Senator McCain per Glenn Beck

The republican voters have already spoken

The republican voters have already told Ron Paul what they think of him--not much;)

I'm still waiting for Obama's speech to the NRA. Hope everyone attacks it with as much vigor.

Not voting, or voting for a candidate that could not even make it through the primary-( Ron Paul) "stupid is as stupid does".

At least some of the Iraq people risk their lives to vote in their meaningless election. I guess the other ones that didn't vote were making a political statement. :p

Time to quit talking about left / right liberal/conservative and start doing what is best for the overall country instead of individuals.

Where were all of these Ron Paul supporters when he was running for real. Did you donate? Did you actively work the phones, get the vote out or were you just hoping?

Still waiting for a position speech from Obama. OH talk about mom and apple pie --"Time for a change" wow there is one we haven't heard before. There is a lot of substance there! He won't even wear a flag pin. Guess he is making a statemet? Obama spends a lot of time saying and doing nothing. I guess it is a lot easier to target McCain than Ron Paul or Obama. Easier in the sense that McCain actually has a record of some kind of government involvement. OH ya " time for a change" I can just feel the wave of cooperation that will engulf the government and courts when all of the non voters and Ron Paul supporters sling enough mud on McCain and get Obama elected. The wind of change - out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Done typing " time for a change":D:D going to go shoot some coffee cans:D
I'm voting , I'm supporting McCain. I'm not sure if I am left or right, I guess I really am ambidextrous.
Time to quit talking about left / right liberal/conservative and start doing what is best for the overall country instead of individuals.
From my point of view, what is best for the overall country is to observe the Constitution. Anyone willing to violate the Constitution does not get my vote. Feel free to give him yours.

Well I predicted Ron paul wouldnt go anywhere so I have a history of being correct ;)

WildnowhereareallthoseguyswhowouldnttakemybetAlaska TM