Secret Laws: Should we be concerned?

Doesn't matter that you are a crazed Islamic terrorist dead set on distroying us, you still should have the SAME rights as any American citizen.
I hope that was just sarcasm, if it wasn't, that's the dumbest statement I've ever heard.

Terrorists DON'T have the same rights as American citizens...period!
Believe what you want but the present administration is the most open administration ever in the history of the US keeping less secrets that any previous one. It may not be to the point that you want or deserve but each administration becomes less secretive than the last.

Terrorists DON'T have the same rights as American citizens...period!

Actually, they do have the same rights. . .period. Just as any U.S. Citizen accused of murder has the right to a fair trial, and accused terrorist should as well. If not, you've already opened the door for your own destruction, in my opinion.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
"Once upon a time, a team of federal attorneys went before the Supreme Court only to discover that their entire case was based on a revoked executive order and therefore moot.

True story. Look it up."

Okay, I did look it up.

This case has nothing to do with a "revoked" executive order. It says that Congress may not delegate its authority to the President.

Another conspiracy theory.

Believe what you want but the present administration is the most open administration ever in the history of the US keeping less secrets that any previous one. It may not be to the point that you want or deserve but each administration becomes less secretive than the last.


Hell - this admin wouldn't admit who was on the board of the Bush / Cheney Energy Task Force or release notes from the meetings. There have been suits filed that this is a violation of the Federal Advisory Commission Act (FACA), which mandates that certain documents, task force members, meetings, and decision-making be open to the public. The reason this honest admin wanted to keep the information private? The task force was made of up oil and other energy execs.

So far, Bush's Task Force has worked out pretty well for the American populance eh?

I find it hard to believe anyone could claim, with a straight face, that this admin is most open in the history of the US.

Consider illegal wire tapping, using the "Executive Privilage" card every time they are investigated and you gotta love Alberto Gonzalez's numerous uses of "I don't recall Senator" regarding the firing of Federal Prosecturs.

I'll stop here.
Hell - this admin wouldn't admit who was on the board of the Bush / Cheney Energy Task Force or release notes from the meetings. There have been suits filed that this is a violation of the Federal Advisory Commission Act (FACA), ...

How did those suits turn out?
One day we may learn that the death rate among US soldiers in Iraq is 5 times as high as what is being reported or that there are 10 times as many enemy troups as being reported like during Viet Nam. We may even learn that the President had advanced warning of 9/11 like the warnings of Pearl Harbor. We might even have a secret negotiator over in the Middle East named Henry Kissinger Jr.

If you think this administration is keeping any more secrets than those in the past you are crazy.
And John Kennedy would have known all about secrecy, and secretaires


You cant just blame Bush either, How many of cour congress persons and senators, vote for the patriot act and its reauthorization. Almost all of the liberals did.
This thread wasn't supposed to be some kind of indictment of the current administration. However, I submit that the fact that "lost" emails violating the presidential records act is the opposite of open, mocking transparency. We have no idea who knew what when and how decisions were made. FUTURE presidents that will inherit the decisions made in this one will be handicapped by not having this information.

So, current and past administrations aside, how do we want to this country to be run in the future?
If its a secret, how do we know it even exists......

Put another way...If a man speaks in the forest, and is wife is not there to hear him, is he still wrong?

WildisthecataliveordeadAlaska ™
Is lost emails sort of like erased tapes or shreaded documents or is that different?

Since, the process of backing up the Exchange servers is so simple, and the mails "lost" (i.e. both deleted and NOT backed up) are in the date ranges requested lead me to strongly believe the act is deliberate. Just like erased tapes and shredded documents, yes.

Of course, being a technical issue, the general public won't necessarily see it as such. Same with voting machine issues.

Hedge funds are required to keep communications for the SEC for 7 years. You want to know the world of hurt they are in when they don't comply? Why should we expect anything else from the executive branch?
If you think this administration is keeping any more secrets than those in the past you are crazy.

the present administration is the most open administration ever in the history of the US

So, let me get this straight, because they aren't keeping any more secrets than other administrations that makes them the most open administration in the history of the US?

I guess using the RNC email servers (illegally of course) instead of using the White House servers was just for fun?

Bush apologist spin at it's finest.

How did those suits turn out?

The suits were dismissed as the Mr. Bush claimed my favorite, "executive privilege" and claimed that even discussing the matter in court was a violation of said executive privilege. Heard that one before.

I also really like the "grant immunity to the telecomms for crimes they may or may not have committed" although due "national security concerns" we can't actually tell you what they did, did not or may have done ploy as well.
I'll say it one more time... a citizen of the world should have the same rights as any American citizen... just because you, Bush or even myself know for a fact they are murdering scum does not change that....

As I understand it our country was founded on the belief that we are born with certain rights and a King, President or who ever can't take those away with out due process of law.
How did those suits turn out?

The suits were dismissed as the Mr. Bush claimed my favorite, "executive privilege" and claimed that even discussing the matter in court was a violation of said executive privilege. Heard that one before.

In other words, the exec didn't breach the law as the plaintiffs alleged. When these sorts of things are filed against doctors and businesses, they are quickly labeled frivolous harrassment suits.
IMHO a foriegn terrorist having the same rights in this country is whats wrong with this country. a captured known foriegn terrorist in this country should be shot,period. no trial, no wasted time and my tax money, SHOT. We can`t do that here cause we`re to busy being politically correct and wondering what our neighboring countries will think about that action. so, we put terrorist in prison, some poor underpaid guard steps on this poor known terrorist toes the wrong way and loses his job, terrorists gets money hungry US attorney or the ACLU voluteers to defend him:barf:, and my tax $`s get to feed him in prison rest of his life while i`m making the rest of his family rich buying oil off them. its the American way. as Bin Ladin said "I`ll defeat you with your own laws". that statement alone seems to say that some of our laws especially as far as inteligence and secrecy should have been changed long ago. maybe around the era of Black Hawk Down. Will we ever learn?
The suits were dismissed as the Mr. Bush claimed my favorite, "executive privilege" and claimed that even discussing the matter in court was a violation of said executive privilege. Heard that one before.
In other words, the exec didn't breach the law as the plaintiffs alleged. When these sorts of things are filed against doctors and businesses, they are quickly labeled frivolous harrassment suits.

No, there is ample evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the Bush administration, and the dismissal does not change that. "Executive privilege" (much like the "state secret" claim used in the telecom lawsuits) is nothing more than a claim that the administration is above the law.
IMHO a foriegn terrorist having the same rights in this country is whats wrong with this country. a captured known foriegn terrorist in this country should be shot,period. no trial, no wasted time and my tax money, SHOT.

Uh-huh, and what if you're wrong about someone? :eek: Oops...

Due process exists for a reason.