Shotgun for home defense, weaknesses and strong points

I understand that pistols seem easier to maneuver in a confined space. But If I have the option between a pistol caliber weapon and the damage it causes and a shotgun with the damage it causes knowing that at the very least the BG is adrenalized and might very well have drugs on board the answer is easy. I don't know how many of you have ever been around someone who has enough drugs in his system that they no longer feel pain. I have seen many. Facing them I want massive internal damage and blood loss. A mama Grizzly doesn't take a single claw and poke holes in you if you attack her cubs, her reaction is much more drastic. The closest I can get to that sort of effectiveness involves a shotgun. My kids (and grandkids) deserve that same sort of effectiveness. Maybe you are that effective with a pistol, it's hard for me to imagine myself being that good.
Maybe you are that effective with a pistol, it's hard for me to imagine myself being that good.

I am pretty damn good with a handgun!

But I am pretty damn better with a long gun!!!

I depend on my handguns most of the time, carrying, and at home, and on the streets for a very long time ... I am confident with my handguns, and can be aggressive as such, but there is a time for the big boomers, and at that time nothing else feels so good!
Wild bill good thought. If I may expand on your thought.

One should use the weapon which you are most competent and sure of.

For that reason, when it comes to a serious social occasion I default to my 1911 government model. It is old and ugly but I am confident I will put that big bullet on target and the slug will do its job.

If one is more confident with a shotgun or M-4 than a pistol, they should opt for those weapons in a serious encounter.
Itc,I can't help but agree with you, with one warning. Human bodies absorb amazing damage. I've seen it over and over again. Old Trauma Nurse on his second career. Attack with what you can damage the BG most with. Period. If you're a total noob unfamiliar with any firearm, maybe try the thing that makes the bigger hole first.
I can't say I agree with the guy in the video. He's comparing shooting someone who's broken into your house with the Martin/Zimmerman fiasco in Florida. Seems a difference between night and day to me. If there is anywhere you should be justified in using deadly force if you have to it's in your home.

He also mentions any negative emails or downloads, etc. will come up in court if you dare defend yourself in your home. Why? if they had absolutely nothing to do with the "crime"? If that's the case, then many of us are doomed if we ever use deadly force, because someone will always be able to pull up something to make us look bad.
I typically use my 357 magnum Marlin lever action... Why? Its cause I am best with it. It is a trapper model with a 16 inch barrel and it very small and light and handy. I have shot it since I was a child. I have taken many deer with it as well as lots of plinking and small game.

I believe in using what you are best with.

To me, the biggest limitation of the shotgun is that I would have to be able to get to it for it to be of any use to me.

That is exactly my same issue. It is my "fault" or choice, but in my household safety must come first. If the SHTF I can't think of a better firearm to use for the HomeDefense scenario(in my opinion & considering the firearms we own).

I understand that pistols seem easier to maneuver in a confined space. But If I have the option between a pistol caliber weapon and the damage it causes and a shotgun with the damage it causes............the answer is easy.

I agree. The odds heavily favor the shotgun(again, in my opinion). If two or three guys are in your house on the offensive(extremely aggressive and quick), would you want your handgun or the loaded shotgun? You already answered the question...
The OP made several errors.
Shooting someone in your home is not the same as the case in FL.

He makes an uninformed statement when he say " You should not kill" when the original text reads "You shall not commit murder"
The vidoe could have been shot in a better location, allowing for better message delivery.

And honestly anytime someone feels the need to say trust me (think used car salesman) when presenting a opinion makes me suspect about the content of the message.
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Seems a difference between night and day to me. If there is anywhere you should be justified in using deadly force if you have to it's in your home.

Just yesterday someone in "FLORIDA" was charged with murder for shooting two intruders who were not a threat while therein!!!

You can't EXECUTE intruders when the threat ceases to exist ... Law or no law, Trust me...

I don't know if this is the case I heard, but close enough:
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A good point to add to the video is putting a sling on any long gun. It will be much harder for a badguy to take it from you.

Regarding that story, the guy shot them, then executed them and then hid their bodies in his basement. It's completely different from the Zimmerman / Martin fiasco.
Like you Wild Bill I carried a shotgun for many years, I carried an AR for just as many though.

I tend to be in Mas's camp here. The shotgun for me is a gun for repelling boarders at no further than 15 yards. A carbine is much more of a multi purpose long gun.

I actually like lever action pistol caliber carbines and have Marlins in 357 and 44. Compared to my 870 they are smaller, lighter, carry more ammo and ammo is less bulky. Granted they do not have the raw power of the 12 gauge, but I feel that is a very minor issue.

A good point to add to the video is putting a sling on any long gun. It will be much harder for a badguy to take it from you.

I am not about to wrestle over a long gun, drop it and use your pistol to engage the BG.
Just yesterday someone in "FLORIDA" was charged with murder for shooting two intruders who were not a threat while therein!!!

Note this was in Minnesota, not Florida... the "basement" was a dead giveaway.

Also, it was likely the follow-up shots that earned the murder charge, not the initial shots. This guy was off his rocker and had been broken into before.
ChrisLCR - you need to study up on the legal ramifications that occur with self-defense shootings.

This forum is well past simple statements of the 'good' shoot theory or that we should give it up because there might be legal considerations in other behaviors and/or equipment choice that might come up at trial.

A good point to add to the video is putting a sling on any long gun.[/QUOTE

A sling is good in MOST scenarios, but sometimes it can be a dangerous burden, noisy as hell, and the bad guy, if bigger and stronger can throw you around whilst taking the shotgun away. As I said earlier, and also some other gentleman said today, this is why I Like a pistol on board as well when shotgunning for bad guys in the house or the bush!

Military guys today use them a lot in the middle east, as they usually have backup behind them, but put them out in the jungle, and you won't see all those slings being used ... too noisy, grabs limbs, and restrict your movement.

If you have a backup to cover the bad guy, a sling is nice to keep the shotgun on your person while dealing with the person of interest.
One option the shotgun gives you that the pistol does not is the ability to deliver a horizontal buttstroke. That's the old Marine in me talking.

I'd rather knock somebody's teeth out than kill him (given the choice).
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I use a Stoegor Condor and a Rossi Circuit Judge. The Stoeger has no external hammers and a single trigger. Makes 2 very quick shots. The Rossi is a 5 shot, double action, revolving rifle. I load the Stoegor with 12 gauge Winchester #4 3 inch shells and the Rossi with Federal 000 3 inch shells. Sometimes I use Hornady LeveRevolution .45 Colts.

I prefer long guns for home defense. Seems to be easier for me. When funds permit I'm buying mini sabot slugs for my rifled Mossberg.
I don't like the idea of using rifle cartridges for home defense. Over penetration is very possible. A piece of paneling, insulation, thin aluminum, and 15 feet is all that is between me and my neighbor.
Boattale - well that's true. Not being anything but a fog, I ran in a shoot house where they simulated being in your jammies (really an old fashioned night gown) with a coach gun and a box of shells. You were supposed to navigate through various rooms with 3D dummies and deal with. Carrying the shells, reloading - mixed BBs or slugs was interesting. At one intersection, I came to - there was a target down the hall and another. Bang, bang - but surprise, right around the corner (had to move) was another and the gun was empty. Thus, I busted him in the head with the butt.
my chopped 16 ga. stays loaded and attached to my bed at all times. treat every gun like its loaded, then keep it loaded cause it aint no good for hd if it's not.
Maybe I am off base, but seems to me that every platform, rifle, handgun, shotgun, baseball bat etc. has strengths and weaknesses. They will vary from person to person and from situation to situation. I am more comfortable with a rifle than a shotgun, but wouldn't hesitate to employ a shotgun if the situation arose, ditto for the handgun. I would rather my wife have a 10/22 and 25 round mag that I know she can absolutely place bullets where and when she wants to than a shotgun or handgun she doesn't like, or is afraid of. Fortunately my wife loves my AR and its mag of HP's. Whtever you are comfortable, accurate with, and is reliable use it.