Seen a Guy "Double Fisting" at the Range Today

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You are saying because it can be unsafe it should not be done at a public range. Firing a gun in any situation can be unsafe, so it should not be done in public for any reason, even defense.

See the parallels now?
You are saying because it can be unsafe it should not be done at a public range. Firing a gun in any situation can be unsafe, so it should not be done in public for any reason, even defense.

See the parallels now?

You need to separate those two things, and decide what I did and did not say.

You are saying because it can be unsafe it should not be done at a public range

I actually addressed public and private ranges earlier in this thread. I'm getting weary of saying this: I don't see how range rules differentiate between an expert at unorthodox shooting, and a beginner at it. Therefore range rules apply to everyone, the dummy and the expert. If the dummy cannot do it, the expert cannot either.

Firing a gun in any situation can be unsafe, so it should not be done in public for any reason, even defense.

You have taken a statement, "Firing a gun in any situation can be unsafe", which is true in my opinion- otherwise why do we have basic safety rules in the first place- and then you have made a mistake. You have tacked onto it something I never advocated: "so it should not be done in public for any reason, even defense." I never said this at all. You're putting words into my mouth.

See the parallels now?

by this I guess you are referring to me having the attitude of an anti-gunner. Since I didn't say the thing you ascribe to me, your answer is No, I do not see the parallels, becasue I didn't make the statement you say I did. Please do not portray me as saying things I didn't say or assign me values I never indicated. :)
Folks, can I ask a favor?

Please don't try to have me stand proxy for everything you dislike about ignorant people trying to take away our 2A rights. It's not just unfair, it's silly.

Thanks :)
so some things that are unsafe in public, due to rookies witnessing, should not be done in public, but other things that are unsafe can be done in public. Could you write down all unsafe things that are okay and all that are not?
So your personal experience should dictate range safety?

Yes, for me it does.

You did it and you "proved" it was safe. What did you prove...oh, you proved that the times you did it, with you as your subject, nothing went wrong. That's not proof, that's an anecdote.

You keep citing "facts" and "evidence" that I "need" to provide. So my inability to cite a study on this proves you right? It simply proves I cannot produce a study, Grizz. You're making up rules of discussion here, unless you can cite "proof" that is not an anecdote, yourself.

Is firing two pistols at once taught in basic pistol safety courses?

Yes, I did it and proved it was safe.

Yes I watched others do it and they did not have any safety issues

Others on this thread have mentioned doing it without any harm coming to them or those they were with at the time

If you want me to admit that something COULD go wrong, than yes, something could go wrong just the same as something could go wrong by shooting in any other position. I witnessed a rifle blowing up so bad that the scope took about 6 seconds to hit the ground. That does not mean the shooter did anything wrong or he should not be aloud to own a gun or he is an idiot. All it means is he got ahold of some bad ammo and the gun blew up. Stuff happens…

Whats your proof that its dangerous? Just because you FEEL its dangerous it must be dangerous, right?? Other than that you got nothing…
Do you have any examples to prove it is unsafe or is it something YOU feel is unsafe?
The examples are every time I've seen it done. It results in bullets hitting things the shooter didn't intend to hit, and that happens because he can't control one (or both) of the guns.

Just because an NRA training book doesn't mention it doesn't mean it's safe or responsible. I've never seen an admonition not to try and "curve" bullets in an NRA manual, but I wouldn't allow that, either.
The examples are every time I've seen it done. It results in bullets hitting things the shooter didn't intend to hit, and that happens because he can't control one (or both) of the guns.

All of us have seen that countless times when people are only shooting one gun at a time

What else you got?
so some things that are unsafe in public, due to rookies witnessing, should not be done in public, but other things that are unsafe can be done in public. Could you write down all unsafe things that are okay and all that are not?

That's simply argumentative. But my response would be "no, I cannot write it down. This is where your common sense and sound judgement is supposed to come into play"

We have signs everywhere in the USA today that remind us to do things that common sense dictates we don't do. I don't advocate more of them. I advocate common sense.

Yes, for me it does.

We ain't never going to be shooting buddies if your opinion of safety is just what your experiences bring to the table. What about mine? Everyone else's?

Whats your proof that its dangerous? Just because you FEEL its dangerous it must be dangerous, right?? Other than that you got nothing…

I cannot asses the shooter's skill by looking at him. You can't either but I'm almost believing you will say you can, lol. Therefore I do not assume that a shooter is expert in an unorthodox shooting style which is not taught in basic pistol safety courses: the shooter has not proven to my satisfaction he can do that properly. Due to this FACT I therefore do not ASSUME anything about the shooter's skill in unorthodox shooting styles. When I go to the range and I see a person with a pistol I have very clear confidence that they have passed at least a basic safety course. Anything above that is assumption in my book.

You however have no problem making the assumption that the shooter is skilled in the unorthodox skill- just trying it out is good enough for you, since you've done it. We view risk management very differently, you and I.


I am not saying this is not possible. I have been saying again and again that the rules must, by their nature, cater to the lowest level of skill in order to assure the level of safety intended at the range.
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The examples are every time I've seen it done. It results in bullets hitting things the shooter didn't intend to hit, and that happens because he can't control one (or both) of the guns.

All of us have seen that countless times when people are only shooting one gun at a time

This is true. I am starting to think that there is no valid argument to favor the discontinuation of the 2 hands-2 guns method of shooting. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you should be allowed to tell someone else they aren't allowed to do it.

At best, I think you have the right to express your concerns and possibly offer up ideas to improve the safety of said act, but you don't get to condemn it completely simply because it makes you uncomfortable.

Unless of course, you own the range where this is taking place.
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IMO, if someone "double fisting" handguns makes you so nervous; you really should just remove yourself from the range, build a bunker, stock it to the gills with dried food rations and barricade yourself in there for life.

An online friend of mine who's an avid shooter once told me "we deal primarily with lifeless machines and we often forget there is a human element". I may not have quoted them perfect, but you get the sentiment. People shoot firearms for more than just practice so they can have a better chance at defending themselves, I know it might sound strange but some people actually shoot guns for fun!

I know, crazy concept, right?
Ruger, for your consideration, in your post:

one person said that it has happened every time he has seen it

The reply was that this happens as well when one hand is used. But what was unsaid was that it does not happen with the same frequency that was cited, ie: every time

Personally I do not feel these two statements describe the same condition. YMMV
IMO, if someone "double fisting" handguns makes you so nervous; you really should just remove yourself from the range, build a bunker, stock it to the gills with dried food rations and barricade yourself in there for life.

Well, it's just my opinion that you have successfully blown the entire thing so far out of proportion that discussion must end.
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