Should Smith and Wesson be trusting NutNFancy to promote its products?

As I said before- take the content for whatever you can get out of it.

To me, it matters if the presenter presents himself as Rambo when he's really just dressing up & blustering.

The guys who have genuinely gone, been & done don't make such a point of theatrics.

I dislike a poseur. Particularly a juvenile poseur who creates a self-image to project, and then goes on to repeatedly post embarrassingly bad & inept commentary, from behind the anonymity of a stage name.

He does have his worshippers.
He does put out useful material.

He's just not the legend in his own mind that he thinks he is. :)

That's showbiz.

Edited to add: And with the above, I think the original question's been answered, so I'm outa this one. :)
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Not a huge NutNfancy fan, what he finds to make a good gun is not necessarily what I find to make a good gun. The guy is WAY too obsessed with the weight of a particular gun, and will write off a gun completely if he thinks it weights too much. He praises and puts his Keltec PF9 over far superior guns just because of how light the Keltec is. The weight of a gun at least to me is literally the least of my concerns.

You talk about how ridiculously particular nutn is about weight, but then right after you give your opinion about how weight to you doesn't matter? Who should I listen too? I say both of you and then come to my own conclusion on what works FOR ME. Nutn does reviews. He goes into a desert and runs guns and other gear pretty hard. He then takes his experience and mixes them in with facts, specs and opinions and gives them to the person watching his vids.

He does a lot of hiking and carries ALOT of gear with him so yes the keltec weight is a big deal for him. Is there far more superior guns then a PF9? Yes there is but when your hiking with a lot of weight already then yes ounces do count and if you can shoot good with a kel tec and its lighter then a 5" Wilson combat 1911 then it makes sense to take it. Maybe if you didn't fast forward you would hear him explain that.

Imo he's done a lot to further the 2A. People like that is what we need in the times were living in
I think Nutnfancy is the best gun reviewer out there, PERIOD.

Just take the time and watch one of his reviews on a particular gun. Yes, they are long. When he reviews a gun, he will fire hundreds if not thousands of rounds through it and put it to hard use sometimes over the course of YEARS before posting some of the most informative, detailed and honest information you are going to find ANYWHERE. Yes, some might find him a bit hard to take, and some wish his videos were shorter, but just watch one and you'll see that the 40-60+ minutes are packed with great info.

And it's all for free, with very little BS.

So do I think S&W is right in endorsing Nutnfancy?

I absolutely do.
What I said its one thing to review a firearm on a forum or youtube. It doesnt matter what your qualifications. However, when your reviews hit.a certain level like being placed on the Smith and Wesson website I have to question things a bit. Of course, S&W does what it has to do to move product...
His lack of training shows in the video, when he fires a pistol either from the draw or if its already in the draw he presents it on target with the barrel pointed to the sky. This is an amateur move that would have been solved with actual training, and anyone who has minimal training would recognize it. He sets his equipment up to look cool instead of to be practical, if anyone here can tell me what the purpose is of having a sheath knife mounted on the back of your shoulder, I would love to hear it. I've seen/carried plenty of things mounted there, typically in a short piece piece of PVC pipe, to include breaching tools (haligans, sledges, bolt cutters, a pistol gripped Mossberg breaching shotgun) but never a sheath knife sticking up over the top of your shoulder. He is literally trying to show off as much cool-guy gear as humanly possible with no purpose other than to look cool.

Yes he is a guy that is living a pretty sweet life, but he's trying to present the image of being something he isn't, so I don't watch the videos.

If you feel that he's got something to teach you, by all means watch him.
His reviews seem too long winded...
He does love the sound of his own voice.
No one has been asking for Hickok45's resume...
The difference is that he doesn't claim, nor even hint or imply that he has any special knowledge or experience.
If you guys don't consider Nutn "qualified", then where do you fall on that same scale?
No one has to be qualified to do a review. Someone who's never held a gun could do a review on a gun based purely on how they think it looks. It's only when someone states, suggests or even implies that they are specially qualified to do a review that their qualifications come into question.
I am not the biggest fan of NnF's review style either, but there is some good information in his reviews that is very helpful.
That sums it up. If he provides accurate information that you can't find elsewhere (or even to confirm what you find elsewhere) then the reviews are useful.

I like reviews, not necessarily because I care much about the opinions, experience, or qualifications of the reviewers but because a good review provides information you can't get from a company website or an advertisement. Would I buy a gun because NutNFancy likes it? No. Would I buy one because Kyle Lamb likes it? No. Would I buy one because Jerry Miculek likes it? Again no. But would I be interested in listening to/watching/reading a review of a gun that interests me by one of those three folks? Sure. And maybe the information they provide would help me make a decision one way or another.

In other words, a review that amounts to: "You should (should not) buy this gun because I like it (hate it) and I'm an expert." is useless to me. A review that provides useful information about the gun is useful whether or not I agree with the reviewer in terms of making a buying decision.
So do I think S&W is right in endorsing Nutnfancy?
If S&W links to one of his videos, it's because they like the content of THAT video. Is that a S&W endorsement of all his other videos? Hardly. Is that S&W confirming that NutNFancy speaks for them? Not a chance. All it means is that the particular video (or videos) they linked to meet with their approval.
Glockstar .40 said:
You talk about how ridiculously particular nutn is about weight, but then right after you give your opinion about how weight to you doesn't matter? Who should I listen too? I say both of you and then come to my own conclusion on what works FOR ME. Nutn does reviews. He goes into a desert and runs guns and other gear pretty hard. He then takes his experience and mixes them in with facts, specs and opinions and gives them to the person watching his vids.

He does a lot of hiking and carries ALOT of gear with him so yes the keltec weight is a big deal for him. Is there far more superior guns then a PF9? Yes there is but when your hiking with a lot of weight already then yes ounces do count and if you can shoot good with a kel tec and its lighter then a 5" Wilson combat 1911 then it makes sense to take it. Maybe if you didn't fast forward you would hear him explain that.

I get it, you are a big Nutnfancy fan, but don't assume I just fast forwarded through his explanations just because I didn't agree with what he said. When you compare a Keltec PF9 to a 5" 1911 then sure weight is a bigger issue, but comparing guns of comparable size and weight he will write off guns completely just because they weigh a bit more, and he always brings out that Keltec as a comparison. Sure weight matters when you are carrying a bunch of gear through the desert, but so does the quality of gear you carry, and I think quality is far more important than weight. And lets be honest, 99% of his audience are civilians who don't carry full combat loads through the desert, so those 3 extra ounces that he will bash a gun for and write off aren't nearly as much of a concern for the average person. My point is, there are far more important things when selecting a gun than weight, which seems to be his determining factor when deciding on guns. Like I said, the average civilians aren't carrying combat loads through the desert where a few extra ounces will make a huge difference.
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It's marketing, who gives a hoot. S&W also gave the clowns from American Guns their own special edition J-frame. As for Nutnfancy, I agree with most others; long winded, a bit aragoant but does more good than anything else.
I get it, you are a big Nutnfancy fan, but don't assume I just fast forwarded through his explanations just because I didn't agree with what he said. When you compare a Keltec PF9 to a 5" 1911 then sure weight is a bigger issue, but comparing guns of comparable size and weight he will write off guns completely just because they weigh a bit more, and he always brings out that Keltec as a comparison. Sure weight matters when you are carrying a bunch of gear through the desert, but so does the quality of gear you carry, and I think quality is far more important than weight. And lets be honest, 99% of his audience are civilians who don't carry full combat loads through the desert, so those 3 extra ounces that he will bash a gun for and write off aren't nearly as much of a concern for the average person. My point is, there are far more important things when selecting a gun than weight, which seems to be his determining factor when deciding on guns. Like I said, the average civilians aren't carrying combat loads through the desert where a few extra ounces will make a huge difference.

Well I wouldn't call myself a BIG Nutnfancy fan. I do like most of his videos though....your right maybe the 1911 comparison was a bit much. Nutn has a list of talking points that he uses to review each gun. Size and weight is one of these talking points so yes he favors lighter guns but that didn't stop him from giving the GP100 a great review. Other talking points are philosophy of use and cost. All these points go into his reviews for EVERY gun. So of course when he gets to weight and cost the PF9 gets favored. Its a cheap gun that doesn't weigh anything! He likes the kel tec because it's what works for him. He shoots and owns ALOT of different guns and yet his go to gun is the PF9 for some of the time. I'm guessing that's because his is reliable. If it wasn't then I doubt he would choose it to defend his families life with.
His other favorite gun is a Glock. Do you have issues with that? Or do you feel a sig is more superior so he should go with a P226?
His other favorite gun is a Glock. Do you have issues with that? Or do you feel a sig is more superior so he should go with a P226?

Considering I have a Glock 17 sitting next to me as I type this I have no problem with that. But comparing a Glock to a Sig to me is different than comparing a Keltec to say an XD or Shield. Keltec in my mind is a budget gun, and if that's all someone can afford at the time than I cant hold that against them. But he literally bashes guns and will write them off completely just because they weigh 3 or 4 ounces more than his Keltec PF9, guns which are far superior in build quality. I have seen him do the same with rifles too just because they weigh a little bit more than another rifle. Weight alone shouldn't be a determining factor, and many times in his reviews, even if he doesn't come outright and say it, it does seem to be the determining factor many times for him.
He's the greatest internet authority on inventing new three-letter acronyms :-) I've grown from anti-nutnfanciness to semi-fanboydom.
Speaking of the S&W and NnF relationship, S&W doesn't seem to care when the Nut gets one of their details wrong.

Noted on his R8 and TRR8 video that one of them had standard rifling and the other had polygonal rifling. That seemed somewhat strange, since I thought the main difference between the revolver models was the fixed vs. removable rail.

Contacted S&W and they confirmed that both models had the same, standard rifling. Yet, there remains the NnF video link at the S&W TRR8 and R8 windows.
Seems like a few here should get a YouTube channel or give S&W a call....they might have a new career.:D

Nuttin is getting his image because he is popular and accessible. Not because he's an authority. Not sure why this is causing such a ruckus and hate. I have a very distinct dislike for his YouTube channel and schtick, but I don't pick his thing apart. It is what it is. Don't hate him because he "made it".

Edit: wow that polygonal rifling detail is pretty bad lol. The guy is a real goof. I wonder what he would do if he didn't have this hobby as an outlet.
Edit: wow that polygonal rifling detail is pretty bad lol. The guy is a real goof. I wonder what he would do if he didn't have this hobby as an outlet.

Not sure if that is sarcasm or not.

It just seems like a strange detail to get wrong. Did he pass on "what somebody said" when they looked down a barrel and couldn't see the lands? Makes you wonder where he gets his facts.
Keltec in my mind is a budget gun, and if that's all someone can afford at the time than I cant hold that against them.

I agree with you wholeheartedly about kel tec. I'm not a fan of them at all( though I may pick up a ksg at some point). I'd take my shield or Glock 26 or Cm9 over that for edc any day of the week even if they are a few more ounces. But that's what works for me and my needs. Yours may be different so are nutn's. I've never heard him bash a good gun (sheild, g26, XDS etc) just because it weighs more then the kel Tec. In fact he says they make great carry guns. So I guess I don't see your point or I missed that video.

I have seen him give the PF9 a lot more glory then I think it deserves. But he says his is 100% reliable so why not carry it if that's what works for him? Isn't that what we tell people here on TFL? Get a reliable gun that you shoot well and carry that.
I think it actually says a lot about his PF9! He can afford a different gun and he has many different ones but he still keeps it in the carry rotation.
I am very surprised that you could not find any info on NutNfancy since it is easily found. A lot of manufacturers point to what they consider to be the best review of their product. It does not mean anything other than they consider it the most favorable review of them product. NutNfancy is usually right on the mark with his reviews and all of them are very professional. I do not fast forward to the conclusion because I cannot make an informed decision based on a Yay or Nay at the end. I need to know it the gun hits all of the buttons for my needs even if it gets an OK from someone.

Compared to most other gun reviews that spend half of the time showing the unboxing and the gun without any mention of how it performs and what its best uses are, NF's reviews are a breath of fresh air, even when I disagree with him. There are lots of opinions out there but I only pay attention to the informed ones. The uninformed ones are for entertainment value only. Admittedly, NF seems to wish he was in the Army like some of us so that he could wear all of that tactical stuff he wears when he practices, but we all cannot be combat soldiers. Someone has to support the ground troops. :) Just kidding.
In my opinion, I value ANYONE who thoroughly reviews a gun on youtube, so long as it includes pictures of takedown and the internals. If it functions, it functions - I don't need to see someone shooting the gun, unless it does something really cool, like firing on the pull AND release of the trigger, full-auto, cleans itself after use, etc. Otherwise, I just want to see good pictures of the gun and its internals.

In fact, 90% of the time, when I watch gun youtubes, I leave the sound on mute. I just want to see the gun, not hear a bunch of chatter about "ergonomics" and other such nonsense.

To me, a good youtube review of a gun would:

1. Start with a few seconds of high-quality, close up images of the gun's two sides; top, muzzle, and rear;

2. Then immediately go into take-down and then show me really high quality images of the action, parts, special design features, etc. If you want to completely disassemble it it, great, just be fast and proficient when doing this.

3. Add a torture true test - this is always fun to watch.
The guy wants a show on Discover channel or something similar.

Not too far out there of an idea when you consider the other goofy dinguses they gave gun TV shows to recently.

He has a following and can apparently sell stuff via enthusiasm and placement. Not sure why it's hard to figure that out? Facts are secondary in today's world.
Should Smith and Wesson be trusting NutNFancy to promote it's products?

I enjoy reading NutNFancy reviews. He seems to be very through and fair. I know he's a very good shot with both handguns (left or right handed) and rifles. I also know he rides a motorcycle very well so he can't be all bad. Shoot safe my friends.
I don't like nutnfancy - he likes his own voice a bit too much. But I respect him and the effort. Seems to be an honest dude. I trust his reviews.

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