Selling off collection due to illness

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Good vibes heading your way!

I have a friend/coworker who just came back to work after a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. Hang tough!

If ypu can dig up the energy (I know its an asset on therapy) a good gun show might be a start in my mind. You could lay it all out and talk to nice folks in the process.

Gun broker etc can be a bit of work. Posying pics, shipping etc etc.

Let your amigos know. Such things are not difficult to peddle. I have sold guns for friends in literally minutes to other friends.
There was a guy in Minnesota who sold his.

I used to visit the gun shows in Minnesota for decades and there was a guy who was the cousin of a good friend of mine. He had the most fabulous military hand gun collection I have ever seen, rare stuff, kept them in a glass case that took up a whole table. He started collecting Lugers in the early 50's had great advice.

Just before I left for Texas in 2008 I was at the last big show and saw him with only a few handguns for sale, he clearly had signs of a one or more stroke damage and he told me he was selling everything due to declining health, he did not look well at all. He was down to just 4 handguns, he told me he was 86 years old, which I did not know. Because he had collector grade guns it was a chore to get a decent price for them, but used the gun shows to unload his collection. I doubt he is still alive and I live too far away to visit.

You may want to try a table at a gun show. Sorry to hear of your health issues.
I would first put the word out to friends, co-workers, and family, to give them an opportunity to help out financially as well as getting a keepsake.

Next I'd try some ads in the local papers. If you have any local gun clubs or ranges, see if they have bulletin boards or newsletters.

A local gun shop might accept some of them for consignment sales.
Well got some news today that I am sure no one here on the boards would ever what to get. I was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer which has spread to 3 spots on my brain. I have just completed radiation treatment and it has taken some toll on my body as far. Tired all the time and not much energy. This brings me to my question for all my friends on the site. I now have to task of selling off my small gun collection to get as much money as I can to leave for my wife. I hope not to get into the position of “giving away the guns for any money I can get but to get a fair price for each for the family. I am asking for any advise as to how to sell the inventory to maximize it’s worth and would welcome any suggestions as to how would be the best way to sell them off. I would also like to sell the assorted magazines and quite of bit of ammo I had been accumulating for the coming problems I see out nation facing. I have weapons that I have not even fired for lack of time as well as weapons that I have all being in like new condition with original boxes and paper work.
So again any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as to making the task before me a bit easier since I really don’t know how much time God has allotted me on this earth before he calls me home.

Sorry to hear this. We are all mortal. I have metastatic prostate cancer, known to be in my lungs. Currently kept at bay by a drug that I seem to have every listed side effect of. Won't stay at bay forever.

Anyway, we used to have a small-ish FFL locally that would sell estate collections for folks, mostly using Gunbroker. He knew the ins and outs, could ship and could deal with the FFL stuff. Of course he took a cut. You might want to see if there's anyone trustworthy locally that could do that.
I have a friend in Slater MO. His name is George and he too received the bad news... Stage 4 lung cancer that had metastacized (SP?). He has had surgery, he has done chemo, he has done radiation... dozens of times.

He was given 4 months to live and that was in 2010.

George simply refuses to die and he is still fighting. He has 1/3 of 1 lung left but I talked to him last night and he told me that yesterday he loaded 200 rounds of .45ACP on his Dillon 550.

The point being, George never gave up.

I had another friend that had the same diagnosis. He gave up and quit fighting and was dead in four months.

Never give up, yes sell your collection. I suggest a estate auction... you have other things to do but worry whether that Marlin 336 is worth $275 or $325.

Hope this helps, I am 74 and have prostate cancer.
My father passed from Adrenal Gland cancer 2 years ago. I hate to be bleak, but he went from diagnosis to dead in 3 weeks. I would as soon as you can as others have said catalog everything for your family so they can know value. If you can arrange a trusted friend or auctioneer that would be beneficial too. One off local LGS's will consign for 10%. That is worth looking into.

My dad never had the chance to delegate certain things in his will and I have had to fight his widow for them. I would not wish that on anyone. Best wishes to you in your journey.
My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer about 3 years ago. She went through 8 chemo treatments and had a double masectomy and has been cancer free so far.

I have an idea of what you and your wife are going through and as I type this I have eyes filled with tears. The memories are still very strong for me and my thoughts are with you and your family.

But yes, post a listing of your guns with pictures if possible here in the for sale section. I bet we can help. GB is good but takes some work and time investment. I have bought one gun off the S&W site and felt I got a good deal and I didn't try to haggle with the seller. Knowing what part of the country you are in might help also with maybe a few face to face sales.

May God be with you and your love ones.
GILFO: Sorry to hear the news- Prayers are ongoing. Did you ever make a decision on a sale/ auction? I ask because I would like to help, I am sure myself, family or friends may be looking for something and I could push the price. Never give up. Be Safe,
Sad News

Sad news indeed. My heart goes out to you and your family but this is not the end! May I suggest you find a good friend or child who can help your wife liquidate your collection should you go before you have a chance to take care of everything you would like to sell. I would write down a list of everything and how much you expect it's worth. I know it's not easy getting news like this but my grandmother was told she had 6 months in 1989 with metastasized breast cancer and then proved her old doctor wrong by going to Stanford which has a great cancer center, getting on tomoxifen and living till 1998! I would see a specialist and ask if there is any new treatments that are worth trying. What have you got to lose? rc
To all my friends on Firing Line. Most of my collection has been sold at fair prices for both parties. I only have 3 rifles to sell and that will be completed. I also was holding back a few additional guns that are near and dear to my heart. I couldn't bare to see them sold.. I have a good friend that will handle that for me.

So again I want to take this time to thank you all for your help and suggestions.

May God bless you all hope they have a nice range up in heaven where we all can meet.
Gilfo, glad you were able to sell your collection. I first saw your sales post on the FGF. I didn't know what to say, so I remained silent. I hope I'm as brave as you when faced with the same situation. I'll keep you in my prayers. And yes, I look forward to meeting you in person one day.
I can sympathize with your plight. I have two family members who are in close proximity to your situation. There are many thousands dollars worth of firearms at stake that are going to be a legal nightmare.

What I would suggest as a simple, painless idea is to find a local store who is sympathetic to your needs, who will sell on commission. You put it in his store, he maintains it in inventory, and you set the price. when it sells he will take a commission, maybe a big one. It costs a lot to run a store, it taes a lot of time to manage an inventory.

Even stores like cabelas will buy guns worth reselling in a market like they have.
So sorry to hear about your illness Gilfo. Glad to hear that you were able to offload most of your collection at a fair price. Praying for you and your family. May God give you and your family strength and comfort.
You are in my prayers.

My father had terminal cancer of the bone and kidney at 53 .

He took no treatments or meds.
He died in his 80s cancer free.
It ain't over till its over.
If you would pm me I may know a person who would buy several of your collection for a fair price.
If you have any that are designated for family members, list then in your will. Hopefully, this would eliminate and family disputes and they can get ugly.
From my experience as a trustee, I recommend you give them away before your death, especially if the trustee is a family member. Putting them in the middle of disputes when they have very little leeway under the law is a bad situation.

FTF local is the only way to get highest cash. It takes a lot of time and energy though.
The OP successfully sold his collection. There's no need to revive this with further advice to him.

gilfo said:
To all my friends on Firing Line. Most of my collection has been sold at fair prices for both parties. I only have 3 rifles to sell and that will be completed. I also was holding back a few additional guns that are near and dear to my heart. I couldn't bare to see them sold.. I have a good friend that will handle that for me.

So again I want to take this time to thank you all for your help and suggestions.
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