Should you carry your pistol at home?

This kind of reminds me of my first crime scene preservation class. The instructor would flash a picture up of a location and ask, "Is this a crime scene?" He would keep doing that with random looking photos until we started saying yes to every picture. "Right, every place is a potential crime scene!"
Mine are always on me when I am home.

Watching a move, cooking, eating, napping, cleaning, etc.

It's only off me when I'm showering and asleep. Those two times, it's 1 foot away from me.
I've got to ask: does anyone really like carrying a gun? While there may be some special occasions where I like to carry one of my more unique guns, just to show off a little, there's nothing much I like about carrying my little Diamondback DB9. It's heavier than a cell phone and one more dern thing in addition to wallet, cell phone and keys I need to remember and keep track of.

I hate my cell phone and can't stand my wad of keys. I tolerate my wallet. My gun is about on-par with my cell phone and I use it much much less!

I'm just being real here. While I do like guns, I don't particularly enjoy carrying one.
If I leave the house, I carry. If I am in the house I do not. Not to imply that some do, but I choose not to live in fear.
This phrase irks me, especially when used by others that support gun rights.

It's almost like I knew someone would pick up on that :) Maybe it is a matter of terminology or semantics... I don't mean to imply that carrying is a matter of terrified trigger happy gun-owners shooting at shadows and squirrels.

Perhaps better stated would be: When I leave home, I am subjecting myself to more variables than at home so I deem it worth carrying. At home I feel that I am close enough to a defensive option that I don't carry. Maybe that will change someday, and hopefully it doesn't change because of a tragedy!
Skans, I don't necessarily like carrying a gun around the house, the subject at hand. Whether my LCP is in a jean pocket (when my grandkids are around) or clipped AIWB, I just don't give it any thought. I don't have to worry about keeping track of it, I know exactly where it is. It is light enough that it doesn't require a belt and works with jeans or drawstring pants or shorts. If I am out and about I usually wear a compact 9 AIWB. I may sometimes have trouble keeping up with my cell phone, wallet, or keys, but I always know where my pistol is.
I'm just being real here. While I do like guns, I don't particularly enjoy carrying one

Yep, exactly how I feel. I have carried for years now and carrying is never as comfortable as not carrying, physically anyway. Mentally, the firearm obviously provides me a sense of security. As for carrying while I am at home, I don't, probably never will but I understand why people do. To each their own.
I hate my cell phone and can't stand my wad of keys. I tolerate my wallet. My gun is about on-par with my cell phone and I use it much much less!

I'm just being real here. While I do like guns, I don't particularly enjoy carrying one.

The good thing is that when I am at home I just pocket carry my P3AT and have my cell phone with me. Gotta be comfortable when at home!
While I do like guns, I don't particularly enjoy carrying one.


Gotta be comfortable when at home!

I have to agree. My solution (So far; the search may be endless) is an unobtrusive holster. Specifically, a Don Hume JIT slide holster sized for the 1911. When I’m around the house I’m usually clad in my cargo shorts with pocket polo shirt over and the holster/gun worn at about the 8:30 position for cross draw. My P32 drops right in, is secure, and I hardly notice it, even when lounging on the couch watching the "news".

As an added comfort, if I decide to go out, it's easy to change:

Outside (lawn work, etc.), I don my work pants (retired jeans or khakis) with pocket polo and put my Star M40 in the JIT slide which is already attached to the pants.


Out and around, to grocery or the like, I wear my “dress” jeans (the ones with no holes in them ;)) and a Pocket Polo shirt worn untucked with my Para Ord LDA Carry 45 in the JIT slide (as above, already attached: I have three of these, maybe four. They are not expensive).

Works for me.

I have kids, I have neighbors, I have an active lifestyle that just does not allow me to carry 100% of the time at home. If I leave the house, I carry. If I am in the house I do not. Not to imply that some do, but I choose not to live in fear. I am prepared for the worst to happen, but I make choices and decide when it is worth it to carry and when it isn't.

If someone came into my backyard and started shooting, might I regret it? I would. But would I definitely regret not being able to tackle my 5 year old or get in a hose fight with my wife or any number of other scenarios that are simply not practical for carrying around the house? YES.

That said I do have means of self defense within a few yards most of the time. And a vicious labrador that will lick any intruder to the bone !

My choice.

Very well said.

No wife or kids here anymore, but I fondly remember those days!
Well, I know a dude who knows a dude who's the next-door-neighbor of a dude (actually a 70+ something widower) who is said to wear nothing while going about his business inside his house - but who always keeps a loaded M1 Garand within reach ... particularly at night, while lounging nude in his "comfy" chair by the fireplace, dog at his side, and watching a blaring DVD. :eek:

When it comes to weapons and at-home behavior, some folks are just all about their preferences and peculiars ... :cool:
I think if a man wants to relax in his own home nekkid it is OK with me. If his weapon of choice while doing so is an M1 Garand so be it. A 1911 would be a good supplemental choice while keeping the same nostalgic theme.:D
Constantine, I tried to clarify my statement, but maybe you didn't read that.

I am not saying anyone here is hiding in their house armed to the teeth because any second someone is going to come after them... though I know some of those people that choose paranoia (extreme) and it impedes their ability to enjoy life.

Again, it is everyone's choice, and a decision we all have to make. Personally, with my circumstances, I choose not to be armed 24/7. If I lived in a really scary part of the world, or there was some kind of major shift in this country/state, maybe I would think differently. Preeeettttty sure I get an opinion, correct me if I'm wrong :D
Constantine, I tried to clarify my statement, but maybe you didn't read that.

To be fair, I didn't read that apparent clarification.

To also be fair, with the rest of your post, nothing was really "clarified" much.

Of course you get an opinion! Silly, silly, man...

I wish you would reconsider though. I also wish my fiance would get the ball rolling on her CWP. Can't have it all, huh? lol. Be safe!
As I read this I am sitting safely at home wearing a Ruger LC9s in a shoulder holster. I just got the holster yesterday.

I often carry around the house, not because I feel threatened, but to get used to carrying. That's what I'm doing now. Getting used to the feel of the holster and a new carry method. I did the same when I got a kydex IWB holster for it a few months ago, and again when the new OWB holster arrived. I do this for about a month with each new gun/holster combo.

This way when I leave the house and have to choose an all-day carry method, I won't have to adjust and be uncomfortable. And, it doesn't hurt anything to have my LC9s handy, even if I do feel safe.

I say yes, but it's purely out of self defense, and I can give a specific example. I had taken my carry piece off and left it in the house to do some maintenance work on my vehicle. I was polishing the headlights when out of nowhere a loose dog came up and attacked me in my own driveway.

After being bitten by the Bandog, and bleeding like a stuck pig, I was forced to defend myself with the cordless drill I was using to polish my headlights.

Now I make it a point to wear a gun when I'm at home, particularly when I'm outside in front of the fenced area. Doing yard work and other similar activities make for some uncomfortable carrying though.
* * * I can give a specific example. I had taken my carry piece off and left it in the house to do some maintenance work on my vehicle. I was polishing the headlights when out of nowhere a loose dog came up and attacked me in my own driveway. After being bitten by the Bandog, and bleeding like a stuck pig, I was forced to defend myself with the cordless drill I was using to polish my headlights.

Good gawd, man, that's yet another reason to keep an M1 always within reach - in '06 or 7.62, doesn't matter.

It'll keep unwanted, aggressive pooches OFF your driveway, along with anything else that you don't happen to need aggravation from at the moment.

Just do it. You can thank me later. :D
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Good gawd, man, that's yet another reason to keep an M1 always within reach - in '06 or 7.62, doesn't matter.

Indeed! if you do a Google search for "Bandog" you'll see the kind of animal it was. I may be old and fat, but I managed to fight off the beast. I did have to make a trip to Urgent Care though. The fight lasted long enough that I had time to wish I had not taken off my holstered handgun earlier and left it in the house.
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Nothing says "Stay the hell off my lawn!" like working around the house while open carrying! ;) I generally carry a gun around the house. I tend to run to the store or run other sudden errands and its a PITA to have to go fetch a gun before doing whatever needs doing.

Then too....when civilians need firearms they tend to need them suddenly and badly.