Senate Rejects Immigration Reform Bill


Well there is the list of who to keep, and who to throw out next election. Then we filter the remainder for who is pro- gun. That may not leave many. I heard that their phone systems "melted down" so many people called. We definitely don't want net neutrality because the net and talk radio is what made it happen. Oh, they'll try again to slip it in another bill down the line, you can bet on that. But the list of how they voted will be a watch list if any of the yea's try it again.:D
We definitely don't want net neutrality because the net and talk radio is what made it happen.

I agree. But I do think that those that think talk radio caused this to happen need to understand they were only effective because they focused on the true flaws of this bill.

Now Lou Dobbs is on a different level. When Lou talks politicians that lie to the American people quake in their shoes & wet their pants.
After this immigration debacle, parties do not exist for me anymore.
Until the Republicans get back to true conservative values, I'm going to stay an Independant.
Thank God for REAL men of character like Duncan Hunter, Sessions, Vitter and all those that stood against this bill.
That being said, if ever it was made clear which party is hell bent on destroying this country, just look at how many Democrats voted YEA for this dispicable bill!!
34 Dems to 12 Reps!
What a disgusting group of spineless lemmings the Dems are!:mad:
There are going to be quite a few politicians on BOTH sides that will soon be out of work that's for sure!!
It went down because the high voltage types won't face the realities of it. And because the screamers got their way once again, nothing at all will be done except for self-righteous finger pointing. So let's keep a count of all the illegals who cross over for the next three years until an identical bill passes the next congress which will likely be packed with even more hispanic members and sympathizers. You can only shake your head at what an incredibly stupid country we are.
"Everybody, get on every board your a member of and tell everyone else to inundate the White House, the Congress (Both Houses), CNN & Fox News with emails demanding the President to Secure The Borders! Demand that secure borders are not contingent upon being held hostage to immigration reform, and we will not stand for these shannanigans any longer."

The ball is rolling. Let's flood everybody in Washington with DEMANDS that the border fence be built NOW.

It went down because the high voltage types won't face the realities of it.

I didn't realize the thousands of us that e-mailed and phoned the senate to protest this bill were
high voltage types
I'm impressed!:rolleyes:
And because the screamers got their way once again
So that's how you view the majority of Americans who pushed back this bill?
How ignorant!:rolleyes:
It's precisely BECAUSE of the
realities of it
that it got dumped!
Once the public became more and more aware of the bills' provisions, it was seen for what it was and got trounced in the final vote!:D:D
Senator Sessions "20 Loopholes in the Immigration Bill" left little doubt to most "thinking" Americans that the bill was rife with problems.

The ball is rolling. Let's flood everybody in Washington with DEMANDS that the border fence be built NOW.

Because the bill failed more illegals will be crossing until something is done. Following your logic of less is more, why not disband the Border Patrol while we're at it? You seem to WANT as many coming here as possible. Oh ok, you say you don't want them here but it's best if we do nothing about it. Makes perfect non-English speakers.
Because the bill failed more illegals will be crossing until something is done. Following your logic of less is more, why not disband the Border Patrol while we're at it?

Sorry, but ridiculous argument. Same stuff Bush-Kennedy-La Raza spouts.

Here is the was it is: We do not need an immigration bill to secure our borders. Never have needed anything but the the will do do the job. We have had the right to secure our borders since circa 1776 and confirmed by article IV of the Constitution. Now the push needs to be to secure our borders starting today!

high voltage types
I am 67 and I consider that a compliment...thanks.
Because the bill failed more illegals will be crossing until something is done
Exactly! So do that which will work, not make the problem worse.
Following your logic of less is more, why not disband the Border Patrol while we're at it? You seem to WANT as many coming here as possible. Oh ok, you say you don't want them here but it's best if we do nothing about it.

Why is this so difficult?:rolleyes:
Less is not more.
Stop the flow and enforce the laws we have.
That could be started TODAY!
Get the fence the border.
The millions that are already here I'm really not that worried about.
If the present laws are enforced, life here will be too unpleasant for them to stay.
I never intimated that we do nothing.
What we were about to do was wrong.

Stop the flow first!
THEN work on the other issues.
When it's all said and done I still don't see anything getting done. If that's the same thing as success, I should have a room full of awards by now. :p
Nothing is getting done because Jorge and the others don't WANT to get anything done. They wanted the cheap illegal workers to get amnesty. If it had passed, the border security would have had its fanfare trail off and then vanish, and never appear.

We'd have had a repeat of 1986. We do not NEED any such bill. Just to build the fence! It was already approved!
Hey, Dasboot, make sure you call the correct branch of the govt, though. It is an enforcement issue. We've got all the laws we need.
You know're right!
We've already got the law passed to build the fence don't we.
So.......who do we call?
Call 1800impeach.

When it's all said and done I still don't see anything getting done.

Yeah, passing the bill would have solved that. We would have had border security. Heck, I bet we would have had so many border patrol guys that the border would have just been a mass of green uniforms. We would have also had a chicken in every pot. To bad we passed on that one.:D

This is an interesting story about security issues.
I dug up this thread to point out the unintended consequences of beating back the Immigration Reform bill in the senate.
El Presidente, in order to show the peons just haw bad things can get, has turned the immigration police loose on the illegals. That's what everyone wanted, right?

Yesterday, my daughter drove through the Yakima valley and reported the ground in the apple orchards is covered with fallen apples. There are no pickers to pick the apples, pack the apples or ship the apples. So now all those apples that would have made their way to market are going to rot on the ground. Instead we'll be eating apples imported from China, our primary economic adversary, the prices of which will climb causing the consumer (that's us) to pay more for a product we used to export.
By the way, the Yakima valley also produces pears and grapes too, so if you just happen to have a penchant for wine you'll probably have to pay a bit more for a bottle from Chile or Australia.
Now then, there ARE some jobs Americans won't do . . . like think.
"Its about the Rule of law
figure it out"

Yeah. Two laws everyone glossed over: The Law of Supply and Demand and the Law of Unintended Consequences.
Maybe someone will figure it out when their kids are eating Chinese apples at school.
And maybe not.
Now then, there ARE some jobs Americans won't do .

Perhaps we need to rethink how we raise our children, in the end if we cannot
pick our fruit, clean our bathrooms, then in fact we will and deserve to fail.
I was unaware that there was a 0% unemployment rate in the valley. Guess no teenagers with a need for some cash either eh. Or is it the law of supply and demand reducing supply and at the same time forcing a point?

The unintended consequences of employing illegals seems to be what was manifested.