Sean Penn an American patriot


The war is a bummer man! All we need are some tasty waves and cool buds and we'll be fine dude!
Remember what you used to think of the drama club in high school? :rolleyes: And your advocating believing in their political schtick? :eek: There is nothing I cannot stand more than a celebrity stumping their political views (which is based on what? certainly not political experience!). What abhores me more is the mindless public that follows their political dribble.
I seem to recall that he grandstanded after Katrina. Has a good knack for making his 'enlightened' views known. I'm surprised has hasn't been selected as one of Obama's foreign policy advisors.

Celebrities, like him, seem to feel it's their duty to preach their views to us less informed folks.
Penn shows no particular courage when he delivers another one of his leftist rants. Most of Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry march in lockstep to that particular ideological drumbeat. Real courage is shown by actors who buck the politically correct leftist groupthink. Pro-gun folks like Ted Nugent, Charlton Heston, Tom Selleck, Suzanne Pleshette, and etc. These are the ones who run the risk of being blacklisted for their views, not clowns like Penn with his shrill "Bush Derangement Syndrome" fantasies.

IMO, Penn sucks as an actor also: somnolescent monotonic plodding interrupted only by the occasional "pouty face"
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Yes, please compare Sean Penn's acting to Tom Selleck's..

When you feel the need to attack the person and attack the message, it doesn't exactly make your argument... good.
I'm not familiar with Penn's politics in general, but what he said in that video was certainly true for the most part.

Most Americans have woken up and realized that they were herded like cattle into supporting the wars of Bush and his éminences grises (Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, etc.). But of course there are still many "true believers" who actually think Bush is a conservative and that to question the president's policies is unpatriotic. You know, people like our brilliant Ann Coulter fan here:
I respect any one who can stand up for what they believe in but I tend to lump Penn into the Hollywood Elitist class along with Tim Robbins.
Penn is very gullible

Before I even begin to address the OP, I confess right now I am biased against Penn for his aid and comfort to the enemy. I despise him as I would despise any friend of Hitler.

Abu Abbas the master mind of the hijacking of the Italian cruise ship the Achille Lauro was caught in Baghdad after Saddam fled.

Saddam was well known for funding suicide bombers, part of the war effort was "the global war on terror" that Saddam was a part of.

As far as WMD's? if GW was lying so was an awful lot of Democrats!

The truth is we may never know for sure since Sandy Berger stole sensitive documents prior to the 911 commission study.
The WaPo spins the Berger theft as simply a cover up for Bill Clinton's knowledge of Iraqi plans of U.S terrorism (which is pretty bad)
I feel we will never know for sure, which is why I find the 911 report dubious.

Thanks to Sandy, we may never know the truth about WMD's in Iraq
maybe they were shipped to Syria, maybe still hidden, maybe all those Democrats and world leaders and intelligence agencies from multiple countries were simply lying.

Penn is what Lenin regarded as "useful idiots" liberal simpletons who believe whatever they are told if it fits into their world view.

Lenin's "useful idiots" would tell people in the old days that famine and genocide were not happening in the USSR, we now know better.

Penn is a disgusting traitor and friend to genocidal madmen.
Most Americans have woken up and realized that they were herded like cattle into supporting the wars of Bush and his éminences grises

What a funny rant. You do realize America needed no herding for war, after 9/11 we were going to kick some asses, any asses we could find. America may have followed Bush to war in Iraq but it was primarily as we carried him on our shoulders towards it.

Some feel guilty about that now, like moronic senators who chose never to red any of the available intelligence while railing that regime change was all important in Iraq. Now they claim they were tricked or misled... That comes under the old adage of not being able to rape the willing.

Question, you mention wars... Are you really so naive as to not see the justification for Afghanistan?
Like, I really think that Sean Penn is a gnarly dude! NOT!!!!!

He DOES have the right to say what he wants, but I also have the right to not listen! Penn is a spoiled brat, an over-rated actor, and probably doesn't have the slightest clue about the reality of life. For that matter, he disrespected our armed forces in one of his "pulpit" speeches, and would NEVER go to Iraq or Afghanistan to apologize for his words!

Why am I even typing this about Sean Penn, who is nothing but a "floater" in the cesspool of Hollywood?