Seen a Guy "Double Fisting" at the Range Today

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Guy must have thought he was in Hollywood. I have never seen anyone grab two semi-autos and start blasting away like that at a range.

I was just signing out and one of the range guys say "what the heck is he doing"! The other range guy gets up and saw what was going on and says "Hell no"! He goes in and after a minute comes back out shaking his head. Said the guy tells him "it wasn't in the rules, so whats the problem?". Range guy said "It should be common sense". I think he was thinking about banning the guy, guess he is trouble every time he goes.

Scary thing is, that was the lane that was next to the one I was in. Glad I was already out before he started that.

Have you ever seen this?
I've seen trick shooters do it before, but never at an indoor range with lanes. That's just a waste of ammo and practice time.
Imagine the guy is actually really talented dual wielding guns, and we're just pewpewing on him for no reason. :D
I once saw I guy shoot two .500S&W revolvers at separate metal plates, allowing the two bullets to ricochet off the separate plates, and then meet at a single target. The trick was firing them at the same exact time, so that the recoil from one gun wouldn't push his other gun off target.
I would say that each range has a rule about general unsafe conduct. And if it doesn't, it damned well should have one right now, this minute.

I don't really think the guy that might be "expert" at this has any bearing at all. Somebody else will see him do it, get away with it, and will get the bright idea to give it a whirl. This is unsafe.
Why is it unsafe?

Is it unsafe to point-shoot a pistol with your right hand only?

Is it unsafe to point-shoot a pistol with your left hand only?

What exactly makes it so unsafe to do it with both hands?

I've seen it done fairly regularly, even tried it a couple of times myself. It struck me as pretty much a waste of ammo, but I don't see anything particularly "unsafe" about it any more than firing a pistol weak hand only.
I've never seen it, but I doubt that guy had the skill to shoot them accurately. Has anyone known or heard of anyone that could shoot double like that with any degree of accuracy?

Did the gunner hold both pistols like actor Lawerence Fishburne in the action film Fled(1996)?
With both pistols firing with his arms crossed? :D
That's not a bad idea if you are surrounded I guess, :confused:.

Maybe the gun range/pistol club board will post new safety SOPs-rules saying you can only fire 1 firearm at a time.

I've seen places that prohibit rapid fire, automatic weapons(class III) & "destructive devices & AOWs" but no "2 guns at once" rules.

Sure, it's stupid and worthless to practice like that, but as long as he's on target and handling the guns in a safe manner, I don't see anything wrong with it from a safety standpoint. That said, I still wouldn't allow it if I were an RSO simply because other people might decide to imitate him and they might not do in a safe manner.
Didn't see it, but heard it once. I was shooting at the time when some über rapid fire went off a couple lanes down. I figured what, and who, it was. When my buddy and I were checking in, a couple of youngish looking kids were having the counter guy cut the zip ties off their brand new guns (there was a gunshow that weekend).

My friend confirmed my suspicion, also said they were bringing the targets all the way back to the bench (indoor range), and shooting with the pistols touching the target. Still can't figure out that one.

One of the range employees came into the room upon hearing the racket, but they had stopped. Guess they just had an itch that needed scratching. As long as they could control the guns, it's their money/ammo.

I will admit to having shot a single action revolver in each hand once while doing some informal shooting on a camping trip once. Alternating hands, not in any particular hurry and passably aiming. An guess I understand the itch...:rolleyes: a good friend tried busting clays in flight with his PGO Mossberg 590 on one of those trips, so I guess I'm not the only one. And before anyone asks, the beer drinking on these trips happens much later after all the guns are put away.;)

As long as borderline foolishness doesn't cross the boundary into dangerous, I guess it's okay. At a public range though, I'm all business. No need for the powers that be or the other folks there to enjoy themselves to get skittish.
What's the big deal? I've killed hundreds of zombies with my dual Desert Eagle .50s. Even got the high score for that level.
Why is it unsafe?

Is it unsafe to point-shoot a pistol with your right hand only?

Is it unsafe to point-shoot a pistol with your left hand only?

What exactly makes it so unsafe to do it with both hands?

I've seen it done fairly regularly, even tried it a couple of times myself. It struck me as pretty much a waste of ammo, but I don't see anything particularly "unsafe" about it any more than firing a pistol weak hand only.

No, you're 100% right. People should bet their movie skills against other shooters' safety, and they should serve as an example to other, less skilled shooters to take that cool gamble too, because what's safe for one shooter with an unusual skill is safe for all shooters. That's why I bring a mirror and a blindfold to the range on every trip: trickshot artists can do it safely, therefore I can too, and everyone knows that. But in any case, every shooter at a firing range exists in a vacuum anyway, and they never have to worry about anyone but themselves.
You are talking about shooting 2 handguns at the same time, aren't you? (and not something nasty?) The quotation marks in the subject line have me worried.
I'm inclined to agree with 45_auto.

If the guy was, pointing the barrels downrange, only putting his finger on the trigger when he intended to shoot and was aware of his target and beyond, I don't see what is dangerous about it; to him or anyone either side.

It is not very constructive, quite expensive and a little immature, but that is about it.

I might find it annoying and noisy to be next to him and I'd probably wait for a reload to actually shoot, but....

PS, as zxcvbob pointed out: the title does sound very dodgy! :eek:
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Bruce Willis did it in the movie "Last Standing Man."
And all those two gun toting B movie cowboys did it, too.
I regularly practice one handed, both right and left.
So, it shouldn't be that much of a stretch to do it both at once.
Who wants to give it a try?
I'm gonna', but with two airguns at home, or I'm probably gonna' get yelled at.
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