Showing weakness in mid-east will only get us this....


Thanks for trying to help him out.....

I'm gonna come to Alaska with some Lamb, coss coss and some real strong coffee....We gonna sit around solve this whole mid-east mess..

And you think if the Colonel hadn't kissed the Koran, the same group would have been silent, and not called for more punishment? OK

<sigh> Is it really so difficult to understand? The point is exactly opposite of what you said... the muslims would have called for more punishment in any case... it was completely unnecessary for an active member of the US military to kiss the koran in a show of submission. Acts of submission from infidels do not gain you favor in the muslim world. What he did will be taken as a sign of weakness.

The Colonel overreached on the apology, though I am convinced the Bush admin may have suggested the submissive act.

Its our daily muslim bash, please pick up a stick and join in....

Of course. If anyone has an opinion that differs from a you, it is bashing. Of course.
'm gonna come to Alaska with some Lamb, coss coss and some real strong coffee....We gonna sit around solve this whole mid-east mess..

Thats the spirit! Come visit! I can handle it! Cous cous and lamb! Summer Solstice Semite Party :)

The President of Blaser USA, who is Turkish, is gonna make sure that I consume vast quantities of Donner Kebab and Raki (Arack) when we are down at the Blaser factory! Slurp that strong coffee to sober up for more Raki...

WA does Germany....insert [somewierdprefix]wurst in mouth with Beer oneday, Kebab and Raki the next!

Gun related: the Blaser factory is in Baden-Wurtenburg...anyone know what the best beer is down there?...or is it gonna just be, Bitte, ein Bitt.....

WildmeanthetiefgotitallfiguredoutAlaska ™
If it's German beer, it'll be good stuff regardless; I like the weiss beer (wheat beer) on a hot day. Just say "zwei bier, bitte", and have one for me too :-)
Of course. If anyone has an opinion that differs from a you, it is bashing. Of course.

Of course its "bashing". If anyone has an opinion that differes from yours its "bashing".

Thats better. I took out the second "of course" and threw some qoutes around the bashing part. Please continue....


I'm so there. You can school me on Nagant Revolvers, Mauser's and seecamps. In return I'll teach you how to run off rubes, jokers and rubber neckers from your store in Arabic.

Solstice Semite Party

The bands are being booked and tie-dyes being made. You still got that Garcia Beard?
In return I'll teach you how to run off rubes, jokers and rubber neckers from your store in Arabic.

Dude if we are gonna do that, lets do Ethiopian Amharic too! Its related! Haile Selasse is our brother, we are white Rastas!

Saalaam. Shalom. Se-lam.

The bands are being booked and tie-dyes being made. You still got that Garcia Beard?

Hell yeah...but I got a haircut:o

WildoneloveAlaska TM

hey did you know we kiss Torahs too although me and torah havent smooched in many years :)