School shooting in Denver today


New member
There was another school shooting just minutes ago in Littleton, Jefferson County, Colorado (a suburb of Denver).
Two students (?) in black trenchcoats shot studetns as they were coming out of the school, and threw at least one grenade, which according to the Sherrif's dept., exploded.
I can't imagine where they got a grenade, unless they made it. Multiple grenades were implied by the report. No other details given yet.
Please, any more info on this would be appreciated.

I must ask myself, as everyone else must be: Why the heck does this keep happening? What is with these kids, what posseses them? And also, what is this going to do to our gun rights as it keeps happening?

What is with the kids?

Listen to the music - play those video games... You'll see.

We have made a new generation of disgruntled postal workers. As parents - we need to look closer at what they watch, play and listen to.

"There is no Spoon"
Uhh trench coats. The media will blame it on the Matrix, the parents will claim no responsibility for their children's behaviour, and Clinton will take more of our unalienable rights by spinning this into his administration's agenda.
Update, for those that may be reading this for the first time or at work:
Two or more kids in a group that call themselves the "Trenchcoat Mafia" who are students in the high school and claimed to be "made fun of for always wearing black trenchcoats", waged an apparent all-out, planned ASAULT on the high school with pipe bombs , shotguns and semi-autos. According to an escaped student, they "blew up the library" with kids inside, shot many, and are at the moment still in the compound of the school, surrounded by Police. According to the student, he suspects that they are getting revenge for being outcasts, and probably "many students are dead".

This is all happening at the moment, so the accuracy could be flawed, knowing how witness reports are.
God help those kids and families...

These maniacs will pay and hopfully very soon!

"There is no Spoon"
It is too long to copy to here, but if you want to see my personal opinion on what and why these kids do this, look waaay down about 3/4 of the way down on this post on my site:

Just my opinion there, but I have some pretty good supportive reasons on why I think these things cause borderline kids to go over the edge.
God help us all in Colorado - this could put a BIG damper on the proposed concealed carry reform currently going through the statehouse. I hope people realize that this has nothing to do with concealed carry by law abiding citizens, except maybe a lawful CCW could have put an end to it much more quickly.
I watch this in growing disgust. Maybe it's time we start restricting the right to pro-create. If parents can't prevent this or, at the very least, see it coming they must be smoking dope!!
To blame it on movies,TV and TV games is to overlook the fact that many young people use all these things and turn out OK.I dont think they are the reasons.
All of the people who do these crimes seem to have the same common denominator-they have nothing to lose-or nothing left to lose.
Somewhere along the line these kids lost, discarded or never had the concept of a future for themselves and that is sad.

Better days to be,

Just heard that one of the students was shot in the face with a shotgun. No info on the condition of the person though.
14 wounded at this point.

The police currently have three guys at gun point and they are being arrested. They were NOT wearing trenchcoats, but were wearing all black......

They are apparently friends of the suspects...

(If anyone is interested I am going to open a window and be in the GlockTalk Chat room, if anyone wants to discuss this realtime : )

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited April 20, 1999).]
This just interview with a student:
The "Trenchcoat Mafia" is a group of 20+ guys, always have trenchcoats, wear makeup and black nailpolish and always dress in black. Always talking about death and violence. Have been making threats for at least 6 months and talking about starting Y2K now.

Local news feed.

Interesting, an asocial fringe group, makes threats, all the danger signs but nothing was done before the fact....yet, HCI et al criminalizes me and you all.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
There are so many conflicting news reports that I try not to believe them until the end of the situation. For instance on FOX NEWS three different reporters said a different number for the injured. Within the space of 10min they went from having 4 injured to 9 injured down to 8 injured. And the one woman reporter that is now quoted as saying "I can't believe that childeren from such an affleuent neighborhood, being of such high intelligence would do such a thing." This idiot of a person now has the distinction in my mind as being the dumbest reporter of them all! And hand grenades!?!? Come on people do we really believe that these kids got ahold of grenades! Pipe bombs are to easy to make! The suplies are at the local Wal-Mart and hardware stores.
1. These people went in with a specific plan.
2. These kids will get killed by the cops. 3. And something else other than parenting skills will be blamed on this horrible tragedy.
It maybe a movie, gun control, music, or what ever the case maybe you will never hear a parent say, "If only I had payed more attention," or, " I should have known he was getting depressed!" I want the people who do the crime to do the time, if they get killed in the process whoopdie-doo. Less taxpayers money wasted, but when it's over then it's over. Nobody has to be sued over this kids psycopathic rampage! Why should it be in the news for the next 6 months? Why should we have to find the culpret if he's DEAD? huh? Why? Why? Why?

[This message has been edited by KNIGHT (edited April 20, 1999).]
I keep hearing about "automatic" weapons on TV - obviously, the talking heads don't know what they're talking about.
They have SWAT teams inside the building clearing room by room and getting the students/faculty out....

Clinton just said that he would have more to say after "events unfold..."

The three young people that werte arrested at gunpoint have been released and had nothing to do with the shooting. THey were taken into custody because they were dressed in a way that would indicate involvement.... That could've been a lot worse...

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited April 20, 1999).]
Newshawks also reported possible "large caliber handguns" and "bodyarmour" in the possession of the suspects.

Other newsies speculated that explosions beyond the schoolwalls may have been set by the suspected accomplices.

My prayers are with the victims and their families and the emergency personnel out there containing this tragic situation.

Ooops! A Howard Stern toady (Captain Janks I think) just prank phonecalled a news station live over the air.

I am comfortable with Ed's comment - the majority of children and adults who indulge in today's entertainment are well behaved citizens. There are always individuals who believe that they were pushed too far and strike.

Ps - better come down on comicbooks, also. The "trenchcoat mafia" may also be an allusion to the misfit antiheroes who populate the gothic Vertigo/ DC comicbooks.

[This message has been edited by Jffal (edited April 20, 1999).]
Morgan--my fear exactly. Any way to convince the CO legislature that this type of tragedy is EXACTLY why we need CCW reform?? Any way to convince them to take Prof. Lott's findings to heart...that the passage of nondiscretionary concealed-handgun laws invariably has the effect of dropping a state's rate of mass public shootings, including school shootings, to near zero?

Boy, I'd hate to be one of the police clearing the building - running into hysterical groups hiding in rooms, never knowing who's a perp and who's just a student. Hope they're down on their 'shoot - no shoot' drills.