Shoot once or twice in defense..

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threat neutralized

I would think you shoot until the threat is neutralized. Shooting once vs twice would become rather academic if the threat is still attacking. But that's just me;)
I guess my curiosity is related to my other thread in that many people disdain any round that doesn't achieve their magical number of energy or velocity..but wouldn't it make better sense to shoot always in pairs rather than one at a time if stopping an attack? I.E. bang, bang..(quick evaluate)..repeat if necessary...
I practice double taps .
Don't know why, just seems more plausible to me

That is what you were asking right?

Even if you shoot until the threat is neutralized, do you do it with six single shots or three double taps?
That's how you meant it correct?
2 in the chest, then one in the head if needed.

Great saying, but very naive. If you have to transition from the chest because the chest shots are not creating a stop, then you don't want to just be shooting the head. You need a CNS impact causing incapacitation. In other words, the round needs to have traumatic impact on the brain, ideally devastating impact on the brain. Blowing out the jaw, pallate, teeth, sinuses, etc. is nice and will cause lots of pain, but certainly may not cause incapacitation.

I.E. bang, bang..(quick evaluate)..repeat if necessary...

I never understood this either, but have heard it taught. What is this evaluation crap. You stop, evaluate, make a decision, and then fire if necessary. Why piss away critical time you could be impacting your enemy with force by stopping to admire your work and look to see if you need any final touches? When driving a car down the highway, do you have to stop, get out, and check to see if you are properly in your lane or not? No. You do it on the fly and adjust as necessary. There is no reason you should not be able to do that while shooting. Do you really want to give a person you are shooting the chance to mount a counterattack while you stock to see your handiwork?
calm yourself DNS...evaluation is a word used to describe a quick impulse decision to fire again after shooting the first time..not standing there with your fist on your cheek thinking about it..
Never take your eyes off the target. You should be moving rapidly away and lateral to the threat as soon as you fire the first couple shots unless you are grappling with him.

so for me it is step/draw, yell "STOP" loudly, fire all in one motion. After that it is FIND COVER and assess the situation.
The rule is to shoot and continue to shoot until the BG is no longer a threat! The 'double tap' was at one time the training method but that usually leaves you wondering what to do if nothing happens after the first two shots.
I am assuming that this question was posted for academic purposes only. We are discuss 'how many times' we would shoot someone. Folks, come on, we are talk about as it we are shooting at paper targets.

IT'S A HUMAN LIFE we are discussing here. How many of those that have posted a respond have been in that situation? what else was going though your mind at the time? was it really how many times I should pull the trigger? there are other moral, legal and religious considerations here.

I think a better question would have been, "how many practice the double tap verses a single shot", for when the time comes, I KNOW you won't be counting.
Single or Double Tap?

Most police departments teach their officers to DOUBLE TAP into the chest.
If that does not stop the person's agressive action then tape the head.
I remember when I was in orientation for a security company, an ex cop was leading the class. He asked, "How many times do you shoot an attacker? As many times as it takes to stop the threat."
I remember when I was in orientation for a security company, an ex cop was leading the class. He asked, "How many times do you shoot an attacker? As many times as it takes to stop the threat."

You win the teddy bear with that one.
It's very easy to teach 2 to the chest, 1 to the head. But in reality, the head shot is going to be the worse shot to take. Think about it, it's hard enough to hit the chest COM as large as it is. I've seen many "Chest shots" that wound up hitting the abdomen, arms or legs. I have also seen "Headshots" were the round entered the face or scalp and traveled under the skin and produced no lethal effects. Try hitting a target thats 1/5 the size of the chest while it's moving around or bouncing up and down snd it's not as easy as it sounds. If you try the head shot and more than likely your going to have a round that misses and may hit something else that was unintended. Maybe if there are any SWAT officers out there that may have input into this. Taking a head shot with a sniping rifle with a scope is probably somewhat difficult.
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