Sexual Predators

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Im amazed some of you are talkign about this like its funny. Theres no need to make funny remarks. Just pull the trigger is all you have to do. THe video rgoudy1975 posted is a great example of true justice.

The prison authorities segregate sex-offenders from the rest of the penal population. :mad:

They need to be protected from being sexually abused. :barf:
Amen, LC
I think I read somewhere that our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people... ;). Seriously, the courts uphold and frequently "interpret" the laws that are made by state and federal legislators and approved by Governors and Presidents. Last time I checked, we elect all of them (except judges in some areas who are appointed by elected officials btw). It seems most elected officials desire to stay that way, so we as their electors must either make them walk the line on critical issues like child molestation/sex offenders or we must fire them and replace them with someone who will. The electoral process in this country lets us play like Donald Trump in The Apprentice. Don't like local, state, federal politicians who won't make the right decisions, especially when they're the really hard ones? Tell them "You're Fired". This process has to continue to be used in this country to keep it free and great. Write letters, send e-mails, call and Vote. Vote. Did I mention Vote? Thanks for helping keep America free.
Send this message to every girls you know...

Girls, I don't know what kind of world we are living in when something as
and dehumanizing as rape still happens at a rate of 1 women every 30
seconds, the
rapists are continually coming up with new ways to indulge in their
while protecting themselves, so when the date rape drug was not enough,
and the
spread of aids is not enough, TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY, now they have
thought up
something else that just compounds the already horrendous act of
read and share this with as many people as possible..........

PLEASE READ...........

A woman, at Rain nightclub (Halifax) last Saturday night (Sept.10/05) was
taken by 5
men, who according to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before
her. Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed
the repeat
rapes and along with traces of Rohypnol in her blood, was Progesterex,
which is
essentially a small sterilization pill. The drug is now being used by
rapists at
parties to rape AND sterilize their victims. Progesterex is available to
vets to
sterilize large animals. Rumour has it that Progesterex is being used
together with
Rohypnol, the date rape drug.

As with Rohypnol, all they have to do is drop into the girl's drink. The
girl can't
remember a thing the next morning, of all that had taken place the night
Progesterex, which dissolves in drinks just as easily,is such that the victim
doesn't conceive from the rape and the rapist needn't worry about having a
test identifying him months later. The drug's effects ARE NOT
P*E*R*M*A*N*E*N*T Progesterex was designed to sterilize horses. Any female
who takes
WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CONCEIVE. The weasels can get this drug from anyone
who is in
the vet school or any university. It's that easy, and Progesterex is about
to break
out big everywhere. Believe it or not, there are even sites on the
Internet telling
people how to use it. Please COPY


this to everyone you know, especially girls. Be careful when you're out
and don't
leave your drink unattended. Please make the effort to PASS this on to all

please inform all your female friends and relatives

Thanks for debunking that myth, it's bad enough just being raped, without the sterilization concerns.

I feel that public executions are the best answer for the perverts. If they can't be put to death, then they should bring back, (from the good ol' days), branding them. I think if they are lucky enough to get jail, instead of death, that they should get tatoo'd. I would like there to be a nice large tatoo on their foreheads, telling just exactly what sick crime they have done. This is to let all their prison buddies know what fine fellows/gals that they are.

It should also be a crime to remove the tatoo or conceal it, if they ever get out. Which all too frequently happens. Damn bleeding hearts.
Legally its not a haven. If a predator gets caught now hes screwed. But its very easy to snatch a child here. Most of the police here are idiots. Yes im not ashamed to say it. They couldnt catch a criminal if they were stealing the laptops out of their cruisers.

I'll back this up.

I have had occasion, as an alert citizen, to notify the police of various situations, ranging from a drunk driver who almost hit me as he drove down my exit ramp toward I-95, to a 10-person brawl occurring in the middle of a street in the downtown "bar" area.

Response time has been PATHETIC for the West Palm Beach police. When I called in the 3 a.m. brawl, I was sitting in an open area near the library (it's like a paver-brick promenade there) watching from a distance (yes, armed). I called 911, reported that about 8-15 youths were shoving and screaming at each other in the street. I was asked if they appeared to have weapons, and said that they did not. I waited there and the scuffle went on for at least 5 more minutes. It wasn't til 10 minutes after the overall 5-10 minute scuffle had ended that the four police cars came by. :mad: Literally.

I have called about business alarms going off, and once about a business back door that was hanging open at about 3 a.m. That one took about 25 minutes before they got a patrol car there to check it out. :mad: I understand that it's not "someone's coming after me and firing shots" or something like that, but who knows if there was someone inside that store stealing stuff, or maybe had the proprietor tied up and beaten?

The response seems lackadaisical sometimes.

I feel that public executions are the best answer for the perverts. If they can't be put to death, then they should bring back, (from the good ol' days), branding them. I think if they are lucky enough to get jail, instead of death, that they should get tatoo'd. I would like there to be a nice large tatoo on their foreheads, telling just exactly what sick crime they have done. This is to let all their prison buddies know what fine fellows/gals that they are.

It should also be a crime to remove the tatoo or conceal it, if they ever get out. Which all too frequently happens. Damn bleeding hearts.

It's all well and good to suggest this stuff for dangerous people like sex predators, but WHY ON EARTH DO WE NOT THINK THIS STUFF SHOULD APPLY TO VIOLENT CRIMINALS AND/OR THIEVES?!

I am past childhood, so I will likely never be sexually molested for the rest of my life. Sexual abuse of adult males (outside of prison) is vanishingly rare. But I DO STAND EXPOSED TO BEING ROBBED, MAIMED, OR MURDERED. We have people who go to prison for this kind of thing, and are let out well before the end of their lives. WHY? If you want sex predators branded because they're dangerous, ROBBERS are dangerous to ALL people across the spectrum of the population, so why not brand them too?

Now, as far as branding people who have been released from prison:

If you really feel that someone needs to be branded so that when released, everyone will know how dangerous he is, he simply shouldn't BE released from prison. The brand won't stop him from committing another sexual assault. If we're serious about feeling that these people will always be a threat to society, they should be sentenced to life in prison.

There's this new policy that sex crimes get people a sentence in prison and then the "Jimmy Ryce law" provides that they can (unconstitionally, in my view) be kept there after their sentence is finished because "they're still a danger." I don't see why this is not the way we treat repeat offenders whose crimes are robbery, battery, manslaughter, murder... Are they less of a danger to those around them?


What's so great about your video is that the LEO's REFUSED to arrest and charge the guy with murder.

Also, back then, a jury wouldn't have found him quility.

Today though, they probably would have :mad: .

As everyone can see, Oregon doesn't have a registry. The dem's in charge here seem to like peds (hell, one of our ex governors was molesting a 14 year old, the dem's knew about it and it didn't come to light UNTIL the statue of limitations was up :mad: ).

Two of the dem's on the bill committee REFUSED to allow a "Jessica's Law" bill (like Florida's) come up for vote. Their reason, they didn't have time to read it even though it was exactly like the Florida bill.

It seems that the dem's in Oregon love child molestors :barf: :mad: .


What's so great about your video is that the LEO's REFUSED to arrest and charge the guy with murder.

Also, back then, a jury wouldn't have found him guilty.
Good. Small town justice is not a rational thing, but sometimes I think it has its place.
lol, executing people that steal something. That's great. Considering most of us would be dead by now.
Are you serious? You have never once stolen anything in your entire life? If you say no then you're either lying or part of maybe .5% of the worlds population that has never stolen a single thing.
I can fix this problem in our nation

No trial
Any one that targets a child for this kind of crime
No 16 years of lawyer crap
Once you kill a child molester I can promiss you one thing
They will never molest again
I can fix this problem in our nation
No trial

Uh, exactly what nation are you talking about? It can't be the United States because we have a little thing called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights here. My wife has been raped, my daughter-in-law has been raped, and I had a grand daughter molested. While I have a deep hatred for sexual predators, we don't kill people in this country without a trial. Period.

People seem to be proud of this country but yet they want to destroy the entire basis of it's structure which is our rights, even if you're a criminal.
That's why I believe that every State should have the Jessica's Law with mandatory sentence guidelines.

I don't believe in just "killing them" without a trial but the death penality should be on the table as one of the guidelines.

What is wrong now days are our court systems and the liberal judges that give molesters/rapists such short sentences. Or allowing low bail limits.

This is America and with absolute freedom (well, as it should be but isn't) there are risks that we have to take. One of those risks is our judicial system and liberal judges that give absolute freedoms to criminals and remove freedoms from the People (like gun freedoms, speech freedoms, etc..).

I don't know if 25/life would be considered "unusual punishment" as in the Bill of Rights but then you have to weigh the Rights of the person/child and compare if the crime committed warrents such a punishment.

Me personally, I think that it does.

Sadly, the pedo movement is making great strides in this "new age" and if the SCOTUS keeps on looking at international law (which is starting to ease it's age of consent, "child" rights vs parent rights, etc..), there may well be a day where it's no longer child rape/molestation but "consent by a minor".

I hope that I never see that day myself.

tsavo said:
People seem to be proud of this country but yet they want to destroy the entire basis of its structure which is our rights, even if you're a criminal.

Hear Hear!

People make mistakes and still have rights no matter what their folly. While ones gut reaction may be death to the perpetrators by any and all means we have to understand that by removing their rights, we remove our rights in the future.

A person who commits a crime should face justice by the legal system then according to that law or set of laws are they dealt with. If you find those laws inadequate then by the very set of rights that offer you the ability to lobby (that you seek to destroy by street justice ironically) should you ask that those laws be changed.

Otherwise we become savages, excepting street justice as the law of the land, where an innocent man may be put to death by the mere allegation or glance. We have already been there America and seen the damage it caused, need we return?
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