Shield EZ

Just bought a new Glock 42 off GunBroker for way low $..just a suggestion..Great shooter, smaller than Shield but great for this 'recoil sensitive' shooter.
Let me start by saying I love this little gun! BUT-it is having teething pains with the crazy loaded round stovepipe issue where a loaded round (usually last) stands straight up in the ejection port. I think it's magazine related and it'll get figured out and fixed but at this time I can't recommend the 380EZ for defense purposes. Being a beta tester is a crap shoot and this gun has so much going for it that I made the leap and am paying the price. Still love it though and it'll be well proven by the time I need its features.
Both magazines do that or just one?
Have you tried different loads?
Checked your grip?
Call S&W?

Ive got a pair and have had zero failures with either after about 2k rounds through each with multiple shooters and experience levels.
Look at this..great carry ammo(altho the EZ is pretty big)...


Tested better than some 9mm JHP..
While I haven't tried the 380, I have used 9mm and 38/357 on hogs as well as to put down some livestock. The results weren't much different than conventional ammunition including FMJ, Ive put it into the $2 per round gimmick category. It makes for neato slow-motion jello footage, but applies none of that to actual living critters.
When people refer to ballistic gel as Jello and then expect to have their opinions taken seriously, I'm left scratching my head.

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To All, we have a Shield EZ also and it does the exact same thing with the last round and with both magazines. Also from everyone that I have talked to with this gun they are all experiencing the same thing. Now also this is an early model that is listed in the recall list of numbers for the safety so I don't know if this has been rectified on the latest models.

Ours doesn't do it every time but almost. Also many of the early video reviews I've seen so this happening. I have yet to hear of a remedy that works.
To All, we have a Shield EZ also and it does the exact same thing with the last round and with both magazines. Also from everyone that I have talked to with this gun they are all experiencing the same thing. Now also this is an early model that is listed in the recall list of numbers for the safety so I don't know if this has been rectified on the latest models.

Ours doesn't do it every time but almost. Also many of the early video reviews I've seen so this happening. I have yet to hear of a remedy that works.
Did you call S&W?

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When people refer to ballistic gel as Jello and then expect to have their opinions taken seriously, I'm left scratching my head

I'm scratching my head wondering at what point I stated that I 'expected' anything from anyone.
I presented an opinion, do with as you wish :)

As for 'jello', you do know that actual ballistic gelatin is made out of the same animal proteins as the brand name Jello product.....don't you? BTW I prefer orange. :cool:

How did Sgt Hulka phrase it.......?


I do but I think dismissing results in it casually is short sighted. Similarly to yourself, I'm just expressing an opinion.

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While I haven't tried the 380, I have used 9mm and 38/357 on hogs as well as to put down some livestock. The results weren't much different than conventional ammunition including FMJ, Ive put it into the $2 per round gimmick category. It makes for neato slow-motion jello footage, but applies none of that to actual living critters.
About $1.20 per round and tested thru things like sheet metal and numerous layers of cloth that often ‘clogs’ JHP. But if that hog is wearing some Levi’s or driving a car, might have some problems.......
I do but I think dismissing results in it casually is short sighted. Similarly to yourself, I'm just expressing an opinion.

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I think believing how a bullet performs in jello....err....umm....gelatin actually equates to how it behaves in living flesh, muscle, tissue, bone, etc, is incredibly naive. I also think ammunition manufacturers have grasped hold of the emotion people invest into watching such 'tests' and sucker people out of their hard earned money. More power to them, and more power to those that truly believe.

But as I've said many many times before, after half a century of hunting, culling, and duty, I've yet to see a common handgun service caliber projectile behave in 'ballistic gel' (natural or synthetic) the same or even similar to how it behaves in actual living tissue. It simply doesn't.

If you really want to see how closely the various calibers and bullet styles perform, get out and do some handgun hunting. Most folks are quite shocked the first time they see how similar they all are.

Now can we awkward 'man-hug'?
You can come over for a nice dish of jello.
I think believing how a bullet performs in jello....err....umm....gelatin actually equates to how it behaves in living flesh, muscle, tissue, bone, etc, is incredibly naive. I also think ammunition manufacturers have grasped hold of the emotion people invest into watching such 'tests' and sucker people out of their hard earned money. More power to them, and more power to those that truly believe.

But as I've said many many times before, after half a century of hunting, culling, and duty, I've yet to see a common handgun service caliber projectile behave in 'ballistic gel' (natural or synthetic) the same or even similar to how it behaves in actual living tissue. It simply doesn't.

If you really want to see how closely the various calibers and bullet styles perform, get out and do some handgun hunting. Most folks are quite shocked the first time they see how similar they all are.

Now can we awkward 'man-hug'?
You can come over for a nice dish of jello.

I don't think it equates exactly, no. What it does is provide a medium for comparison between bullets that doesn't have the variations of living tissue. I'm not sure I "believe" in anything other than that. I take no issue with hunting or the experience from it. I'm okay without the hug, but if you need one there are some great outreach groups out there.

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Ran four or five different bullet types through my EZ, all ran fine.
No last-round problem anywhere.
I keep asking and no one with these issues states if they sent in the pistols to S&W. You bought a product with a warranty, you're entitled to customer service and frankly quality control in the industry doesn't improve if you don't send it in and hold manufacturers accountable. An unreliable firearm is an expensive paperweight.

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No I have not called and it appears that neither has anyone else as you've asked this same question twice and now commented 3 times.

I do have one that is still sitting here on a recall and no I haven't sent it back yet and yes I knew about the problem before I purchased the gun and bought it anyways.
I asked two different people, that was why I asked twice. The third was because people didn't respond, thank you for responding.

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I have had my EZ for about a year and shot quite a few rounds through it, the pistol has performed admirably and even taken some trapped feral hogs in Texas. I am one of those lucky enough to have arthritis in my hands but not significantly bad to keep me from racking most slides, still I like the easy shooting ability this little pistol provides.
I load all of my semi auto pistols with ball ammunition for it’s positive feeding and deep penetration. A 150 # hog will go down like a ton of brick fell on it. My EZ is normally outfitted with a light and used for house protection.w
I bought my M&P 380 EZ thinking that it would be easier to use, considering that I have arthritis in my hand. I love the look and feel of the gun, but I don't like the grip safety. It seems like I have to have a death grip on it to make it fire. I was wondering if there is some what that I can build up the safety lever so that I won't have this problem. Thanks.
I just bought an EZ a couple weeks ago, and I'm one of the lucky ones who has the stovepipe problems. Tried several different ammo types, they all do it in both magazines roughly 1/3 of the time.

On another forum some were able to fix the issue by placing a shim under the follower to put a little more tension on the spring. I tried this, and now instead of the last round stovepiping, it just ejects the last round out of the gun along with the 2nd to last spent casing.

I've contacted S&W and they want me to send it in. I'm a little hesitant since I'm thinking chances are low that they are going to resolve the problem(based off what I've read from others who have sent theirs in). S&W has sent some people new magazines and this has cured the problem for some.