Senate Bans Import of Hi-caps Mags!... (HUH ???!!!???)

Rob Pincus

New member
Maybe someone can help me understand this. Apparently, a bill introduce by Fienstein to stop the importation of Hi-Cap mags was passed in the senate today.

Well, I was under the impression that we already had that law.

Glock has not been able to import civilian Hi-caps for 5 years, neither has any other company that I am aware of.. so just what did this bill do?? Stop LE/Mil mags from being imported ????

Perhaps they were "regulated" by customs and import the ban is legislated.

And I understand it applies to long gun mags as well

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
All I can find as of now.
From the HCI web site:
In 1993, Congress banned the domestic manufacture of magazines, or "clips," capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition. That legislation, however, permitted clips manufactured before the new law went into effect to remain in commerce and did not directly prohibit the importation of high capacity magazines. As a result, tens of thousands of such clips remain in circulation in the United States and are favored by criminals. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) have introduced legislation (S.594/H.R.1037) to eventually take such magazines out of circulation.

[This message has been edited by DHH (edited May 13, 1999).]
I guess I was under the impression that all 10+ round mags were already banned, including Long guns, no??

It makes sense that older mags could've been imported, but it seems like after 5 years that'd be about dried up for any gun that there was a demand for.

OEM's couldn't make hi-cap mags. But after market manufacturers could.
Bottomline its moot now.

We have been totally and completely screwed blue

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I don't think MecGar could, they are aftermarket.
In fact, I think the ban was pretty clear about No ONE being alowwed to manufacture ANY device capable of holding mroe than 10 rounds (including link belts, as I recall), this includes modifying old or new 10 rounders to hold more than 10 rounds. I was under the impression that this also banned the importation of new 10+ mags.. otherwise Glock Would've been shipping them in by the truckload.

The reason it is so important to me to get tot he bottom of this is because I think this is issue is just a "rah-rah" for the Anti-s and a "woe is me" for Us.. I think it was ALREADY Moot, before the vote.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited May 13, 1999).]
But from a Calif perspective, we could buy them either mail order or if a store stocked them(never lasted on the shelf, immediate sell outs). It now appears that there won't be any anyplace.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Being a cynic and only a little bit paranoid there probably is a provision to make possession of then illegal in two years or some such.Otherwise there wouldnt be the hoorah. Make sense?

Better days to be,


It is not a "rah-rah." Rather, it is a stepping stone, a further nibble, for the ultimate goal is to outlaw the possession of the hi-cap magazines now possessed by the citizens. Law enforcement and military will be exempt, of course. They know many of us will fight if it comes to outright confiscation of our firearms. So first, they will outlaw the possession of hi capacity magazines and wait for someone to get caught with them. Sooner or later, someone so caught will fight. Then the media blitz will hit: "We told you how crazy these gun nuts are!" How many of us will fight for high capacity magazines? I might. I'm damn well thinking about it. I hope it doesn't happen for a few more years, though. I don't want my mother to have to go through that.
The Senate vote today states that there can be no more importation or sale of pre-ban high-capacity magazines that had been made before Sept. 13, 1994. They had been grandfathered in during the '94 "Assault gun ban". Of course, none of this becomes law until passed by the House of Representatives.
There's more bad news: Clinton is pressuring Republican Senator, Trent Lott, to hold yet another vote on the anti-gun show legislation that was defeated yesterday! Worse than that, some republican senators are reportedly waffling and claiming that they "misunderstood" what they were voting against!!??! This is crap. Clinton's gun control legislation was defeated within the American system and now he and the antis are not happy. Do we just continue having votes until he gets the one he wants? We must all contact our senators and representatives, stating our opposition to any further voting on defeated issues as well as any further gun control legislation. Please help.
Ok Stephen..

what more can we do, huh? My long distance bill to Washington DC is and has been higher than to my family and friends. I write letters and send e-mail every GD day.

"Please help"???!!! What is this? Everyone on this forum does that every day. "Let our legislators know our opposition"...they stab us in the back every chance they get. We have to stop depending on politicians and do something ourselves.
Come up with some real pro-active ideas, Stephen

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Okay, so that is the thing that Ed was talking about. the hidden detail.. According to Stephen, The SALE or pre-ban hicaps will be banned by this bill.

That is the piece of the puzzle I was looking for.. let's stop talking about the imports, which is OLD news.. let's call this what it is, an end to the transfer of Existing Hi-Caps !!

Holy Crap! Now I AM pissed....
In answer to your question about what we can do, I have no really new ideas. And my phone bill is high, too. I've emailed my senators, representatives, as well as the Speaker of the House as none of this becomes law unless it passes both the Senate and the House. I also contacted the Republican National Committe, you know, the ones always calling or asking for donations. I advised that if Republican senators waffled and there is a "re-vote" or if they put forth a bill with the same provisions as the Clinton-backed bill, and then pass it, I'll not donate another dime, and that I'd vote and financially support only those candidates backing the Second Amendment, regardless of party. That's the very best I know how to do right now. If you or anyone has new or better ideas, I'll appreciate knowing them. I'm doing all I know to do.
And the part that really burns me is that none of them had the guts to put his name to this vote.
"The amendment by California Democrat Dianne Feinstein had failed in previous years but it survived a procedural effort to kill it by a 59-39 vote Thursday night, and then was accepted on a voice vote."



[This message has been edited by DHH (edited May 13, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by DHH (edited May 13, 1999).]
Thank you, gentlemen. This is one more thing I can and will do. As this post is being typed, my printer's printing out the form required to donate, have my name added to the list for the add, etc. With your permission, I will make this known through a group I regularly contact and direct them here to join. Count me in. Best to you all.


Thanks for your support of FOUP.. and God yes... please get everyone you know involved!

Consider it done. Also, I will include your email address as a "cc:" so that you can see what is said. I do hope to generate some members. I will advise them as well that while fifty is needed, if they just cannot to send what they can. My application is now completed along with enclosed check. It goes into the mail ASAP, like tommorrow.
Rob - To answer your question. There are a few GAZILLION 30 round AK mags all over the world made between 1947 and 9/14/94. These are currently legal to import because they were made before the ban. If this legislation passes, those mags would be illegal to import. Same with all the M-16 mags or other pre-ban high caps in Europe or the pacific rim.