Shot my new Smith & Wesson Extreme Today

A metaphor is in order here. The Anti's out there are like the KKK. Smith & Wesson are like the 'Uncle Tom' of the gun world. The Anti's love parading S&W around as the way a 'proper' gun company should act. Those places of business that won't carry gun rags like Guns & Ammo and Shooting Times are more than happy to parade their token subserviant gun company around to taunt others in the gun industry to do the same or face the consequences.

Now if you didn't understand what I said above, read it this way:

The KKK loves parading subserviant blacks around as the way 'proper' African-Americans should act. Those places of business that won't support the anti-discrimination cause are more than happy to parade their Uncle Toms around to taunt other African-Americans to act the same or face the consequences.

Some out there are more than willing to fit the mould and be subserviant to the anti-gun cause. I AIN'T NO UNCLE TOM.
Hmmmm, perhaps I missed something. I was thinking that the magaine showed up in the store because they wanted to sell magazines. It's probably just my failure to understand since I don't live in a third world country like California. Most grocery stores where I live are chock full of gun magazines. They even have electricity. It bet those Smith & Wesson magazines were delivered by black helicopters financed by the One World Order organization. Yep I have failed to see the conspiracy connection of a magazine showing up in a grocery store. Consider me an "uncle tom" out of the loop.
The grocery store in question DID also sell G&A and I think one other gun rag.

The point here is that while they sell a small number of gun rags, the numbers are indeed extremely limited in both quantity and more important, the number of different mags available. You don't see a whole *section* as with, say, automotive mags or even motorcycle (five or more total of those, never more than two or three tops for guns).

So, in order to get that S&W mag on-shelf, *somebody* behind the scenes really had to struggle. They had to convince Safeway central distribution to stock it, decisions of that sort aren't made locally.

That necessary struggle to get it out there is why I used the term "desperation".

All that said, the grocery chain almost certainly has no idea that there's anything funky going on. Rather than an immediate boycott, I think meeting with the store manager and relaying concerns is in order.

So you mean to tell me you would boycott the grocery store for selling a Smith&Wesson magazine? I think we are going a little bit overboard here. Why don't you just not buy the magazine. Sure am glad I don't own a grocery store.

And what about the first amendment rights of the people who want to read the magazine? Other than pornography are we going to censor what type of magazine you can buy. Suppose the manager says okay, since you don't like this gun magazine, we'll just do away with all gun magazines. That way we won't offend any of our customers.
Look again. I wasn't the one that called for a boycott.

It should be possible to phrase a discussion of why an S&W magazine pisses off gun owners in a way that a grocery store manager would understand. For example, he'd already know that if Coca-Cola told his store that if they sold Pepsi they'd be cut off from Coca-Cola, that would be illegal as hell. He'd therefore realize the implications of the S&W agreement doing exactly that, and why that would upset gun owners.

From there, having him pass that message along up the chain, that gun owners are so freaked out at S&W (and why) that just the magazine alone makes 'em see red, might have some benefit.

I agree that a full-tilt boycott may be overkill but a case can possibly be made otherwise.

This is war.

I was being sarcastic about boycotting that grocery store, as well as Levi's jeans and the Chinese food comment. I think some of us here need to get out more. Maybe I do too. If I boycotted everything in the world that made me upset, I wouldnt own one Damn thing. I think Ive been mad at everything at one time or another. Come on everyone, relax. Its Spring time. Get out and enjoy life.

Isn't a boycott an expression of our rights? We're not burning books here, we're choosing not to support the anti-gun cause. Frankly, I don't boycott anybody because the NRA tells me so. I don't boycott the NRA because they carry S&W ads. I do, however, think that buying gold from the Nazi prison guards is a little bit over the edge. I cannot accept how buying Smith & Wesson is not the same as a direct contribution to the anti-gun cause. Heck, they even say how much of your money they are spending on it. Therefore, people who buy Smith & Wesson are in the same boat as Bill Gates, Dianne Fienstein, and Ted Kennedy. What strange bedfellows you keep.

I'm not talking about a conspiracy here. You mentioned the black helicopters twice here. I'm talking about character. The character of S&W and their owners is tarnished. This applies to everybody who deals with them and profits from their transgressions.