Sexual Predators

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"Are you serious? You have never once stolen anything in your entire life? If you say no then you're either lying or part of maybe .5% of the worlds population that has never stolen a single thing."

Yea, I am serious. I've never stolen anything. That's just one of the many things that my parents taught me at a young age was very wrong. I guess I just like to pretend more people were raised correctly and taught not to vandalize and steal.
Stealing something does not mean you weren't raised correctly. I can almost guarantee you've stolen SOMETHING before, based on the definition of the word steal.
I cant understand your attatudes

"My wife has been raped, my daughter-in-law has been raped, and I had a grand daughter molested. While I have a deep hatred for sexual predators, w'e don't kill people in this country without a trial. Period."

You say this when your wife and childen have gone through this.
I will ask you this, how many of the scum that did what they did, commited this crime for the first time.
I would guess that if they were caught that this was not the first time and they probably went to trial and maybe spent some time in jail.
You kill a mad dog.
They deserve no less.
Kill them
If you want a trial then ok, but kill them.
To many get out and do it again.
I will also ask you this, the scum that did this to your family, did they do this evil thing again?
If there alive I would bet anything that they will.
And I say again, kill them.
I pray for your family sir, and I pray for you.
But kill them.
I have never read anything in the constitution about protecting child molesters and I dont consider them to be human and I despise any one that protects these scum.
Kill them.
"My wife has been raped, my daughter-in-law has been raped, and I had a grand daughter molested. While I have a deep hatred for sexual predators, w'e don't kill people in this country without a trial. Period."

my god these terrible things happen to your family and you still maintain that position. it is people like you that are the problem with this country!! :mad:

poor little rapist and killers must have their rights :barf:
I can almost guarantee you've stolen SOMETHING before, based on the definition of the word steal.

take a pen or sticky tab from work, you are stealing

i don't believe there is a human alive who hasn't stolen or lied in their life. just people who don't know the difference.
poor little rapist and killers must have their rights
Yeah, it shouldn't be any problem killing rapists and killers without a trial. I mean, no one has ever been falsely accused of rape or murder, have they?
my god these terrible things happen to your family and you still maintain that position. it is people like you that are the problem with this country!!

poor little rapist and killers must have their rights

No sir, the problem with this country is individuals who make ignorant comments. Nobody is saying that rapists and murderers should retain any civil right at all.

If they did it, then yes, their punishment should possess the utmost severity.
no one has ever been falsely accused of rape or murder, have they?

and no murder or rapist has ever gone free after a trial have they? it works both ways because our judicial system is garbage.
The right to a trial and the presumption on innocence are not parts of the American justice system which I would consider "garbage".
re attempted kidnap

Hi Everyone
There is a link posted on one of the replys of the news story. The scumbag actually said that he will be back! That dad needs to get a 12ga and a .45 and end this scummers life if he does come back. Child molesters should be dropped behind enemy lines in Iraq with Muslim bashing attire on!!
Steve :D
Every race has their evil deviants, but being latin, I wish that those rapists get sodomised by only the sharpest and splintery-est of broken 2x4's. I'm a single father w/ full custody and I'm (of course) supporting my right to bear. Regardless of law. If that girl was my daughter I wouldn't think of calling the authorites. I would lock them in that house, take any I.D. they have, RAZE the house, shoot anyone who escapes and then use their I.D.'s to track down their immediate families to wipe clean any of their deviant D.N.A.

I'm not a big fan of the book but I do believe in Charlie Daniels. Take them rascals out to the swamp put them on their knees and tie them to a stump and let the alligators and the bugs do the rest.
Pedophiles? I understand that there are lots of places in this world that need to have landmines cleared. And there are always people waiting for organ transplants. Organs on the hoof, first a kidney, then a lung, both eyes, half a liver. Then back for the rest of the package. My dog will eat the leftovers.
I have a feeling that this thread will soon become heated and be shut down and I usually distance myself from threads that will do so but I feel that I have to comment one last time:

This is America, no matter your crime, no matter how heinious, you and they as American's have the Right to a speedy trail to be judged by their peers (fellow American's).

The break down comes in the sentencing by the judges. I fully agree that there should be a 2 strikes law. The first strike you get 25 to life with lifetime of monitoring.

Second strike and conviction, you die.

There are some crimes that should be dealt with in the most harsh sentence that can be given for that crime.

Yet, pedophile is considered a mental diease (I believe that it's in the DSM) and if they consider it so, then maybe their sentence should be a lobotamy or something of the sort since no drugs have been used that is known to "cure" it. But, those are just my ideas, everyone has their own about the subject.

When it comes to child molestors, rapists, and crimes of a sexual nature, the emotions will flow, especially anger. People will think with emotion and throw out all rights, as in the right to a trail by your peers, to acheive what they wish, but if we do that, then what the anti's do to us, using the same logic, basically erodes all of our rights and gets us where we don't need to go.

Trial, then life/excecution/lobotamy, whatever it takes to keep them off our streets and out of our neighborhoods.

Maybe we should just kill them.
If we do give them a trial, let's force them to give testimony against themselves.
How about kicking their doors in without a warrant to see if we can find anything?

Of course, we are all big tough gun owners and that might scare some people, so let's just give up the fight and surrender our guns.

Then again, the NY Time has been known to print articles I don't like. We should get together and burn them out for the common good.

Yep, if we can just manage to trim away some of that ugly fat from the Bill of Rights, I guess we'd make a lot of people happy.

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