Shotgun for home defense, weaknesses and strong points

Shotguns are part of every American Kid's memories and skill sets

A shotgun is a proven platform in civilian usage, and one of the main reasons is, EXPERIENCE!

More folks have more actually shooting experience with shotguns than rifles due to the habits of America's hunting families. Every kid worth his salt grew up with a shotgun, a beagle, and a box of shells, all shot by mid-day Saturday.

Deer rifles are shot by most the week before season, maybe half-a-box to sight in, then into the field where no shots are fired on most days of hunting...

Everyone is experienced, thus confident with the shotgun. This is tantamount to a smile, it comes naturally, as everyday things do!!!
Biggest weakness is that too many think it's a mere matter of "point and pull" and they need no special training on it. Plus manipulating a long arm in the dark or bad light when you've just woken up out of a sound sleep, can't find your glasses, are note sure what you've heard or who you are facing.
many think it's a mere matter of "point and pull"

And they would be right! Point and shoot is the highest level of up close and personal shooting!

When I first started Martial Arts I thought a punch was just a punch. After mastering the art I found out that a punch is just a punch...

Point and shooting is just point and shooting.
I would think a well hidden home defense weapon is prefered, lest one arrive home from shopping and find a well armed burglar (with your gun), waiting for you.
I would think a well hidden home defense weapon is prefered, lest one arrive home from shopping and find a well armed burglar (with your gun), waiting for you.
It depends on how big your house is and how clever you are. ;)
I would rather my wife have a 10/22 and 25 round mag that I know she can absolutely place bullets where and when she wants to than a shotgun or handgun she doesn't like, or is afraid of. Fortunately my wife loves my AR and its mag of HP's. Whtever you are comfortable, accurate with, and is reliable use it.
Actually, a properly working 10/22 isn't half bad for HD. It's small, light, holds lots of rounds and can be fired very fast, even one handed if need be. If I had children, this is what I'd train them to use for HD.

I don't know about the homebreakers, but I wouldn't care much for being caught in a hail of bullets spitting out of a 10/22! :eek:
Seems a difference between night and day to me. If there is anywhere you should be justified in using deadly force if you have to it's in your home.
Just yesterday someone in "FLORIDA" was charged with murder for shooting two intruders who were not a threat while therein!!!

You can't EXECUTE intruders when the threat ceases to exist ... Law or no law, Trust me...
If you read my comments, I said "using deadly force in your own home IF YOU HAVE TO. I never said anything about doing so when it is unnecessary.

Regarding the Florida case, I don't know the details. I wonder how it was determined after the fact that the intruders were "not a threat"? How was the homeowner supposed to know at the time? I'll have to check that one out.
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ChrisLCR - you need to study up on the legal ramifications that occur with self-defense shootings.
Your right. Can you provide some good links? However, I probably understand more about them then you may think, otherwise I wouldn't get upset everytime somebody tells someone that their life may be ruined if they ever had to use deadly force trying to save it, because they are probably telling the truth. :mad:

This forum is well past simple statements of the 'good' shoot theory or that we should give it up because there might be legal considerations in other behaviors and/or equipment choice that might come up at trial.
Not sure what you mean here. Sounds like you agree that we shouldn't give up the right to defend ourselves?
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Interesting how the argument seems to be either the pistol or the shotgun.

Both have a place in my HD strategy. There's a place for each to cover different circumstances.:cool:
You cannot kill someone over property ... PERIOD!

Sounds like you agree that we shouldn't give up the right to defend ourselves?

I have not said this, nor do I think anyone else has.

What I did try to get across, and some may have not have picked up on it is:

You cannot kill someone over property ... PERIOD!

Theft is NOT a death penalty crime!

If someone is threatening you with serious bodily injury or death you have the absolute right to defend yourself.

You don't want cops, citizens, or others killing your son or daughter because they may have made a bad decision to steal something. There are appropriate responses for that crime, and execution is not one of them.

I have been threatened with deadly force, and I have arrested folks for theft, and there is not a correlation whatsoever...

If you are unlucky enough to have someone enter your residence and threaten or take actions to ... seriously injure you, or kill you, a shotgun is a viable weapon, which is the starting point of this exercise...
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You cannot kill someone over property ... PERIOD!

Theft is NOT a death penalty crime!

If someone is threatening you with serious bodily injury or death you have the absolute right to defend yourself.

Most intruders enter your home to steal your property. The reason you can shoot is because the law recognizes that an intruder in your home represents a danger to you. Stealing your property is the nicest thing he's there to do.

Are you suggesting that the invasion of your home isn't sufficient cause for the use of deadly force, and that the intruder must display additional hostile intent before it's justified?

Theft is NOT a death penalty crime!

Acting within the law when using deadly force is called self defense. It's not the imposition of the death penalty and it's not acting as judge, jury or executioner.:cool:
45_auto said:
wildbill45 said:
You cannot kill someone over property ... PERIOD!

You may find Texas Penal Code - Section 9.42. Deadly Force To Protect Property interesting.

It seems to contradict your statement.
Not entirely. If one reads the statute carefully he will note that the use of lethal force in connection with the defense of property is justified in only certain fairly narrow circumstances and if certain conditions can be demonstrated to have been satisfied. Texas law is uniquely favorable to the defender, but it does not provide a license to kill.

And let's not let this thread deteriorate into a debate about Texas law.
Thank goodness someone has a voice of reason.

Where is the sense of law and compassion with some people? This shoot period, regardless of circumstance, is a mental sickness.
On the streets as a cop there is

Legally right, and there is morally right, and if you have the time to choose the choice has already been made...

Bad choices takes you to the Criminal side, and then you live with them ... they won't have to invade, as now they are your roommate...

It is easy to take down, building takes a little effort. Some appear to only take down here, but there are so many more that build...

Be safe, make good choices, and happy shooting over the Holidays!!!