Shot my new Smith & Wesson Extreme Today


New member
I couldn't decide whether to keep my new Smith & Wesson 12" Extreme new in the box or shoot it. Well I just couldn't stand it and had to take it for a test drive. What a beast of a gun. Twelve inch barrel. Comes with a sling and has swivels mounted near the end of the barrel on the lower lug and at the bottom of the butt. With the long sight radius it is no problem shooting sub one inch groups at 25 yards. I'm gonna have to scope this puppy and see what it will do at a hundred yards. I guess you could say I really like the S&W 29-629 series of guns as this is number ten in my collection.
What I need now is a shoulder holster for this weapon. I could carry it concealed on those few cold winter days in Texas where you need to wear a coat. Wouldn't that be fun to do a Crocodile Dundee with some goblin. I could just see it now (goblin approches with a chrome .25 auto) "Hey mister give me your money, I've got a gun." Out whips the 629 extreme ("That's not a gun son, This is a gun. Now run along before you get hurt."
Yep, like I figured...

A guy who'd admit to buying a new S&W has never posted to the legal/political forum, not even once.


As it stands now, the "agreement" is not really being enforced, and there are no indicators by the Bush Admin that they will crack down.
So, we have a quality gun manufacturer still in business.
Sure, I'm miffed that S&W got tangled into the deal in the first place, but it looks like they're getting the best end of a bad situation.

How can you be upset? Deal with it.

And I suppose you own a Sig, Ruger or other sellout brand but really only choose to pick on S&W.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I won't hold my breath.

Well Jim I didn't know that posting to the legal political forum was required. As far as admitting to buying a new Smith&Wesson I have seen the error of my ways and have decided to come clean. Not only did I buy the new 629 Extreme but in the past year I bought a 945, a 945 compact, a 337 Ti, a .45 acp mountain gun, a .45 colt mountain gun, a 396 .44 special Ti, and hope to aquire a scadnium as soon as one becomes available. Now that I have gotten that of my chest I feel much better.
Actually, if S&W would ever make something new I really wanted I might buy it, as long as I can do so at one of the local gun shows. :D
I would imagine that with a scope you could hit an animal at a very long distance. The limiting factor would be the killing power of the .44 magnum cartridge. I personally prefer to keep all shots at game to 100 yards or less with a revolver. They should be quite collectable in the years to come. I never met a model 29/629 that I didn't like.

To say that S&W got "tangled in the deal" is a little mild, considering they signed a second agreement with Boston that is identical. The fact that it does not appear that it is not being inforced is irrelevent. It is a legal contract that will be inforced.

M16 I've read your posts concerning this topic, and I have not seen anything stated other than the typical "so what, I want one" argument proffered. I guess you don't realize that the rights They are treading on are yours and mine.

Enjoy your new purchases. Just don't rub my nose in it.
Actually, AR-10, to think he was "rubbing your nose in it" seems like you may be taking things a little personal.

His title stated it was a S&W post and, since freedom of speech is also a "right", he was entitled to do so, hopefully without retribution.

If you and Mr. March feel the way you do, as do many others, then it would have been best to bypass this post altogether. A personal attack like Mr. March's comment was totally uncalled for. :(

Just because two people disagree doesn't mean that one of them has to be wrong! ;)

"Just because two people disagree doesn't mean that one of them has to be wrong!"

Except that's the wrong question. "CAN one side be wrong" is a more accurate way to phrase it and in this case, yes, bragging about new S&W purchases (multiple, now) in front of people that know better is just plain wrong. Not taking an active role in the legal/political situation means you're willing to rely on others to preserve rights that you enjoy, which doesn't come across smelling like roses either.

Now, y'all can call that a personal attack, or you can realize it's a statement of current realities...including the reality that gun owners are NOT voting in the block necessary to really get the situation under control.

"Not taking an active role in the legal/political situation means you're willing to rely on others to preserve rights that you enjoy, which doesn't come across smelling like roses either."

That's quite an assumption. Just because someone doesn't post in the legal/political forum here does not mean they are not politically active. I don't think I ever
have, yet I have written many letters to my congressman, senator, city councilman, local newspaper etc. I vote always, and donate money to various gun organizations.
So does that mean I am "relying on others to preserve rights that I enjoy?" No! It only means I don't talk about it on this Forum. I come here to talk about guns!

"bragging about new S&W purchases (multiple, now) in front of people that know better is just plain wrong"

Give me a break...bragging? he just wanted to talk about shooting his gun. This is a gun forum, right?

If you want to b!tch about it, fine, just keep it in the legal/political forum and we'll stay here and talk about guns. don't waste your time looking up someone elses post history just so you can make a snide remark. That's just plain weird.

Then again, since I don't agree...I must be wrong! :D


What I really want to know is..........

.......What good is that new S&W with a 12" barrel and that little itty-bitty bore and cylinder?

That thing is screaming out for a 45 Colt-sized hole, a loooong cylinder, and a 395g bullet.

Ooops, looked in my safe, got a 5.5" 45 Redhawk. Never mind.

Back to the political bickering. (By the way, the only S&W in my house is my wife's M38. But she's not here right now.)


"all my blathering is factory blathering"
WESHOOT2, I like the way you think. That would be an awesome combination in .45 Colt. Yep, sure makes more sense than in .44 Magnum. Who knows maybe it will happen one day.

Now to politics. I have not posted to the political/legal forum. What I have done is support progun candidates with both money and campaign work. Both of my senators are Republican and progun. My representitive is Ron Paul who is about as progun as you can get. Our former Govenor who is now President George W. Bush is progun as well as Vice President Cheney. Call it bragging if you want but I am pretty darn proud of the people who represent me. So no I don't spend all mine time preaching to the choir about what we need to do. I spend my time and money getting things done. I will boycott Smith&Wesson if the agreement in it's present form goes into effect or if they start putting built in trigger locks in their guns. Until it goes into effect I will continue to buy thier guns. As for the agreement with a third world city like Boston I really don't care. I will be happy to boycott Boston. End of rant. Flame suit on. Fire when ready.
I sure hope S&W is still bound by the agreement when Bush leaves office, so when I start seeing the 'gun safety' PSA's on TV that are funded by S&W sales we can revisit this thread. I was just glad to see revenues down 66% for them, Thompkins is going to lose a bunch IF they can sell it before it goes under. Bankruptcy would do wonders for S&W, somebody would buy it and not make the same mistake. I think that we should all notify our congressmen and DEMAND that S&W be held to the agreement with the govt. If there isn't anything wrong with them entering into it then surely there isn't anything wrong with them following through. The 'intent' was there and if they had any integrity they would follow through on their word and promise without being forced into it. Unless of course they are a bunch of lying rat bastards. Let's see, do business with liars or with someone who agrees to support gun control? Uh, neither?
Kingknives, you are correct to say that my nose-rubbing remark was a little much. You are also correct to say that the prudent thing would have been to pass on the subject. I did breeze by it several times.

The reason I stuck my nose where it probably doesn't belong is this. I am starting to see people here say things like the deal isn't being enforced, so that means it is dead. Company X did something worse, so give S&W a break. That happened clear last year, it probably doesn't matter anymore. My favorite is, deal? What deal?

It is ungracious of any of us to rain on M-16's parade in regard to his enjoying his new revolver. For that, I am sorry. Right place, wrong time.
You gotta love these guys...

who take this type of stand:
well, they haven't implimented any of those nasty terms yet, & until they do I'll continue to support them

I guess they would also say something like this:
well, my friend Billy keeps talking about robbing my mother and raping my sister, but he hasn't broken in yet and until he does, I see no reason not to invite him over for Christmas ham

...Oh..I call it "patriotism".....

what a joke - I call it selfish.
Thanks AR-10,
I can see that people pretending nothing happened would drive you a little crazy. Me too! I guess we all deal with it in our own ways.
I just wanted to cut M16 some slack Especially since you guys are related (M16 - AR10, get it? Sorry, I couldn't resist ;))

Glad to see WESHOOT2 and others stuck to the subject at hand! Better than me.

Take care all.
I've wanted one of the Extremes since they first came out. I've also wanted one of the new little 2" snubby model 629's since they came out. You see, I to am some what partial to Smith & Wessons "N" last count there were 51 "N" frames alone in my collection. But alas my rights and those of all gun owners are far more important to me than purchasing something from a company that would sell us all out.
Enjoy the gun while you can. Once enough people have abandoned the RKBA to do business with traitors we will no longer have the opporunity to enjoy any firearms.

Sad, very sad.:(