Senator McCain speaks to the NRA

From CNN


Hillary Clinton
Voted for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. Voted for requiring extensive background checks at gun shows. Supports licensing and registration of handguns, mandatory trigger locks for handguns, holding adults responsible for their children's use of guns, raising the youth handgun ban from age 18 to 21, limiting gun sales to one per month and allowing the Consumer Products Safety Commission regulate guns. Watch Clinton speak about guns

Barack Obama
Supports extending the assault weapons ban. Supports national law against carrying concealed weapons, with exceptions for retired police and military personnel. Supports limiting gun sales to one per month. Watch Obama speak about guns


John McCain
Sponsored legislation requiring background checks at gun shows. Voted against a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. Opposed legislation requiring trigger locks for handguns. Opposed 1994 crime bill, which contained the assault weapons ban. Has a C+ rating from the NRA.
Presidential hopefuls

I wonder if McCain favors HK's, Sigs, or Glock's? I think Obama and Hillary both favor water pistols as long as they only shoot "soft water". (Are we back on topic now?) LOL
Yes, it is the wrong forum. That's why the fora have names and explanations of their purpose, like Legal & Political: Round table discussions range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues.

Which is where this one is going ...
This election cycle very much reminds me of a great southpark episode where the vote for school mascot is split between a s#^t sandwich and a giant douche.
More from an NRA interview with John McCain, and more of McCain’s voting record. Remember, kids, the voting record trumps all rhetoric.

Senator, would you explain the reasons behind your opposition to Bill Clinton's ban on many semi-automatic firearms, that he misleadingly called "assault weapons"?

Of course. Gun bans don't work, because they only restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens. Criminals pay no more attention to laws banning guns than they do to laws banning assault, robbery or murder. In fact, the National Institute of Justice found that the firearms banned by President Clinton were used in less than two percent of all crimes involving firearms -- clear evidence of the ineffectiveness of this law. I voted against the Clinton gun ban when Congress considered it in 1994 and I voted against efforts to keep that misguided law on the books. I was pleased to see the law rightfully sunset in 2004, because it represented an arbitrary restriction on the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

Senator, throughout your career you have opposed waiting periods on firearm purchases, bans on commonly owned ammunition, and efforts to register and license gun owners. What are your reasons for these positions?

Throughout my years in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, I have consistently opposed these measures, because they are arbitrary restrictions on the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. Gun bans, waiting periods, ammunition bans, registration and licensing of gun owners -- each of these has a common theme: They only affect law-abiding citizens. And they have another common theme: They don’t work as crime-fighting tools. The way to reduce crime is to prosecute criminals to the fullest extent of existing laws -- which, if elected president, gun owners can count on my administration to do.

Senator, you were a co-sponsor of, and helped lead the effort to pass, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in the Senate -- a bill to stop the reckless lawsuits that were designed to bankrupt the American firearm industry. Why did you feel so strongly about that legislation ?

I was proud to co-sponsor and work hard for the passage of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. For too long, big-city mayors were trying to sue the American firearm industry out of business, by forcing them to spend nearly a quarter of a billion dollars just to defend their innocence in court. Holding the manufacturers of a lawful product responsible for the unforseeable acts of criminals is not the way we do things in America. It was important for Congress to step in and protect this key industry -- an industry that President Franklin Roosevelt called the “arsenal of our democracy.” I was proud to help lead that effort.

Senator, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, there were efforts to confiscate legally owned guns from citizens at a time when there was a breakdown of public services, including police protection. What is your view of this?

I was disturbed to see the actions of authorities attempting to disarm law-abiding citizens, especially at a time of crisis or emergency when public authority was in doubt. I was pleased to support and vote for an amendment that prohibited such confiscation in 2006. One of the core purposes of the Second Amendment is to enable our citizenry to protect themselves, their families and their property. Government should never undermind this inalienable right.

Can your Dem do this ? I'm not saying he's as good as Ron Paul, just that he's far and away better than Obama.
He said all the right things and took the pledge.

The question is " Do we trust him"?

NO! It's a shame that we could not come up with 2 better candidates than we have. It's also a poor statement on us as a society.:barf:
Ron Paul

Ron Paul doesn't have a chance if you don't vote for him.

I don't know how people can live with themselves by not voting their conscience. Argue all you want about how to vote, but if you don't vote your conscience, you might as well not have a conscience. You would have thought your way around it.
Congressman Paul is a model for standing alone on principle. It's too bad that so many Americans look at who has the best chance (polls) and then start to think about who they'll vote for. I suggest taking a lesson from all of the great leaders of history, and stand alone on PRINCIPLE.

When the votes are counted, no one will care why you voted a certain way. You're strategy is meaningless. The winner is the winner. Vote with your soul, while you still have one, whoever you vote for.
Ron Paul doesn't have a chance if you don't vote for him.
I agree with that, but he won't be on the ticket since he is a Republican? I like him and voted for him in the Primary. I saw Bob Barr last night on Glenn Beck. I liked what he had to say, one problem is he doesn't have the track record Dr. Paul does. I also wonder if Bob Barr will be invited to the Presidential Debates? I do feel that we need to permit the other parties in these debates, the American people need to hear what all of the candidates have to say. I cannot bring myself to vote for the democrats because of their socialistic policies and I cannot stand McCain. America is in trouble serious trouble, we are in a recession and the fact that the leaders of this country refuse to even say the word. Also too much emphasis is placed on the Presidential election. If change is going to happen in America it will have to come from Congress. Also must people couldn't even tell you who is their Federal and State representatives are or what their support.
Ron Paul doesn't have a chance if you don't vote for him.

I did vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. McCain won.

Now it's time to reassess our options. Electing McCain is now our best chance to keep our RKBA rights, much better than Obama. Assuming McCain is the Republican nominee, I'll be voting for him.
Electing McCain is now our best chance to keep our RKBA rights, much better than Obama.
Agreed, and I know I'm preaching to the choir, but no one of our rights is more important than the other. RKBA just gives us the power to defend the rest.
my response is easy...those of you who "hold your nose" and vote for McCain will be as responsible for the continued decline of America as those who vote for Obama.

I will vote for Bob Barr or I will write in Ron Paul...but I will do so with a clear conscience and clear nostrils.
I will do so with a clear conscience
Well stated. I still haven't made my mind up as to what I really will do. I understand were you are coming from. I wonder if the the dems and reps will even give any consideration and allow them to debate with them which in my mind makes me wonder about the legitimacy of our political system. It is very biased and manipulated by the parties and media. Most people don't take time to check out the facts and rely on CNN and Fox to give them a distorted of what is really happening.
my response is easy...those of you who "hold your nose" and vote for McCain will be as responsible for the continued decline of America as those who vote for Obama.

I will vote for Bob Barr or I will write in Ron Paul...but I will do so with a clear conscience and clear nostrils.

+1 and probably millions more!!
Don't kid yourself; don't be deluded.We have no friends in this election: None.

For those who want to beat the drum for one candidate or another during this poiltical season, here are some grades from the folks at that might give you pause ... or send you scurrying to find another presidential candidate. You'll note that Obama has the best score of the three: a mere F. McCain and Hillary both received F- scores:

I agree

the BS and denial in the GOP is huge!!!
That's a ridiculous rating from GOA, xd9fan. Obama is better than McCain on guns? Absurd.

I'm no McCain fan, but my opposition to him has more to do with McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy than McCain-Lieberman.
Danzig said:
my response is easy...those of you who "hold your nose" and vote for McCain will be as responsible for the continued decline of America as those who vote for Obama.

I will vote for Bob Barr or I will write in Ron Paul...but I will do so with a clear conscience and clear nostrils.
I'm with you there.

Besides, what a lot of people seem not to understand is that Obama can't take our gun rights away. No politicians can. In order for us to lose any rights, we have to give them up through cowardice.

The gun rights of the British and Australians weren't taken from them. Those people gave up their rights without a fight. They didn't say, "We will not obey these illegitimate and tyrannical 'laws,' and if you try to arrest or harm us for this, you will have a lot of snipers to deal with." That's why they are now unfree and completely subject to the whims of their rulers, who can do exactly as they please with near or total impunity.

I can see America going down the same path as England. Even on boards like this one, there's a dishearteningly large number of people who seem to have something close to Stockholm syndrome, respecting and even admiring the very politicians and enforcers who are doing their best to make us all helpless. Of course I won't name names, but such people will be the first to turn in their weapons when ordered to do so; then they'll hide their cowardice by cheering on the JBTs who are going after the "criminals" who are brave enough to refuse.
"We will not obey these illegitimate and tyrannical 'laws,' and if you try to arrest or harm us for this, you will have a lot of snipers to deal with."

LOL. Yeah, all of the internet heros are going to form the Wolverines after Obama signs gun control legislation. Sure. Go Ron Paul/Bob Barr! The Wolverine sniper teams are ready! :rolleyes: