Senator McCain.... the Democrat?

The simple fact is that the only way to keep Obama (or Hillary, as the case may be) out of the White House will be for McCain to win. While he might not be what conservatives really want, he will be more accessible and receptive to conservative influence than Obama or Hillary.

What, pray tell, gives you the idea the McCain will be receptive to conservative ideas? Surely it isn't the fact that he voted AGAINST favorable gun legislation 11 out of the last 15 times. :eek:

From Gun Owners of America

John McCain sponsored an amendment to S. 1805 on March 2, 2004 that would outlaw the private sale of firearms at gun shows. According to GOA, the provision would effectively eliminate gun shows, because every member of an organization sponsoring a gun show could be imprisoned if the organization fails to notify each and every "person who attends the special firearms event of the requirements [under the Brady Law]."

John McCain also sponsored an Incumbent Protection provision to the so-called "Campaign Finance Reform" bill, which severely curtails the ability of outside groups (such as GOA) to communicate the actions of incumbent politicians to members and supporters prior to an election.

The GOA report of the 106th Congress reveals that out of 15 votes relating to the right to keep and bear arms, Senator John McCain voted favorably only 4 times. Put that into a percentage and McCain's pro-Second Amendment voting record is a pathetic 27%.

In addition, GOA warns that John McCain supported legislation that would force federal agents to increase efforts in arresting and convicting honest gun owners who may inadvertently violate one of the many federal anti-gun laws, which punish mere technicalities, such as gun possession.

For example, if John McCain's proposed legislation were to become law, a gun owner who travels with a gun through a school zone or who uses one of the family handguns to go target shooting with a 15-year old could be sent to prison. And a person who uses a gun for self-defense could be sent to prison for a mandatory minimum of five years.

But there is so much more to the McCain madness.

Former California State Senator H.L. "Bill" Richardson wrote this about John McCain, "He's [McCain's] proven his dislike for conservatives and would gut us at every opportunity.

"Why do I say that? Because of three decades of experience as a Republican California Senator and a fifty year activist in the conservative movement. I have first hand, in-their-face experience with elitist RINO's (Republican in Name Only) office holders. They are biblically ignorant, power hungry, status seeking egotists who have no difficulty aiding their liberal Democrat colleagues whenever their arms are politely twisted. The one thing they have in common with liberal Democrats is their dislike for all conservatives, especially those who are Bible-believing. McCain, as president, would stifle the voices of elected Republican leaders and try to legislate the conservative movement out of existence."

Senator Richardson went on to say that he would in no way vote for John McCain, if indeed McCain is the Republican nominee (which he obviously will be).

I wonder how many gun owners and other professing pro-freedom Americans have already fallen victim to McCain's phony conservative campaign? Do they not realize that they are giving a rope to the hangman? And that they--conservatives and gun owners--are the ones who McCain will send to the gallows? What is wrong with the American people these days? Have they not been betrayed enough by these phony conservative Republicans?

For example, President George W. Bush recently nominated Michael Sullivan to be Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Sullivan is one of the nation's most rabid anti-gunners. GOA's Larry Pratt describes Sullivan as being "as anti-gun as Ted Kennedy." Honest gun owners, lawful firearms dealers, and law-abiding gun show operators could have no worse enemy within the federal government than Michael Sullivan. We could expect no worse from Hillary Clinton. And a John McCain Presidency would doubtless give us more of the same.
Since McCain is a Republican, he will be under strong party pressure to at least be accessible to conservative interests. That is the nature of party politics.

Do you really think that Obama or Hillary will be at all susceptible to conservative influences?
The fact is that the Republican party has put forth a liberal candiate for nominee of their party. I used to consider myself a Republican. But first and foremost, I am a Conservative. I don't care what party McCain is in, I will not vote for him because he is a liberal.

The Republican Party, if it wishes to survive as a major party, should remember its roots are in Conservatism, and not with these RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) such as McCain. If they put forth liberals as their candidates, then they will lose elections. Democrats have cornered the market on liberal candidates. Republicans who try to act like Democrats usually lose national elections. McCain will find this out in November, IMO. Is anyone here old enough to remember Bob Dole in 96'?
So FireMax, don't vote for McCain. But recognize and accept the fact that not voting for McCain will be helping a leftist liberal (either Obama or Hillary) attain the White House. However you try to spin things, that is the effect of your actions. So I guess that you'd rather see a thorough going, socialist leaning liberal in the White House than someone who you consider to be a liberal Republican.

Of course you may be indulging yourself in the fantasy that if a liberal Dem gets elected President it will somehow be a "wake up call" to the Republicans and provoke some great conservative renaissance. If so, what is the basis for this contention that not voting for McCain will cause a real change in the direction of the Republican Party? Without some empirical basis for such contention, it may be emotionally satisfying but is otherwise wishful thinking.

But at least you're able to continue whining and complaining. And complaining and whining.

You did take note of the fact that the post for which you accuse me of "whining and complaining" #32, was my first, and till now, only comment in this tread didn't you?

That would have been McCain, who was trying to get something done on the issue.

Oh so that's what it was. Now I understand, however, using that logic I can only assume you might be equally accepting if the fire department used gasoline in place of water to extinguish the flames if your abode caught on fire?

Re: McCain and his Immigration Reform Bill...would that he ever heard and understood the meaning of the phrase "First, do no harm".

In closing, there is an excellent chance John McCain will be the next PoUS. I wouldn't make a bet on who will get the Dem nomination but it seems likely to me that many of the Dems supporting the loser will come over to the McCain camp in the general election. That move will be predicated by two things (1) retaliation against the Dem that gets the nod and (2) McCain' well know somewhat liberal voting record and somewhat left of center worldview. In other words, John is a candidate many liberal Dem voters will be comfortable with. Given the current contrarian state of the Rep party I doubt he can win the election without substancial Dem voter support.

How much better or worse JM will be for the country than Hillery of BO would have been will always be a point of speculation. It's not an experiment we can run. I hope he will be a wonderful leader but some of the legislation he's supported in the past makes me wonder. And that's about all I have to say about that.


The GOA article is a bunch of hogwash. The GOA can't even correctly interpret simple gun-related federal legislation. To the GOA, the sky is falling, everything is the NRA's fault, and actual legislative results don't matter.

Bob Dole wasn't a conservative, huh? :p I love it. See, to the neo-libertarians, no "real conservative" Republican exists, and he or she will never exist, because that would end the whining. For example, see the silly GOA article, above.

If you care to do it, you can go right to McCain website and see for yourself McCain's positions on immigration and the Second Amendment. Nah, don't bother, it would interfere with the neo-lib & New York Times complaining session.

Thank goodness a huge majority of the Republican party disagrees with the neo-libs and the New York Times. :p