Sick of Ca Bashing!


New member
I'm a regular over on and have been reading here for a couple months and started posting recently. I thought that the people at AR15 were vocal, but the way some of you here bash California and tell us we should leave there are so full of it. Some of you here are ready to rant and rave and put down Ca for their admittedly dumb gun laws, but I have rarely seen anyone here ask where or to whom they can write to voice their opinion. Over on AR most every one is involved no matter what state we are from. For those of you who are either uninformed or ignorant, Ca is where the money is in this country. Wall Street may be where the stocks are traded but LA is THE financial center of this country. Silicon Valley is the technological center (with all due respect to Austin, Armonk and Redmond). We grow more produce than any other state. We grow more cotton than any other state (a fact). We are the second largest producer of rice in the WORLD after china. If Ca was a country, it would be in the top 5 econimies in the world. We have wonderful mountains, lakes and beaches. A diverse cultural mix (wasn't that what made our country great?). Ca is the most populous state in the country. More guns are sold here than any where else in the U.S. We have tens of thousands of gun owners. Most of our counties are gun friendly. I have at least ten ranges I can shoot at within 90 minutes of my home. Or, I can walk 10 minutes and go shooting in the National Forest.

I will be the first to admit that Ca does some dumb things and enacts some strange laws. But keep this in mind when you tell us gun owners to get out before it's too late. A HUGE amount of federal legislation over the years has either been modeled on or a direct copy of Ca law. It's more likely that so goes Ca, so will go the country. Believe it or not, the majority of registered voters in this state are conservatives. Unfortunately too many do not vote or get involved. So rather than whining about our state and our laws and berating us, maybe you would do better to bring your voices to Ca to help stop all this gun regulation bullsh*t before it becomes too popular and sweeps the rest of the country.

Ok, I'm done. Just had to get that out. That's my opinion and the 1st Amendment says I have the right to voice it. (for now).


[This message has been edited by Pthfndr (edited July 03, 1999).]
I live here too! It would be an excellent state if there weren't 80% of the people (leftists first). Right now, it feels like the walls are closing in and there's nowhere to go but out of state.

I think a lot of people see CA as a trendsetting state and hate the trend being set.
We hate California because Californians elect the likes of Feistein. We hate California because its conservative voters apparrently have no voice. We hate California because, as you said, "As goes California, so goes the nation." We hate California (in Texas) because they come here, and tell us how great everything is in CA.

They hate California (in Colorado, Arizona, and Oregon) because Californians move in, offer 10% above the asking price for land, raise the property values sky-high, and begin to vote as they did in CA. (AZ came so very close a couple of years ago to losing hunting! CO has just about lost trapping...)

From what I've read and seen for myself, CA was, and still is in places, a beautiful land. And it is being systematically destroyed by Californians.

That is why I have no love for California. A nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A HUGE amount of federal legislation over the years has either been modeled on or a direct copy of Ca law. It's more likely that so goes Ca, so will go the country[/quote]
This is exactly why so many are upset with CA. IMHO, this is not a good thing. Keep your stupid laws to yourself please.

Just because, as you say, LA is THE financial heart of the US, does that mean that money should buy what the rest of the country thinks? It could just be also that the vast majority of those that signed the HCI pledge in USA today are CA "residents", has a tendancy to PO a lot of us.

As far as writing, do you really think the CA elected give a crap about how the rest of the country feels? We can't vote for them, therefore we don't exist.

California is the greatest in many respects...

Earthquakes, mudslides, forest fires, flooding, etc...

Sorry, couldn't resist :), just too easy. I've visited several times and loved the place.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
California sucks. I was born in Cali, and lived most of my life in Cali. I am once again stuck here because I forgot why it sucks so much - the people. Everyone here is here for one thing and you better not get in their way (money). Selfishness, greed, cut-throat people on top of a socialist big governent whiny liberal cradle-to-grave mentality. I could go on, but that sums up a lot of it. I already have a house bought out of State, and I am never coming back. California sucks because Californians suck. Our only hope is that the converted Californians stay in there own country and stop degrading all the surrounding States when they move out of the hell-hole they created, and then just make their new home just like the last one.

Ps - regarding this quote: "A diverse cultural mix (wasn't that what made our country great?)"
No. America was designed to be one culture, a glorious proud culture - the American culture - with many ethnicities making up that culture. Live in America - be an American - and be proud of it.
When I go to shooting ranges and mention that I moved from Arizona to California, I get blank stares of "why the hell would you do that!?". I ask myself the same question.
The usual statement from these Californians is: "I have been trying to move out of this State for years, particularly to Arizona.....why did you come here?"
Most level-headed Californians don't even like California.
Pthfndr, according to DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer, Arkansas ranks 1st in the nation in production of rice and commercial broiler chickens ( does Tyson ring a bell?) we also got diamonds, but who cares.. damn if i took offense everytime somebody slammed Arkansas, i'd be in a hell of a mess. don't be so sensitive!!

what me worry?
I lived in Kalifornia for 2 months.

That was all I needed. I had ample proof enough it was no place I wanted to be. Accepted an East Coast position and jumped ship faster than a *Insert witty likness here*...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I lived in California for 22 golden years (1967-1988). In that time I saw the waiting
period go from 3 to 5 to 7 to 15 days. Then
smog controls came in and tightened (i.e. more expensive) every year. It became Kalifornia about 1980 but I didn't see it for 10 years, just started feeling more and more controlled in almost every aspect of my life. Saw the light in 1988 and left -- never been back, even though I live in Nevada, and never regretted leaving.
What does it matter if CA is the center of the universe. The citizens of CA continue to march toward the destruction of the Bill of Rights and socialism. Why do I blame this on the citizens? Because YOU are the government and YOU are putting up with what is going on. You elect these leaders. Bet you're proud of your new Governor.

CA should be renamed "National Center for Wealthy Apathetic Erosion of Rights."

Steve Koski
Pthfndr, we had no intention of hurting your feelings, and if you love CA, then by all means stay.

Most of what you say is correct. From an economic standpoint, CA is essentially a country in and of itself. Perhaps that's why your government acts as it does. You are leading the way in fascistic gun laws. I imagine you've already seen and / or heard of , and .

But, you are being overly optimistic to think that those of us who are nonresidents would (1) move there in order to add our voices of dissent to yours, or (2) have any impact whatsoever if we write or call from out of state to criticize your laws.

It is precisely this negative influence on surrounding states and the rest of the country that causes me to dislike your state so heartily. Your voters have foisted Boxer and Feinstein on the rest of us, and, you'll have to admit, that is a bit hard to stomach.

Enjoy CA. For me ... I really don't care if I see it ever again.
7-3-99 1122AM EDT I cant bash Kalifornia. I live in The Peoples Republic of Marylandwhich has two Commie Senators and crappy gun laws. Be honest folks, how many states are truly pro gun in this country? Out of the fifty states , I bet we dont have ten that are pro second amendment. If you live in New York, New Joisy, Michigan, Illinois, and dozens of other states, you are also living in pro Commie jurisdictions. THe One World Crowd are going state by state to destroy all our rights:not just gun rights. Texas has a lot of progun people,but look at their sleazy politicos. The NWO is putting the screws on Texas right now with retina and thumb scans,Delta force operations, seizure of the Temple Municipal Airport for training purposes by US and Czech troops, and a governor who is quite suspect by Patriots around the country. I am getting off the subject a bit,but Texas ,more than Kalifornia,is a test case for more NWO operations(Waco was a small test to see how far evil empire could go) Texians ,you have a good man in Congressman Ron Paul. He has a bill to abolish Federal Reserve System befor Congress. I bet that will get Georgie Bushe's goat! We are all in this cesspool together!
Pthfndr, I live in the Republic of Kalifornia and I for one will be out of this prison camp as soon as I can unload this house. When you have a dictatorship running the state and the peoples vote means nothing at all it is time to leave like a lot of other already have. Look at our politicians Boxer, Feinstein, Parata, Davis just to mention a few who are all two face lying back stabbing idiots. You mention where all the money is being made, I see you failed to mention the higher taxes, gas prices, cost of living, registration fees for cars, SMOG Checks, and cost of buying real-estate. Sorry you have not convinced me to stay in this Communist ran state. If you like here you may stay, but for me I will be headed back to Arizona or Nevada first chance I get.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
if Launguage is a virus
then politics is a plague

awhile ago some radicals in this country bashed the Kings English politics...

The socialist state of california should not be allowed to spread further. We need a political fire break of some sort.

sometimes amputation saves the patient

IMHO, Advocates of the 2nd amendment should boycot California exports

As a Californian, I also get a little tired of the California-bashing on these forums (I also post, as DJB, to - when its working).

I think one of the problems is that people complain about California on these gun-related sites, as if the Californians who read these sites voted for Feinstein, Boxer, Davis, etc. I sure didn't. How would you react if we bashed you and all AMERICANS because of our restrictive NATIONAL gun laws? When you gripe about California HERE, you risk offending the the very Californians who are trying to turn things around in our state.

I also find it a little humorous to read about how people moved here for a few months, learned what an evil place it is, and got out ASAP. California is a big state. Its kind of like a foreigner moving to New York City for a couple of months and deciding that America is a miserable place to live. I grew up in rural Northern California. Used to shoot at ground squirrels off my back porch daily. Hunted dove, deer, etc. all over my county and others. It was nearly an ideal place for a shooter to live. I think many parts of rural California still are.

No question we've got our problems. And the gun laws being promoted frustrate me greatly. But lets not just run away from the problem - California has its share of conservatives too (remember where Regan came from?). If we stay and vote, we can turn things around. And as has been pointed out, what starts here tends to spread (like it or not).
I grew up in SoCal (Riverside), and left in '87. The only things I miss about it are the weather and the beaches. Period.

Yeah, I bash on Calis. Having been subjected to the mass insanity there for 18 years, and having lived in other states since, I think I've earned the privilege.

Earthquakes and landslides have nothing to do with the sheer lunacy that pervades every aspect of life in Cali. It's the majority of the sheeple that sets my teeth on edge.

Perhaps the lab at Berzerkley where the first batch of acid was developed has affected the rest of the state...
Pthfndr, good, now lets continue to bash the liberal, anti gun California that we all know, and I would not set foot in the state on a bet!

Instead of ranting about our rantings, do something to make a change! GLV
Well I gotta speak out here in support of California. I live here, have gone to school here and been a native of San Francisco for most of my life. And let me tell you one thing... Even though the gun laws here are admittedly strict, I would like to live nowhere else. I have visted up and down the East Coast, around the Midwest, and when I go to each of those places I remember so much why I love California. No where in the US can compare to what CA has. Nowhere else has the great weather and inherent beauty of CA. If anyone has visited Yosemite you'll know what I mean. Now I know most of you wouldn't be caught dead living in SF or LA, but for me I love the big city and that's my flavor. Damn it, i'll even say it.. I'm a democrat.. but a gun lovin' one at that.. :)

Oh and Coineach, I do go to college at Riverside, and must say it sucks like s**t compared to SF. You just probably had a bad experience.

You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T," I'm the "GUNS OF NAVARONE."

- Jules