Seating in Public?


New member
I find myself more and more adjusting my seating in public. If I go into a movie theater or restaurant, I HAVE TO have a seat at the rear of the establishment. It has to be as close as possible to the back wall, hopefully with a window facing the parking lot. At the very least it MUST have a clear line of sight to the entrance/exit even if there's more than one.

Is this completely insane or do others follow this same idea?
It is certainly not completely insane. I try for the same, but I don't obsess (much) if I can't get it. My wife and I don't have a large number of restaurants to choose from, and sometimes a proper seat is not available. I would not consider you crazy, just very careful, if you passed up that restaurant, and then the next, and another, and then went home to eat. However, when my wife and I go out to eat, we generally do, whether safe seating is available or not.
I do the same thing. I always sit facing the entrance. My girlfriend says I am nuts because I always make her switch me seats. We've been togehter for almost 5 years now you'd think she'd catch on.:confused:
I try to lead a normal life and sit wherever without thinking of the tactical ramifications

On the plus side, of all the restaurants we've attended, there hasn't been one instance where my logic couldn't or didn't work.:cool:

Amazingly enough, all the GF's I've had have been o.k. with it.:)
I'll seat such that I would face the most likely threat. However, if a tactical table wasn't available, I won't skip the restaurant and go home. I like to eat too much and it's just a risk assignment.

Let me ask you - would you take a tactically incorrect table if you were carrying the proper amount of reloads? :D
"Let me ask you - would you take a tactically incorrect table if you were carrying the proper amount of reloads?"


The only time I don't look for a tactically correct table is when I'm in my hometown, here the only thing that outnumbers the guns is the cows.;)
I try to find the tactical seat in restaurants, or similar places. But in an auditorium setting, I generally pick a seat next to the wall. That way, I never have to put up with people crawling over me. :)
I do the same thing when i pick a seat and has a lot to do with me taking martial arts and being in the military....

to each his own but I feel a lot better when am totally aware of my surroundings and environment
I too, amd a member of the "Gotta see the door - nobody behind me" club. I got mine from 45 years of military and civilian experience in places that had a high probability of some rascal coming through the door with an AK-47 or explosive device. I jokingly tell my dining companions that I want to be the first to see the attacker so I can get on the deck first, with them on top of me for additional protection.
My girlfriend does the same thing. If the waitress seats us the "wrong way" she stands up after she leaves so that I can take her seat if it is the one facing the door.

On the same note, she has also gotten accoustomed to me not looking at her while she is talking. I am always looking at people, esp those coming in to the room or building for the first time.

"No, im not checking out that girl, I'm just being aware of our surroundings" :D
It's not unreasonable to pick strategic seating. If it helps you to feel safer, that's all that counts. Personally, I don't think about it too much. For instance, in a move theatre, I'll survey the scene and familiarize myself with the layout of the theater and the exits. The only real considerations as far as seating goes is that I want the best sight line and I want to be able to keep an eye on the hooligans.
"No, im not checking out that girl, I'm just being aware of our surroundings"

Nice one, I'll have to remember that!

Count me in. Back to the wall, facing the door, number and location of all possible exits marked. It just happens. I really don't even think about it anymore. I do spend more time watching mirrors/glass/other patrons when I'm not facing the door though.
You're not crazy. I consider safety when I can pick a restaurant seat.

I try to get a seat near the entrance and on the side of the entrance where the fewest tables are or where the cash register isn't and/or where I can see the parking lot. And, wherever I sit I face the entrance.

If I can't find that type of seat, that won't make me leave unless I just get a creepy feeling about the place, which is rare.
It must suck to be that scared of life, never able to relax and enjoy the precious time we have here on earth. Its also funny that on other threads the"when its your turn to go" sentiment is expressed when someone else gets it. I could never be that paranoid, or afraid of life, 24/7. There are times and situations to be concerned, and there are times to lay back and enjoy the ride. I guess you can be buried with your guns if it keeps happy, but if you can't look at the one you love because you are assessing the situation, or enjoy a good meal cause you must look out for threats, its very sad.
I guess it's just a subconscious thing for the most part now. I've always done it. But I was always very conscious about it while I was doing side work as a Civil Process Server and Bounty Hunting. Made a few enemies during that time and really didn't want my meal interrupted by getting cracked in the head from behind or something. NOW? More of a habit thing--I relax better when I can see better. Just situational awareness.