Seized by the Manchester, New Hampshire PD for Open Carry

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If open carry is legal in his state then I recant what I wrote.

I would however hold it to those whom don't have open carry in their state for I have heard some folks at the ranges I patronize who apparently don't think twice about flashing their holster or their big mouth.
Man, I missed all of this on the first go around, didn't know at the time that TFL was back up, and my computer was dead anyway.
I too am wondering what has happened with this situation.
For all of you that kind of hijacked the thread away from the initial matter of concern - the appropriateness and legality of the actions of the officers actions, to turn it into a pissin match over who's method carry is best, and the general insult to those that do carry openly in accordance with the law, I have only one thing to say - Go buy a clue! An awful lot of what has been said here would have the antis jumping with joy. After all, one of their preferred methods of operation is to divide and conquer, evidenced most recently (at least highest profile example) by John Kerry assuring hunters that they have nothing to worry about.
In my state of residence, open carry is legal, concealed carry is not. An honest man has no reason to try to outsmart the law. An honest man carrying openly in accordance with the law may be asked a few questions, and given some funny looks, but he will not be assaulted from behind by officers, he will not be humiliated, and he will not have his rights infringed by those those who are sworn to uphold the law.

I live in N.H. and used to live in Manchester years ago and found that the PD there doesnt seem to be pro CCW, at least back then. When I went to Man. PD years ago to get a permit I was 23 and drove an oil truck and carried considerable sums of money and was out all hours of the night on call for people running out of oil. We went to desolate places, dark 1 lane dirt roads in the country also. I never had so much as a speeding ticket and my Dad was a LT on another PD and my uncle a chief in another state. The chief gave me such a hard time I thought I was in the Soviet Union! After he reluctantly signed the CCW permit his parting words were I dont agree with armed citizens! The Man. PD has had 2 or 3 new chiefs since then, but the general viewpoint appears as though it hasnt changed. I feel that big city PD's seem to be more anti CCW than small rural town PD,s and Manchester isnt all that big, in 2000 the population was 107,006. I do agree it was pushing the envelope carrying an exposed gun but within the law. Also Barnes and Noble bookstore is bound to have more than just few anti Libs lurking around so that would be one of the last places I would carry exposed. I am also always aware of the location and concealment of my weapon. This does not excuse the treatment received by Mvpel as he broke no law, as if he had they would have been more than happy to give him a bed for the night.
Since I am in the midst of an adoption, of this little Russian boy:


I've not filed suit, as that would not be looked upon kindly by the Russian family court. My attorney says we have two more years to do so, if necessary.

In the meantime, though, I've been developing a training presentation in Powerpoint to explain the open carry law in New Hampshire, and have made a couple of contacts in the NH Police Standards & Training Council to whom I plan to submit the presentation once it's done.

I figure if we can get this training pushed down from the top, statewide, that'll allow us to address the problem not only in Manchester, but Portsmouth, Concord, Keene, and anywhere else we've got anti-self-defense cops lurking about.
Believe it or not I'm still working on the adoption, thanks to a very unfortunate sequence of events and a less-than-forthright agent in Russia.

We're hoping to hear something specific later this week, though, now that we've hired a new agency.
We're affording it by virture of a sequence of 0% interest credit card offers and the $10,360 tax credit.
That is a sizeable tax credit. But, with me still injured and out of work, we just can't swing it. A few families in the town we live in adopted from Russia. One of them is in my daughter's class at school. It did take a long time, and they had problems with the people on the Russian end of things, too.

Let us know when it all works out for you.
We got stuck in a change of rules in Russia, and a couple of different changes of judges in the court. We're just hoping that we don't have to wait through a month-long vacation of yet another judge again, like we did last year.

We expected to have this adoption finished nearly a year ago, and we're planning on starting another one soon, we just need to decide if we really want to go back to Russia or not.

This may throw a wrench into plans for holding Manchester to account, as there's a three year statute of limitations.
I've let the adoption discussion go these past few days because I know it's very personal and I'd expected it would shift back on topic of it's own accord. The current subject, being so personal, is even more reason to ask y'all to take it to PM or email. This is a great thread and I hate to see it hijacked, even if the author is central to the tangent.

Thanks much.
I have heard many opinions expressed here and many are informative but what a lot of folks are forgetting is that a violation of a persons rights was comitted. This is very, very wrong and all must stand against this or have the same or worse happen to others.
How can some argue that mvpel is in the wrong or made a major mistake because the "Authorities" violated his rights, nay the rights of us all.
I know thread necromancy is a bad thing but id like an update, Please. I tried open carry here in indiana for the first time a week ago and nothing came of it. Well besides a short and pleasent conversation with a fellow LTCH holder. WHom didnt know that indiana law allowed open carry.
Talk about an ANCIENT thread...

And to me, based on the original account, the guy was guilty of being a ________. The openly carried weapon IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS BACK was not in his control, as one of the cops showed when he snuck up behind him and grabbed it. A nutcase could have done the same and promptly shot him in the back, then opened up on other customers. Giving any criminal that comes along a free gun for the taking is not reponsible carrying of a firearm.

SOB is not for open carry, it's for concealed carry. Open carry is best done on the hip, where you can see your weapon at any time.

He might not have broken any laws, but that was, to be blunt, stupid. The cop showed him just how stupid he was with the ease of disarmament performed on him. He should be grateful it was a cop.
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I am NOT gonna re-read the whole thread. But as I recall, the OP had taken his coat off due to temp, and had forgotten that his pistol was now visible...

Let's cut a LITTLE slack: this was a case of no harm, no foul (on the OP's part: the actions of the police afterward was another matter)...
If you go back and reread the posts, you will see that he didn't "forget" that his pistol was now visible, he knowingly carried open. While I do agree that it shouldn't be a problem, in a city setting like that, it's really not going to gain any support for gun rights!

And, I also agree, as I've posted earlier in this thread, that the OP was in Condition White, which NOBODY should be while carrying (or even when unarmed, although carrying a handgun definately requires RESPONSIBILITY), concealed or open. That fact was proven when he was surrounded by police, pushed against the magazine shelf and disarmed. He shouldn't be angry at the police for doing that, he should thank them for it. Maybe now he'll be at least a little more aware of his surroundings! Just think what would have happened if he was disarmed by a criminal that he was completely oblivious of. Getting himself injured or killed is one thing, but now a criminal would have a weapon that could be turned on innocent bystanders.

It's called responsibility. But, instead of taking responsibility of being taken by total surprise and disarmed, he wants to blame someone else.
How many times are we gonna beat mvpel up?

He has been thoroughly thrashed, both here and on THR. Spin it anyway you want, it still doesn't justify what the police did.
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