Shoot to Kill, or shoot to wound?

Shoot to eliminate the threat, what happens next is not up to us.

deadly force can ONLY be employed to stop an immediate and grave danger of death or serious injury. Therefore, deadly force can be used until the “immediate and grave” danger terminates.

You hit the attacker with a round to the stomach, they fall and are in the fetal position, but still holding their weapon.

Still a deadly threat???

The answer is, IS your life still in danger?? Can you be killed?
Can they still shoot?

there's your answer.

Force continuum, You are allowed to go above the level force tha attacker is using. If it's deadly force, then it's no holds barred.

If the suspect happens to die. So be it. If they live they live.
Your life is worth more than any lawsuit. End of Story.

I recommend "The bulletproof mind" by LTC Dave Grossman
dead men hire no lawyers

Realtives might, but they were not in the house. Know your states laws.
It looks like everyone pretty much agrees that you aim center mass.
<edited by Erick Gelhaus>