Senate Rejects Immigration Reform Bill

oh yeah, that sounds real. completely. mhm

agreed, that it's probably not "real" in the sense of a word for word transcript, but it does sum the leftist/Mexican so-called argument up in a nutshell. Heck I heard one being interviewed by FOX news a while back after he and a bunch of others had been caught crossing over and said he actually had a "right" to be here. "but it's not your country" said the interviewer, "yeah but that's why it's a free country." said the illegal.
I am not overly concerned about the Houston Illegal story. I think the real news of today is the rejection of the immigration bill.

Now, I think our message to President Bush should be to secure our borders today...not tomorrow or next week, but today! I don't want to see a photo opt with Bush in front of border patrols agents. I want to see federal officers, troops, coast guard, navy, or any federal agency you want to name moving to secure our borders. Bush is the only person in our country that can accomplish that with a phone call. So, Mr. President pick up the phone and make that call!:mad:

Didn't mean to leave anyone out. Also, Army, Air Force & Marines.

Heck with the fence, an A10 about 100 ft. off the ground will get your attention fast.
here is the actual newspaper link... thanks to madmag. Need to read the story he posted down a bit. But since you don't agree it did not happen, right? We only believe posts with real news stories from CNN, MSNBC, ABC or other outlets? Guess you don't believe the 90%+ of news reporters support Democrats either?
That's not a newspaper link, home slice. :o It's a link to a post on another forum.

Read the actual text. It sounds pretty made up. Now read the snopes link and if you so desire call up KHOU to verify the information. :p ANd for the record, KHOU is a CBS affiliate, another liberal news outlet. ^_^

Now, I think our message to President Bush should be to secure our borders today...not tomorrow or next week, but today! I don't want to see a photo opt with Bush in front of border patrols agents. I want to see federal officers, troops, coast guard, navy, or any federal agency you want to name moving to secure our borders. Bush is the only person in our country that can accomplish that with a phone call. So, Mr. President pick up the phone and make that call!

Didn't mean to leave anyone out. Also, Army, Air Force & Marines.

Heck with the fence, an A10 about 100 ft. off the ground will get your attention fast.
Perhaps we should also stop deploying our Border Guards to Iraq. :eek: No wait, that makes way too much sense for this administration.
You noticed the big smile Jimmy Carter has these days? He is beginning to realize he is not going down as the worst President in history.:D
High fives all around is justified, , , , for now. Be prepared for the inevitable counter attack.

--The ruling class has no choice but gain control over talk radio. A major ruling class initiative was just defeated by an unruly mob.
--The ruling class will also have to gain some control over the distribution of news, i.e. the internet.
--Since the ruling class wasn't successful in gaining the grand solution, look for piecemeal implementation attached to other legislation.
--Bush thinks a lot of the executive order as a way to implement his agenda. Whether or not it is legal or constitutional is irrelevant. EO's is a way to begin implementation of whatever agenda long before messy legislation intrudes.
--S.1639 contained implicit endorsement of the SPP initiative driven by Bush (see section 413). It is clear to me a leading reason for the "shove it down your throat" attitude by the senate is the bill jump started SPP without having to go public for now.
--July's briefing before congress by the fathers of globalism on the benefits of the SPP will be canceled.

A word to the sufficient is wise. We just won a battle; the war is still on.
The Ds and Rs on the two lists above are following the same politically suicidal path other Ds and Rs walked over the issue of gun control not many years ago.

It seems there's a surprisingly large number of Senate members (House too) that just don't understand the citizens are not willing to accept amnesty, borders that are wide open years after 911 and large phoney items of legislation that are manufactured in the dark of the night and voted on before the final version is even published. If the laws on the books now were enforced this problem would start to turn around. Their egos, backroom deals or both must cause deafness.

The cost of this thing if enacted would have been mind-blowing. We were willing to spend that as a nation in the minds of the yea voters I suppose but can't afford to enforce the laws on the books which would be much more cost effective.

I hope the voters in the states these people come from remember this at election time.

That's not a newspaper link, home slice.

I live in Houston and heard the report last year home slice. It is pretty accurate just like the Principal hanging the Mexican Flag at a local Jr. High. And with all the illegals here in Houston they're not going to post it on their website... not PC.
You noticed the big smile Jimmy Carter has these days?

Madmag I didn't think I would ever agree with you on this -- I voted for him both times. But after this and the new Gun Control legislation I am tending to change my mind.
A major ruling class initiative was just defeated by an unruly mob.

Hence forth I will be know as part of the unruly mob. Kinda has a nice ring to it...don't you think.:D

Hail to Mr. Lou, the great leader of the unruly mob.:D
I'd definitely raise a glass to Lou Dobbs, yes...I suspect he, himself, will consume an entire bottle and go to bed to be able to sleep for the first time in months.

He was honestly angry, not acting.
Zumbo 'em

Tibu said:
So it begs the question; What now?
Pretty darn simple, really. We've done it once before....

Everybody, get on every board your a member of and tell everyone else to inundate the White House, the Congress (Both Houses), CNN & Fox News with emails demanding the President to Secure The Borders! Demand that secure borders are not contingent upon being held hostage to immigration reform, and we will not stand for these shannanigans any longer.

Absolutely no reason not to Zumbo 'em. Once it gets rolling, it will pick up many who are not gunnies. True Grass Roots Action.
It was pretty clear that a weak excuse for a president along with the animosity in the discourse nothing serious was going to happen.

In one sense it was funny to watch as the Repubs loose another minority group of voters not unlike their fight against civil rights lost generations of black voters. You'd think with so many marksmen in the ranks they'd shoot at something other than their feet. :p Joking aside, the only sure thing now is that nothing at all will be done.
...the only sure thing now is that nothing at all will be done.

And that's the one thing that really doesn't need to be allowed.

Seriously... people seem to be able to get up and raise a fuss... tie up D.C.s switchboards, etc.... to get something stopped that they don't want. But they don't seem to be able to muster up the wherewithal to do the same for getting something done they do want.

It really is time to let the folks in D.C. know that they have to get ol' Juan to understand that he doesn't have any "right" to be here illegally, and get him back the other side of the border.

What now?

Let's keep it real simple for our Washington Senators & Rep's.

1) Secure our borders now..

1A) Enforce existing employer penalties for hiring illegals.

Then we can all sit down and discuss reasonable immigration reform that will allow a path to citizenship.
I see our two worthless senators toed the party line and voted for the bill. Hopefully Uncle Ted will be indicted soon and someone worth voting for will run against Murkowski.
The laws are already in place to secure our borders...they just need some more persuasion like they got for the past few weeks.