Sexual Predators

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john in jax

New member
Jacksonville, FL - Father prevents kidnapping. A father woke up about 3am because he heard strange noise coming from his backyard. Upon looking out a window he saw a perp trying to drag his young son over his backyard fence. The father rushed out and fought with the perp for several minutes, detaining him until police arrived.

The 30 year old perp was previously convicted of child molestation or sexual battery on a child in 1993. IMO it is unfortunate the perp survived the encounter.
I'd like to hear more about the story. It was 3am and the BG was dragging the kid out of the yard. Was it a B&E and no one in the house heard the BG getting in?
Someone shoulda told the Father about FLs new 'kill'm when you get annoyed' law. He obviously had the right set of mind to rush out for his kid, too bad he didn't save us taxpayers the expense.
This is why I hate Florida. Its a freaking haven for child predators. My sister almost got kidnapped the first month we lived here. Happy to be armed now because somone who attempts to molest or kidnap a child under those reasons deserves to die. I dont care how painful it is of a death. They dont belong here.

Pardon me if I seem a bit crazy about this but I hate seeing it on the news. People get away with murder.
He broke in, wrestled the kid out of his room and through the house, out the door and the dad hears nothing, yet somehow he hears them all the way in the back yard.
Legally its not a haven. If a predator gets caught now hes screwed. But its very easy to snatch a child here. Most of the police here are idiots. Yes im not ashamed to say it. They couldnt catch a criminal if they were stealing the laptops out of their cruisers.

The schools here do not take childrens safety sersiously like where I went to school when I was younger. They leave children unattended and do not pay attention nor do they card you when you pick up a child.

There several other things that add up. Look up statistics on predators. If I remember correctly Florida comes in 2nd next to Cali which is #1.
yep every state in the union has in their justification of use of deadly force that deadly force can be used to prevent/stop[depending on the state and wording] a kidnapping and child molestation.
i have a level 3 sex offender living 2 doors down from me in my cul de sac. he was there 6 mionths before we got the flyer he was moving in. i was pissed.
i copied arizona revised statute for justification of use of deadly force and highlighted this section and placed it in his mailbox. somewhere around here i have him on tape reading it. he turned white. as he should have. since i found out it was him i have a camera pointed down the front of my house into his property. it is a nice sign stating what it is. i cant "legally"harrass him but there is no law about educating him and prominatly displaying security measures.
I lived about 20 minutes from where the whole Jessica Lunsford thing happened, in fact when I moved down to Florida at first I lived in the same town for a while. My neighborhood had about 30 or 40 sexual predators in it. Just in MY neighborhood. Theres definately a lot of sexual predators down there. I dont agree however with what someone said about cops down there being stupid. If they werent capable of doing their job, they wouldnt let them become cops. The way youre making it sound, they dont even have high school diplomas. Maybe in Alabama or Kentucky yeah (jk) but in Florida you have to have atleast a high school diploma and its a lot of training and schooling. Just as much as anywhere else. I know because I was looking into it when I lived down there.
SomeKid opines :"Someone shoulda told the Father about FLs new 'kill'm when you get annoyed' law. He obviously had the right set of mind to rush out for his kid, too bad he didn't save us taxpayers the expense."

This is SO wrong. The new Florida law does NOT allow you to 'killim when you get annnoyed' It's irresponsible to post crap like that.
He would have been able to have defend his child by shooting the pervert BEFORE the new law. Kidnapping is a forcable felony isnt it?
Of course firearm protection is necessary in every home everywhere but the sexual predator problem is the law and the courts and wuss judges. If the most severe laws were enacted and manditory application in the courts we might not have so many repeaters running the streets. Now we are not talking about statutory rape where two youngsters, like a boy 18 or nineteen and a girl 15 0r 16 are involved, both willingly. The boy generally goes to jail but you can bet he won't ever repeat that situation.

I would endorse either the death penalty or life without parole for the real predators, I don't think chemical castration works but real castration possible might. I am very aware of its effects on horses, cattle, sheep and goats.
Those of you with children, check every once in a while yourself to see if you have any level offenders or any reports (from the police station) of child molestation within your neighborhood. Most importantly advise your children of the needed steps to take to stay safe

Link to a map: (be sensible of others rights, no matter how you feel)

A few tips:

  • Make sure that your child knows that there are never any secrets between you and them.
  • Make sure that your child knows that adults and children never keep secrets.
  • Make sure that your child is aware of what is considered inappropriate touching (anywhere between the shoulders, down and to the thighs both inner and outer).
  • Make sure that your child is aware that someone stroking or carressing them is also considered inappropriate touching.
  • Make sure that your child is comfortable saying 'NO' and meaning no.
  • Make sure that that child can SCREAM.

A horror story that happened local to me as told to me by the father:

His little girl gets off the school bus each day at 3 pm, the bus stop is within view of the house. The girl only has to walk about one hundred yards to get home. So, day 1 comes and as she is walking home there is a man washing his car a few feet from the bus stop, as she gets closer the man asks introduces himself and asks her for her name.
Day 2 comes around, the same man is outside again washing his car around the time she comes home and as she walks by he asks her if she likes the music that he is playing.
Day 3 comes around and the man is sitting in the back seat of his car and asks her if she wants to come in and play/rest together. He asks her if she likes lolipops while he is opening touching/stroking himself

She RAN home and told her dad. The father calls the police and they catch the guy in the back seat of the car still aroused and in a full state of erection -masturbating.

Turns out he was a level 3.

Keep your children safe!
IMO it is unfortunate the perp survived the encounter.
Nah...perp is in for a little predation of his own when gets to prison. If they don't just hurt or kill him for what he did, they'll have a little fun of their own with him...
Sexual offenders ought to get life in prison or death on their first offense. None of this offend 5 or 6 times before they get put away for two years. People who take away a child's innocence and prey on people who can't defend themselves are the worst scum of the earth. Three months ago here in Idaho we had a case where a previously convicted sex offender was let out on bail from Minnesota, comes to Idaho, murders 3 people and repeatedly molests a girl and her brother. This girl had to have 4 surgeries to repair her private parts. When are we as a society going to stand up and demand the courts and politicians get tough on these perverts?
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