Selling off collection due to illness

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New member
Well got some news today that I am sure no one here on the boards would ever what to get. I was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer which has spread to 3 spots on my brain. I have just completed radiation treatment and it has taken some toll on my body as far. Tired all the time and not much energy. This brings me to my question for all my friends on the site. I now have to task of selling off my small gun collection to get as much money as I can to leave for my wife. I hope not to get into the position of “giving away the guns for any money I can get but to get a fair price for each for the family. I am asking for any advise as to how to sell the inventory to maximize it’s worth and would welcome any suggestions as to how would be the best way to sell them off. I would also like to sell the assorted magazines and quite of bit of ammo I had been accumulating for the coming problems I see out nation facing. I have weapons that I have not even fired for lack of time as well as weapons that I have all being in like new condition with original boxes and paper work.
So again any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as to making the task before me a bit easier since I really don’t know how much time God has allotted me on this earth before he calls me home.

Thanks gilfo
Hi gilfo, I don't know you but I am sending prayers your way and sincerely hoping for the best for you and your family.
Sorry to hear about your illness.
Checking prices on various auction sites (closed auctions) and general for sale sites like will give you a good idea as to asking prices. Make your list and post here and on similar websites where there is no fee for posting. Also, post your list at any local gun clubs in your area - most have a bulletin board for such things - again, no fee for that.

Those will give you the max amount possible.

Otherwise make a good detailed list for your family of values and such in case things get worse before you sell them so they have a real good idea what to sell them for afterwards.

Good luck..............
gilfo I am so sorry to hear about this.
We lost a friend of the family under these same circumstances.. lung cancer that migrated to the brain.

I would think selling individually privately would be the best way to get the highest amount.

You could also try having a fundraiser / raffle, That could potentially yield much more then the guns are worth normally.

Do not give up, Things may seem bleak but remember you are still alive!
Where there is life there is hope.

All I can say is my prayers are with you and your family!
Post what you have here as far as firearms and accessories.
I'm sure the members will be more than generous!

Sorry to hear such bad news! Will put you on the prayer list. as others said post them up. you'll get more selling them individually.
Thoughts and prayers your way.

When my father passed a year and a half ago, my mother held a auction cause he had a lot of stuff ranging from farm equipment to sporting supplies to just stuff he would board. He had a nice gun collection and I told the auctioneer that I wasent going to let some of the nicer guns go for half what there worth and he told me to bid on them and if I won the bid he would scratch it from the auction and I wouldn't have to pay. I had to bid on a few of them but once they got to the right price I stopped and they got sold anyways. Not sure if you have enough for a auction but that may be a way also. Prayers again.
May God bless and keep you and your family.
Would you mind sharing your general location?
There may be a member nearby that could help.
Prayers that the shadow of the Lord's healing hand pass upon you and deliver you strength...

And for all those similarly situated...

Wow, such devastating news. My heart goes out to you, your wife, family, and friends. Having lost great friends to this, I feel for you. Thoughts and prayers sent your way.
selling off collection due to illness

Prayer on its way.
If close , I would be willing to assist. If a Member of American legion or DAV, if like ours there would be some willing to help.
It is hard to recommend any solution fro so far away.
Family Members, a Brother or whoever is first that would come to my mind.
Looks lilke we have a Prayer-Chain !!!

Our prayers go with you and your family and the day is coming when all of us will have to face this part of our lives. I have had to assist the wives of gun-buddies with this problem. Here is what I would suggest;

1) If you haven't already done so, catalog what you have. List what you paid for them and current value. This would be good information that will be of great help for your wife.

2) If possible, establish a trusted dealer or auctioneer that will assist you. Currently I have both.

3) If you have any that are designated for family members, list then in your will. Hopefully, this would eliminate and family disputes and they can get ugly.

4) Try to sell what you can but as you noted, don't give them away unless it' your choice. ... :)

I will say a "Power-Prayer, for you and your family, tonight and;

Be Safe !!!
You have my sorrow for your illness. Do you have any close relative or good friend who is into guns? Such a person who would be willing to do the leg work for you would greatly help.
Depending on your location a local auction house should consign them. The local auction I use charges 10% plus a $5.00 online listing fee. I have had good luck with them. They use Proxibid and in house bids. The greater of the two gets the item. No complaints from me. Usually my items bring blue book or better. You get national exposure and don't have to mess with shipping, regulations, etc...
I would use Gunbroker or some other big online website. It will give you the most exposure and able you to set a reserve or starting price for your items.
Sorry to hear of your condition, prayers sent.
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