Should Smith and Wesson be trusting NutNFancy to promote its products?

My original point was basically it would be nice to see what qualifies someone to review a firearm. Of course there are regular Joe average reviews, but there are also expert reviews. NutnFancy could be extremely qualified, but he doesnt let on too much...
An excellent way of putting it. :)

Hard to find ANYBODY with what you could call an all-encompassing background to authoritatively cover everything from kukries through hunting rifles to semi-battle rifles to hunting handguns to recreational firearms to "combat" handguns.

If you have a basic background in guns & knives, over a period of time anybody can build up a personal database for use in comparing this product against that product, in certain contexts, without having spent 30 years on a Seal team, traveling to Africa multiple times, surviving for a year in the wilds of Tanganyika with only a single blade for gear, or being involved in dozens of shootouts with a variety of handguns.

He's done enough of that hands-on use to form a foundation for opinions & comps.
He can say "I found this rifle wasn't quite as easy to run as that rifle", and so on.
Those data points can be useful.
And should be considered as what they are:

Single-sample impressions, with results he found in his hands & under his conditions.
You add his info to the rest of your info sources & accept or reject.
Nutnfancy is cool with me. I've watched quite a few of his product reviews, some before, and some after I've bought something. The guy gives things a fair assessment based on his purpose for the item and his experience. If I was going to go buy a new firearm like an M&P, I'd watch one of his videos to see how the thing ran for him. Why not? I don't care about his background, or level of expertise. I can see in the video exactly what he's doing so his tactical ninja experience level isn't important anyway. I mean... Who did we trust to peddle guns before there were navy seals and professional competitors pitching for your favorite gun brand? He gives a fair shake to the products as far as I can see and is relatable to Mister Everyman.
Always find Nutn's vids to be very well structured and unbiased. He brings good comparative logic to those viewers that might not know otherwise. Nutn's a good resource when shopping for a firearm and your not sure exactly what will suit your needs.
It doesn't bother me that someone other than Green Berets or SWAT members review firearms and equipment; though someone actually using that equipment in real life, serious situations gets extra bonus points.

I do find Nutn' Fancy to be long winded and self-aggrandizing. I will sometimes watch his reviews of products which interest me, but I use the fast forward button a lot. I like others better, such as Hickok45; not because they have better "credentials" but because they don't show such huge egos. Hicock45, in particular, is not afraid to poke some fun at himself. He's a bit long winded, too, sometimes but it's easier to take.

I do understand why SW would link to Nutn' Fancy's video reviews. Whatever you might think of him, he has lots of viewers.
My original point was basically it would be nice to see what qualifies someone to review a firearm.

Looking at this from another perspective, have you ever asked someone on TFL who's taken the time to review a gun what their qualifications are?
Why should it be any different on YT.
No one has been asking for Hickok45's resume...

What qualifies him to review guns is that he takes probably a lot of time (and money) to produce one of those reviews and then uploads it. End of.
From there on in it's all down to the viewers to decide.

YT is entirely free to the end-user and as end-users we are free to watch or ignore whatev (ahem, sorry, whatever) we choose.

Nowhere is there a YT charter stating that information broadcast therein is guaranteed any certified content.

He's doing what he enjoys. People enjoy how he does it. YT, I believe, gives some sort of renumeration for subscriptions so presumably he's getting something out of it too.

So to recap: he's having fun and getting some compensation for it through YT. Viewers like it and subscribe and S&W is getting free advertising.

That's all there is to it.
Buck said:
And btw - I'm good for about 5 minutes of him talking myself as, if there's a long way to get to a point - that's the route he takes with side trips down numerous rabbit holes along the way...

On the other does look like he's having fun in the desert with guns...

That's about where I land as well. Nutnfancy's ample ego doesn't bother me. He offers his opinion and doesn't demand agreement.

What he does possess is both a childish enthusiasm and an ability to articulate the enthusiasm in the youtube format. There is a lot of video out there by people who are poor public speakers and who haven't organized their thoughts.

Jerry Miculek is endearing because he is clearly amazing, but doesn't appear to need to use that to buttress his self-esteem. Another fellow whose videos I think are well done are the Vuurwapenblog fellow's. I don't concur with him on everything, but he conveys his points effectively and succinctly; you can tell that he is a competent writer.
Miculek I HAVE met. Talked to him twice over the years.

If the guy has an ego, he doesn't parade it around. :)
He certainly could be considered worthy of one, considering his accomplishments, but he's a quiet-spoken athlete with genuine talent that goes far beyond a video camera & a Youtube channel.
If you guys don't consider Nutn "qualified", then where do you fall on that same scale? I get it that the SOF guys might not be able to raise their hands in this crowd....but how about the rest of you?:D

He's the Glenn Beck of the GunTubes, but he can shoot, shoots a ton, and knows his stuff.

At the very least, his reviews give people ways to validate and qualify their equipment and methods that they had not thought about before. He comes a product from all angles.
If you spend the time, you can find references to him being a commercial pilot, his military flight experience being with the Utah National Guard, and his being deployed once, in 1999, with a note that he logged no hours at all during that deployment.

His "warrior" persona, displayed in various videos, is a joke, as is much of his expressed philosophies on related subjects.

He has been a member of his local neighborhood watch, which is the apparent extent of his "working with law enforcement".

He embarrassed himself with a notable display of ego, "But- I'm NUT'NFANCY!!!!" about three years ago at the ESEE booth at that year's SHOT Show when he thought he was important enough to be catered to ahead of the crowd at a very busy booth, and had to be told repeatedly by ESEE people to wait his turn.

An acquaintance of mine encountered him at a local gunshop in the SL Valley once, complete with adoring entourage.
Ego was made greatly manifest.

Some of his spoutings are embarrassing.
Sheep? Sheepdogs?

"When people hear that, you know the sheep will say 'Gosh I'm glad I wasn't on that plane (Flight 93), gosh I'm so glad.' What does a sheepdog say? He says I wish I WAS on that plane, so that I could have saved lives, so that I could have put an end to the suffering that was that day. Awww, sheepdogs, I love you guys."

Get what you can from his reviews, but if you place any credence in the geared-up Mighty Warrior (Trademark) façade in his videos, might want to re-think it.

Hadn't intended to go quite this far, but the guy's just not held in high regard by professionals.
I would much rather see IraqiVeteran8888 referenced alongside a firearm product, than NutNFancy.
....And I used to converse regularly with IV8^4, when he was a "nobody" that was continually 'blown away' by some of the things that garage tinkerers were doing with bullet swaging, bullet casting, and home-built firearms. (His interest in, and attempts to duplicate some of those things, are where he got started.)
So, I happen to know quite well that IraqiVeteran8888 has had hardly any time to become an expert on anything. ...But I still respect views infinitely more than NutNFancy.
Well these days, you can't block out the verbose "super tactical" and other imaginary gurus; if you did, the gun community would fall silent.
I like how the OP opens with the query of trust, and then immediately goes into an evaluation of the length of delivery, as if one had anything to do with the other. Several other folks have made disparaging style-related comments. Style isn't a trust issue.

If appreciation of style was a trust issue, I would buy everything Ken Hackathorn and Mas Ayoob sold and ignore everything from Clint Smith, Jerry Miculek, and several others whose style I don't particularly care for. However, style really should not be your basis of trust. If it is, then you are likely making some decisions on a flawed basis.

The OP then confuses the issue between the opening title of whether S&W should trust NnF or if he should trust NnF. These are two completely different issues all together. On the former, it isn't so much that S&W trusts NnF as much as S&W feels like NnF does a good job of promoting their product, plain and simple. S&W has made their their decision for their reasons.

So we get around to the truly salient but otherwise not actually stated query of what qualifies a person as a reviewer? That is a good question, but being qualified does not necessarily mean being trustworthy and vice versa. After all, Gecko45 was founding member of IDPA before going over the deep end or Gabe Saurez was widely trusted before his fraud conviction. Does being a pistol competitor qualify you as a reviewer? How about being a cop? Does running a gun forum qualify you? Does being a firearms instructor? What about "in country" experience? I know a guy with 4 years of "combat experience" in Vietnam that never fired a rifle at the enemy. He was on a Howitzer crew and then command. Is he qualified to review holsters and rifles and such?

One of the common posts I see are endorsements from normal folks of big name people where they say, "If it is good enough for ________, then it is good enough for me" where _________ is some person or agency. That is putting a lot of blind trust into that person or agency and assumes that the product in question is being used in a manner, cared for, etc. in a manner that we would, by people with similar abilities as us, and that just isn't the case. We are most likely nothing like the big name reviewers in terms of skills, lifeways, and jobs. So why would we assume their endorsements fit our needs?

It is like I tell my wife about her nav system, "You have to be smarter than the GPS." Well you have to be smarter than the review and the reviewer. It is up to the consumer to fact check. It is up to the consumer to understand biases of the reviewer. It is up to the consumer to understand if a given product being reviewed or endorsed really fits the consumer's needs.

I am not the biggest fan of NnF's review style either, but there is some good information in his reviews that is very helpful. I like to look at the popular reviewers, expert reviewers, and I especially like the Average Joe reviewers and while the Average Joe reviewers are often the goofiest, most ignorant, and least skilled of the reviewers, they often have more in common with me than the likes of Ken Hackathorn, NnF, or Clint Smith. These are the guys that usually buy their own gear, maintain their own gear, and don't have any sort of endorsement biases (though they are often still quite biased in other ways).

I count on all reviews being biased or otherwise problematic, at least relative to my specific needs and my needs likely are not your specific needs. In the end, I worry a whole lot less about whether or not the reviewer is qualified to review a product and a lot more about whether or not I am qualified to make an informed and properly evaluated purchase decision because in the end, it is my money being spent by me.
So we get around to the truly salient but otherwise not actually stated query of what qualifies a person as a reviewer?

I think there is an even more basic question outstanding. Why does one watch any of these YouTube videos?

The automotive analogy I would draw is to Jeremy Clarkson at Top Gear. The man has a very large personality and uses the format of a television automobile review to entertain. However, if you would like to know something about an automobile other than Jeremy Clarkson's last opinion of it, it would be imprudent to rely on his reviews.

Similarly, if you are watching a 45 min. YouTube video about a piece of equipment that this fellow has spray painted tan and would like to discuss, you might like to get some other sources of information if you are primarily interested in item.

I am not a covert, stealthy, high speed/low drag operator. I do not use my rifles as shovels or crowbars. I do not really need any of these things. I just pick up a rifle now and then. If someone wants to pass along his experience with a manufacturer (note how many reviews involve sending an item back to the manufacturer to remedy the problem), that sort of direct experience may require no expertise at all.
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I think there is an even more basic question outstanding. Why does one watch any of these YouTube videos?

I don't.

Watch the videos, I mean. I don't know the guy, never watched his videos, don't care. But, that's just me. I think I know guns in general fairly well, and what I would be interested in is the gun, not the "entertainer" doing a gun review.

The reviewer could claim a background as a ninja turtle, for all I care. If he does a competent review, he does a competent review. If all he gives are unfounded opinions and personal ego stroking, I'm not impressed.

IF S&W is linking to his review, then they are clearly happy with it, and I'm sure have a financial relationship of some sort with him, now. Bully for him, doesn't affect me, and I doubt will be a huge effect for S&W, but if a nominal remittance for the use of his review gets them more profit than without him, its worth it to S&W.
Again- I seriously doubt there's any kind of money flowing to him over it.
I get not dime one from Ruger for linking to any of my stuff they've included on their Facebook page, never have from any other company that's done such links.

I also doubt that S&W's even aware of him being controversial.
Merely taking advantage of the video.

You can, if you look elsewhere on the Internet, find mention of him & his sister removing negative feedback from Youtube & using copyright law to force sites to remove included video snippets in negative reviews of his reviews.

In the case of S&W, I'd imagine the exposure alone would be quite sufficient to satisfy his ego. :)
Not a huge NutNfancy fan, what he finds to make a good gun is not necessarily what I find to make a good gun. The guy is WAY too obsessed with the weight of a particular gun, and will write off a gun completely if he thinks it weights too much. He praises and puts his Keltec PF9 over far superior guns just because of how light the Keltec is. The weight of a gun at least to me is literally the least of my concerns.
I get not dime one from Ruger for linking to any of my stuff

Well this answers/refutes my remark about a company linking to a site without exercising some control over that site.

Thanks for the information.

I STILL have to believe it must constantly concern or scare the legal department and/or the publicity department.

You of course wouldn't do this but some site might change their content after the company links to it and say something completely different. The company could pull their link and issue an explanation and denial but it seems it would be a real pain.

Again thanks for setting me straight on this point.
I think Nutn does a damn good job at reviewing. I prefer a longer review rather than a 2 minute "walk around" video with no usefull info. He approaches his final analysis from many angles and i like that. And ego? Who gives a rat's a$$. Just because u feel a guy is a douche doesnt mean he cant give a good review. He is who he is. Id rather have someone do a review their own way than
Listen to some tool read a scripted statement off a teleprompter while wearing a tshirt with the company's logo on it. THOSE are the people u should not trust to review something.

So what if hes not a SEAL. Do SEALS compare 3,4,5 guns against each other? No they train with what the mission calls for and are handed. I have a friend thats ex-military and cannot tell you anything about guns, only how to shoot and clean an M4 he was issued. Rounds down range are rounds down range no matter who u are and Nutn def puts alot of it out of the guns he reviews. The gun does not know or care who is behind the trigger. The more rounds a person fires with a certain gun the more qualified they are to speak on that given gun. It does not matter if he's Rambo or an accountant.