all as whacked as this one.

I have tasted freedom and I like it. I have lived in places with sane, down-to-earth people and I therefore see the insanity here with abundant clarity (so does my wife). Anyone that lives in Cali and cannot see that they are surrounded by whackos, I feel sorry for, because they just haven't experienced what real people are all about.

I will soon buy a brand new three bedroom modern home in a suburb of Phoenix for about $130k, and live in a "bedroom" neighborhood, surrounded by nice people (my brother is one step ahead of me in this pursuit, so I know it is possible). That is, unless the place is Californicated before I can accomplish that goal.
I've enjoyed my wanderings through California. I've met a bunch of good people from there. Many great memories, of the hey-day of the "Hashbury" and Gatsby's and the No Name Bar in Sausalito...Races at Sear's Point. A full tour of the Cal. Water Project during the construction era, from Oroville Dam to LA. Death Valley, Russian River country...BTDT.

Trouble is, too high a percentage of the population worked hard to earn the state the alternate name of "Granola". To merit comments like, "You lose at least one IQ point for each year of residence".

And so, if the conservatives and gun-owners won't get out and vote, and/or put out the money to help swing elections "our way", sobeit.

I'll happily drift through, following some old trails, having a drink at Cliff House, or seeing a friend or two. I just don't want to stay very long. :(
California... I lived there for a few years as a youth. In Orange county. Great place then. that was the 70's. I later joined the USMC (early 80's) and spent some time in Orange Cty at MCAS Tustin. I noticed a big change in the place in the 5 years I was away.

And it was not for the good.

I later, (6 yrs) came back to CA, this time to MCAS El Toro. Yet another big change.

And it was not for the good.

I left the USMC in 1990, and tried to make a go of it in CA. while I went to school. There was just no way that I could afford to live while going to school.

I found myself settling in Georgia. Not my first choice in places to live, but all in all not bad.

I have been back to CA. numerous times to visit old friends, but that has dwindled of as time goes by. Not because I don't keep in touch anymore, but because everyone I knew there has moved away from there.

I will make every effort to avoid CA from now on. It's a damn shame that such a great place 20 yrs ago has become what it is.

Is MCAS El Toro still in existance? Or did the commie county gov't finally run the Marines out? What about Mcas Tustin? Somebody let me know.


Check me out at:
I too lived in Kalifornia once....

For five years in the eighties in beautiful Santa Clarita (Valencia).

At the time the Cali lifestyle was great....women, illegal substances, women, cars, women.... but you grow up. Then it plain sucks.

So now I'm back east where people are sane.

I remember the last time I visited L.A., the riots coincidentally occured. Not only was it horrific, but I felt totally powerless and unarmed. I haven't been back since.

If it weren't for all of the relatives I have living there, So.Cal should burn to dust and wash away into the Pacific.

Now northern Cali is a totally different situation. It breaks my heart knowing that such a beautiful place can be utterly destroyed by incredulous politics.
I got dragged kicking and screaming to CA as a 12 year old, 47 years ago. Used to be a nice place to live till all the folks from other states moved here! ;) It is not a nice place to live now, and I live in a great spot in the Southern Mountains. It still sucks, 'cause all the citieflatties swarm up here like lemmings every weekend. Soon as the bills get down, and I unload a couple properties, I'm off to northern AZ or Nevada. Maybe -sigh-Wyoming. But after 47 years, I can still say - albeit not too seriously - "I'm a tourist..."
Seriously, its becoming a 3rd world country, and I didn't sign up to live in that sorta stuff!

Shoot carefully... swifter...
Hey dude, you want to be bashed, come to Louisiana. Heck, our new state motto is supposed to be, "Louisiana - we're usually better than Mississippi." I've been to California and it is truly a beautiful state. I've been to Jamacia - and if you've never been there, it's the most beautiful place - I could not believe the beauty as I was looking at it. But I asked the policeman at the airport to let me take a picture of us with his Uzi - and he said he didn't work for no stinkin' ________ American... Now that's the way to promote tourism! Man, was I glad to touch down back in the US. Look, legal gun owners are frustrated as all get out... "Can't we just learn to live together?" (I can't believe I wrote that...) If you're a legal gun owner - when the shooting starts, I want to be on your side and you on mine. Meanwhile let's stop the Clintonistas from further eroding our rights. Today I heard a quote of him saying that when people abuse their rights, the rights should be curtailed. Not that the people who abuse the rights should be punished. Curtail everyone's rights.... That's what I'm upset about - not about you or California.. Hollywood always gets an exemption whenever more gun controls are passed... what's that about?... My 2c's..
Thanks to all of you for replying, for letting me speak my piece and for voicing your opinions. Duly noted. I have lived in Ca for the best part of 40 years after spending my early childhood in a town in Massachussetts that predated the revolution by 20 years. I have seen Ca change and not for the better. In the time I've been here the population has done something like double or triple. All those people didn't just materialize here. They came from other states. I didn't vote for our crappy senators and my House rep is very pro-gun. My state assemblyman is also and does fight for our rights. I have traveled through most all the states in this country and there is nothing I like better than doing just that because we have such a great country.

I guess the point I was really trying to make is that I firmly believe that if there is another Revolution, it will start here. I don't know much about the gun owners in south Ca, but up here where I am in El Dorado county, we have a very hard core gun owner population. And we WILL fight to protect our rights. I have already talked with others about this and I believe they are serious. I don't think that it would help to move out. Even if all the gun owners in the country moved to just one state (at least the ones who believe in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and are willing to fight for them), what would we have? 49 other states, with representatives who are willing and able by their actions in Congress to change things and make our guns illegal. Do you really think that we could make our own country from one state? Do you really think that then we could win a war of secession to protect "our rights"? When the rest of the country is no longer willing to side with us? Because if we don't take a stand now, that is what it would come too. As it is now, "they" won't come for us enmasse, they will come for us one at a time. For that way any who resist and fight will be labeled as nuts, extremists, or out right criminals. And the rest of the country will believe just that. At the same time, "they" do not want a whole sh*t load of bloody confrontations. So we need to be politicaly active now if we are going to avoid blood shed. While I think it would be great to see all gun owners come here I am well aware that at this time that is unrealistic. But for those of you who have governers, representatives and senators who listen to you, put the presure on them. Make them aware of what is going on out here. Tell them you want them to contact OUR legislative people and put presure on THEM. I write, e-mail, fax and call. I talk to anyone I can and especially those at the gun range(many of whom seem not to understand what is going on right now). I do what I can, and am prepared to do whatever becomes neccesary. I just hope that if the worst happens here we can depend on our fellow believers in the other 49 states to support us.

To DougB, mic007tfp, DC and Dennis. thank you for your support. United we stand, divided we fall.

Dan - sadly, MCAS El Toro was slated for closure this year. Don't know for sure if it's actually happened.

If they want a revolution, let it begin here

Right on Pthfndr. Well said.

Dan, El Toro and Tustin went down as of the 1st of July. They are history. The ac and helos went to NAS(now MCAS)MIRAMAR.

The beat goes on..........


"That no free man should ever be disarmed". (Thomas Jefferson)
Pthfndr, a town in Mass. that predates the revolution by 20 years is a johnnie-come-lately! :D My earliest ancestor that I know about was helping settle a town in Mass. in the mid-to-late 1600s. I've been trying to figure out who his daddy was, but this genealogy stuff is amazingly difficult.
In Reply to Bill Hebert {that's "A Bear" to most of you} I'm from Mississippi and still live there. I suppose that between you, me, and old Longhair from Arkansas we know about having our states bashed. At least we don't have any laws that start out as It is known to the State of Mississippi.....
My .02 Hank
Lighten Up! They don't call it the Left Coast for nothing. I should know I live in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, the home of the Kremlin on the Charles. You on the left, us on the right, the squeeze is on. How would you define a Police State anyway? Elections are so popular here, people even buy them.

I spent a year in Monterey. The (U.S. Army) accomodations were not the best but the country was beautiful. Once away from the coast, I found the people were my kind of folks. Problem is - ya got a big coast! ;)

You said, "I guess the point I was really trying to make is that I firmly believe that if there is another Revolution, it will start here."

Well, "If you build it. They will come." ;)
Here above the Edwards Acquifer, in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas, the bunny-loving tree-huggers are trying to implement a similar plan to charge people for water usage from their own well.

At a public forum to "educate the masses" on the need of this expensive bureaucracy, the "powers" foolishly permitted a question and answer period. It collapsed into a bitch session quicker than one of our threads on alledged abuses by LEOs! ;)

A lanky, weather-beaten, old rancher stood at the mike until things quieted down, looked the chairperson square in the eye and quietly drawled, "Y'all better make a lot of them water inspectors. 'Cause when you send 'em out, a lot of 'em ain't comin' back."

During the subsequent cheering, the meeting was hastily adjourned! :D
Dennis, don't ya' just love old timers like that!!damn it i do. the thing is, when most old timers tell ya' that, they ain't bs'in.
i'd love to have been there and seen the faces. it makes me smile just to think about it... :)

what me worry?

I love California as much as you do. If there are people who hate this state, don't take it personally. They hate the politicians that we have. Now if they had directed their attacks on ME personally, then I'd like to remind those people that we're not the only state who send the likes of Feinswine to the senate. Their blaming me for that makes as much sense as my blaming the rest of them for sending Clinton to the White House. If they choose to believe that I personally voted for these morons then that's their ignorance speaking. Meanwhile, I'll continue to fight for common sense in this state, although it seems to get more difficult everyday. And if they choose not to live here, fine, there are too d#@* many people here already.

I have the intestinal fortitude to stay here and try my best to rid our state of those elitist idiots up in Sacramento, if the rest of them don't have the guts to fight an uphill battle with us, I don't want them here. Remember they don't know you or I, they are just reacting to the idiocy they see coming out from our home state. Don't take it personally.
Just depends on what's more important to you - beaches, mountains, lakes, great economy & technology, OR, non(less)-oppressive laws? It's your choice, just make sure you're asking the right question and weighing the factors carefully. Only you can properly weigh that calculus for YOU. No one said there isn't a lot of great things there (as there are in many states). But to me, it wouldn't be worth the trade, and I would move out unless I was economically strongly tied there, AND made enough money to own a second home in a more free state to keep and use ALL of my guns. As the saying goes, "It's a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there". If the people were more free in the People's Republik of CA, I can think of few better places in the world to live than Northern/Eastern CA. The amount of snow and runs in Heavenly is just that, and there's a million other things to see and do.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 06, 1999).]