Senator McCain per Glenn Beck

Uh-oh. The neo-libertarians are back to defining "conservative". Because everybody knows that no one other than Lew Rockwell and Ron Paul are 'true' conservatives. Libertarians are the self-annointed new experts on conservatisim!

Personally, I'm crushed that Ron Paul didn't get the nomination. The value of my stock in several big Texas shrimp corporations has plumeted, so I can't afford to buy a new rifle, which (thankfully) everyone can still purchase because of the Protection of Lawful Arms in Commerce Act, legisation that John McCain voted for. Did Ron Paul vote for that Act? :confused:
Bob Barr thinks Roe vs Wade was wrong because he thinks the Federal government should stay out of the issue. He believes the states should decide. That is a traditionally Republican/Conservative position. Nothing bad there, unless you enjoy the idea of the Federal government intruding in your private life.

Thats what most womb nannies say to hide the fact that they are womb nannies.

Bob Barrs idea of freedom is a backwards looking theocracy....he is a pro freedom as Barack Obama, who likes to imitate Huckabee and toss crosses in his ads

WildconvertmeAlaska ™
So, Fremmer, McCain is your idea of a conservative?

Wild Alaska, thank you for your support of killing babies in the womb.
Considering most people can't take care of the kids they have I think we should be encouraging abortions.

We don't need any more welfare mothers or orphanages.
The only kind of abortion I support is 'retroactive'.

Everybody deserves a chance to live, although some throw it away after they've been with us awhile.
Thats what most womb nannies say to hide the fact that they are womb nannies.
Pro-life or pro-choice... the first step is to get the issue to the proper section of government. It is the contention of the conservatives, and always has been, that Roe-vs-Wade was NOT for the Federal government to decide. The Supreme court expanded its powers over a states issue. The issue must be moved back to the states. If that is done, then you would not have to worry about "President' Bob Barr or "President" anyone controlling someone's womb.

1. Bob Barrs idea of freedom is a backwards looking theocracy....
2. he is a pro freedom as Barack Obama, who likes to imitate Huckabee and toss crosses in his ads
If you have the time, I would be happy to listen to you explain your reasoning in regard to those 2 claims. Feel free to show me rather than tell me.
The good senator tap danced around his sponsorship of legislation closing the so called gunshow loophole. A quick scan of the actual bill showed is was a Stalinist attempt to limit freedom of association. It turned mistakes into felonies. It controlled access to public gatherings. It turned anyone exhibiting at a gunshow into a firearms seller. No differentiation was made between those who sold "assault weapons" and those who sold assault funnel cakes or tactical beef jerky. McCain's legislation would have effectively shut down gunshows.

Somewhat after the legislation was defeated the NRA came out with an analysis that demonstrated that at any given time during the year more people are engaged in attending or participating in gunshows than attend or participate in political activities. Therein may well be the reason for "closing the gunshow loophole", particularly in view of his follow on legislation known as McCain-Feingold which limits political speech.

McCain may be selling his fealty to the second amendment, but I ain't buyin'.
I'm gonna bypass the specific issues and go to the heart of the matter:

McCain does not respect the primacy of the Constitution as amended by the Bill of Rights. He believes that government must violate it from time to time "for the greater good". He does not grasp the concept that the Constitution is there to protect us from our government.

The Constitution is a contract between the people and the government. A contract that is not enforced and not obeyed is void. Once you start picking and choosing which parts you will honor, you have rendered the entire thing ineffective.
It is the contention of the conservatives, and always has been, that Roe-vs-Wade was NOT for the Federal government to decide. The Supreme court expanded its powers over a states issue. The issue must be moved back to the states.

For those wanting to overturn Roe v Wade, moving it back to the states would be a waste of time. Some states would ban it, some would keep it legal. Anyone wanting an abortion would just travel to a state where it was legal and get one. Of course, if SCOTUS were to rule that abortion was not protected by this mythical "right to privacy", that is exactly what would happen. The only way to get rid of abortion is if SCOTUS decides life begins in the womb and abortion is therefore murder in all 50 states.

As for voting for McCain, yes it is the lesser of two evils. That is always the choice left to most of us strictly conservative republicans. Especially those of us that vote primary on gun control issues. Unfortunately, they know that and can base their compaign on that fact. Bush(41) and Bush(43) both made it into office like this. Simply no one better to vote for, yet someone far worse if you don't vote.
Yes, McCain is a conservative. The neo-libs will label him a neo-con, and the liberal democrats will label him a neo-con and/or as too conservative. McCain is indeed conservative, at least as far as I'm concerned.

The gun show loophole? Yeah, McCain doesn't want crazy people and/or convicted felons buying guns at gun shows. Sorry if that somehow disqualifies McCain from the neo-lib definition of conservative. I guess that to fit the neo-lib definition of 'conservative', you have to fight for the right of wackos and felons to buy guns at gun shows. And never work with anyone other than other neo-libs to get legislation passed. Not that it really matters, because for all of the complaining done by the neo-libs, their candidates are totally irrelevant, regardless of who the candidate is.
The only way to get rid of abortion is if SCOTUS decides life begins in the womb and abortion is therefore murder in all 50 states.

That's not true at all. However, abortion is a states issue. Read the constitution. Remember that part about things not being directly delegated to the federal government are in the realm of the states??? Yeah, it's in there. Just because our "rulers" ignore the constitution does not mean that the constitution ceased to exist.
The neo-libs will label him a neo-con...

I'm a Reagan conservative and I will tell you that McCain is a neo-con. For those that may not know what that means, Neo-con is short for Neo-Conservative. Neo-Conservatism is a fork on the conservative tree within the republican party. Neo-cons came over from the democrat party back in the 70's, 80's and 90's. They were pro-war, pro-policing the world, and they didn't like the direction their democrat party was going. So, they began defecting from the democrats to the republicans.

The PROBLEM with these neo-cons is that they didn't come to the republican party to learn how to live as conservatives live... instead, they latched onto the parts of conservatism that they liked and they kept their old liberal ideologies such as ... tax hikes, bigger government, environmental wackiness, pro-abortion, favoring the United Nations, et. al. That is why, today, you see a much more liberal republican party as well as a very liberal John McCain as a republican presidential nominee. Make no mistake about it, McCain is a neo-con... not a direct defector, but an adherent to their policies just the same.

Neo-cons are bad. They belong on the left side of the political spectrum along with all of their bad ideas. If you, as a conservative, continue to vote for these liberal republicans, then you are putting the death nail into conservatism within the republican party. You are, in effect, approving and enabling their liberalism.
If you, as a conservative, continue to vote for these liberal republicans, then you are putting the death nail into conservatism within the republican party. You are, in effect, approving and enabling their liberalism.

So what do you do, vote for Obama and throw the US in the grave instead? And no, I don't believe Bob Barr has a chance in hell of becoming president.
So what do you do, vote for Obama and throw the US in the grave instead?

I will not vote for Obama because I don't vote for liberals. I also will not vote for McCain because I do not vote for liberals. You may feel free to vote for either of those two liberals, of course.

Your emotional comment aside, I beg to differ how voting for liberal John McCain is any different than voting for Obama. Maybe you haven't noticed, but McCain is not a conservative... he belongs in the democrat party, my friend, right along Obama and Hillary Clinton whom "he admires".
I agree totally, I don't want any of them.

On the other hand, when your foot is trapped under a log and you are drowning, do you chop off your foot (McCain), your knee (Hillary) or your entire leg (Obama)?

Would you rather McCain or Obama pick the next two or three supreme court justices? Decide on how to conclude Iraq?
If you, as a conservative, continue to vote for these liberal republicans, then you are putting the death nail into conservatism within the republican party.

I hope so...I hope we can move the womb nannies, racists, social dinosaurs, and haters into the dustbin of history where they belong along with the sorry pacifists, isolationists, statist and economic nannies of the loony left.

I look forward to a progressive and forward thinking Republican party which will forge a new alliance of freedom lovers and democratic elements, who posess progressive social mores, along with promoters of limited government intervention in economic matters, fiscal restraint and foreign policy based on both Realpolitik and exportation of our ideas and culture.

WildtimetorelaimthepartyoffreedomAlaska TM

Considering most people can't take care of the kids they have I think we should be encouraging abortions.

We don't need any more welfare mothers or orphanages.

Yep. There's nobody out there that can't have children that would give everything they own to have a child...even if they are adopted.:rolleyes:

We also don't need any more childred born on this earth. Humans should have the right to abort a fetus that might one day become an incredibly significant contributer to the human race. You know, maybe a doctor, scientist, or inventor....:rolleyes:

Would you rather McCain or Obama pick the next two or three supreme court justices? Decide on how to conclude Iraq?

That's the hang-nail that's keeping me from making a decision to vote for McCain. If the SC issue wasn't apparent, I'd cast my absentee vote the first legal day I could for someone I don't have to hold my nose...

The Iraq question is a tough one. I'm waiting to see what specific plans McCain tells the general public when the race heats up.