Scenario 2: What would you do?

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Now were quoting bible passages? Good grief.

If you have such convictions about defending your home, why aren't you willing for your wife to risk her life? Get her some training, get her a pistol, a few spare mags and a cood ccw rig and let her make her own stand for justice. Bullets from a woman's gun work the same as they do from a man's. Or do your principals only count for men? Can't a woman die for "freedom?"

Of course, the reason you would tell your wife to run and hide is you don't think her life is worth wasting to save a TV. But your misplaced sense of machismo REQUIRES you to risk your life. Of course, it helps if you picture yourself fighting along with the soliders in Afganistan, or maybe that Bin Laden himself is stealing your TV. Or you quote bible verses and picture yourself doing god's work.

Master Blaster, how do you figure that these guys are trying to find you at home, when they clearly broke in while you were out and don't seem to be lying in wait for your return? At least you chose to take cover first and not just to blast away from the doorway.
Wow! you all are amazing. I would run like crazy, call the police, then call my insurance company and get new stuff. Pretty simple huh? Stay alive and get new stuff, DUH!!!!

You all have been watching too many movies!!!!!!
When I was burglarized the police arrived and they knew who the burglar was right away they knew his name record and where he lived.

The Officer said

"****** ****** he's a one man crime wave he breaks into three houses a day"

That was the first time the second time the Officer said:

"So ****** **** broke in again, yeah we cant catch him in the act cause he's so slick (this is a 17 yearold who is already a drug dealer burglar fence and a juvy hall resident) He's a regular Fagen"

I said what if he comes back again when we are home, the dtective lifted his coat and said get one of these (357 mag S&W revolver)
Master Blaster, you are a brave soul. Here is a little first person story for you to describe your situation.

Yes, we were watching your house to see when you would leave. You left and we broke in. Time is short and we are all in a need of a fix. It is critical we find the valuables that we will exchange for crack. We will do anything to get it, but we aren't completely stupid as we have done this many times before. WE may not be organized in the sense you may think, but we do have a plan, simple as it may be.

I see you return with your wife. Unfortunately, I was not quick enough to warn my buddies because I did not expect you so soon. You open the door and see Frankie and Guido. The look of surprise on Guido's face is funny as it is contorted by the weight of the TV.

Apparently you have experienced strong target fixation. You think you have seen the whole group, but you have only seen the two who were immediately visible when you opened the door. I laugh to myself as you think you are going to be some hero, pushing your wife out of the way, beating your chest like a big gorilla to announce that you are a he-man, then drawing your weapon and send your TV to hell with hopes of hitting Guido and Frankie?

You move quick, but I move even quicker and you don't even see me. As your gun comes out, I am already showering your with 9 mm rounds from my Tech 9. You never even see me as the first of the bullets strike your back. Your wife now cries out as she is splattered with your blood and I quickly turn the gun on her. By now Frankie is shooting wildly, striking you only once in the chest with a shotgun blast as you fall from my bullets.

No doubt the shots have have alerted the neighbors and we will be leaving soon. I quickly run over and strip the keys from your hand, your gun as well, which looks nice. Your wife's rings go in my pocket and we are soon on our way. It would have been a lot easier if you hadn't come home, but we still did well.

It was funny to watch, at first, the way you wanted to play the hero. You had no idea I was even behind you. You never saw me step out from between the houses. You never saw me as I landed shots in your back. Your wife saw me, but she won't be telling anybody about it now, will she.

Thanks for the gun and thanks for the car. How funny! You thought you would be a hero and you never knew I was there. We'll be stoned tonight and you will be stone cold.
Double Naught You are right.

You sound just like the antis I hear on TV saying that no one can successfully defend themselves with a firearm. You are more likely to shoot yourself with that dangerous gun.
Its completely foolish to defend your self or your home.
Run away and dial 911

Because no matter what the situation you will never have full knowlege or a guarrantee of the outcome.
There could at any time in any situation be an unseen third or fourth acomplice with a Belt fed BAR, or even a tech nine waiting for you to defend your self.

The runny nosed addict who confronts you at the ATM, the burglar who breaks in the middle of the night, or the example given here.

Suppose that I turn tail immediately and run as fast as I can and dial 911. Right down the street is the third man with a Belt fed BAR he opens up on me the minute I exit the house. Or he has a 10" kitchen Knife and he is hiding in the bushes. Did you know this would be his third arrest and there is no way he is ever going to jail again? I have now seen them I could be a witness. Oh well running and cowering would be suicidal HUH?

I suggest that you send all of your guns and ammo to me so you can cower in a corner and suck your thumb.

Range Drill!

When I go to the range (with my wife who has a CCW permit and is an accomplished pistolero - tag) I like to practise this drill:

I stand squarely in front of a target down range, my handgun loaded almost to overflowing with the ultimate one shot knock down carry ammo. I super high grade ultra tactical folder made from kryptonite on the the other hip. I growl, get the warrior mindset, visualise detroying my enemy. I like the targets that show the bad guy with his gun out and a particularly frightening scowl on. I get ready, I scowl right back.....

...then bam quick as lightening I run out of the range while speed dialing 911!!

Give me break we have enough ducking and running in this world.


tag - is it ok to quote C.S Lewis and Ferdinand Foch but the moment I quote the bible..... good grief? I'm an agnostic and still find the ocassional drop of wisdom in the bible. I didn't realise this was the liberals forum. Where I am not allowed to mention religion.
Sorry if you were offended, I'm not used to dealing with people who are so sensitive.

Your right. How could I expect someone who fancys himself an operator to retreat? Surely your multiple layers of body armor would deflect the shotgun pellets while you brought your MP5 from low ready, closed distance to the target, double tap, switch tangos, double tap, scan, tac reload and call clear to your wife who is covering your 6.

Some people are just too dense to realize that there are actually some situations where retreat is the best option. Facing an opponent with shotgun in hand is probably one of them. Even if you just retreat to suitable to cover to return fire, its better than standing in the door and drawing down like a fool. Unless, of course, you're high speed / low drag.

Everything you say, even your chosen screen name, just reinforces the fact that your decision is based on nothing more that some misguided macho bull poopy.

If your wife has a CCW, why is she not required to make the same stand that you are? Because she's a woman? Do women have no honor since they are allowed to run and hide? If she is so accomplished, she could easily dispacth these BG's, right? We should all be willing to die for our tv's, unless we are married to a wannabe operator, I guess.

Master Blaster, not an anti, not by a long shot. I am just merely pointing out a blatant lack of situational awareness.

As for protecting one's home, home insurance is a fine thing. It isn't as if the bad guys are actually stealing your home, just a few items inside. Why fight for things of such limited value that would be covered by insurance? The bad guys will be leaving soon enough anyway, so the situation is temporary.

The best defense is to simply not be there. While I do not suggest that you don't have a right to defend your things, but in doing so in the situation described means putting yourself in additional danger for meager items.

As for your scenario where the BAR opens up on you, maybe, maybe not. While the burglars may not be the brightest guys, if they do have a lookout covering their situation, he is unlikely to open up on you if you have not already shot. The reason why is that gunshots will bring attention to the situation and an immediacy that would otherwise not be present.

IN the scenario, you are in the doorway and the guy you know who has the shotgun (the only known gun of the bad guys) has it by his side. He is not ready to shoot any direction, much less at you. You have the opportunity at that moment to immediately be out of view simply by sidestepping from the doorway on the outside. If you have a brink house, that means you have not only gained concealment, but also cover. In other words, you could be out of sight long before either had a chance to shoot you. In just a few seconds, you would be completely removed from that situation. One of the best ways to survive a fight is to not even be at the fight. This could be achieved very quickly.

Now, had the situation been different, say where you were inside the house before you realized intruders were present, you obviously would not be able to extact yourself from the situation with any such ease as in the original stated scenario. Without being able to gain distance and cover nearly as well as in the original situation, the context of being in the same room with the bad guys means that you in definite peril. Without possible quick escape, no doubt then the time is upon you to protect your life. Here, starting the battle is to your benefit because if you don't, they will and your chances won't be great if that happens. You will not have the benefit of increasing your distance to target by any significant amount and likely won't have much in the way of cover. If you get to blast first and score a hit, maybe even neutralizing your first threat, the odds of the immediate fight within the room have just jumped remendously for you from 2:1 to 1:1.

For the original scenario, even with the rights to start blasting being perfectly legal in your particular state (it would be here in Texas as I understand it), why start a fight that will undoubtedly put your life at risk for a few material items when you don't have to do so?

There are other benefits as well if you don't start the fight and egress out of the situation post haste. First, you don't have to deal with the cops endless questioning, potential arrest (at least until they get things sorted out completely), confiscation of your weapon for an indefinite amount of time, the biohazard of the blood spills, occupation by the police of your home for many hours, the expenses of having carpeting, furniture, walls, drapes, etc. professionally cleaned and decontaminated or replaced, etc. All of that is going to cost you a lot of time and expense to get things settled. Maybe insurance will pay for the cleanup and replacement, maybe not as the reason for the blood was actually caused by you. If you do shoot and/or kill people in your home, probably the last thing that may bother you even more than knowing bad guys were snooping around your home is that the cops are going to be all over it, looking through everything to determine exactly what the bad guys were doing and to find out if your story is substantiated. So not only did you lose some privacy to the burglars, but now you have lost privacy to the police and the information may make it into public record.

And to think had you just egressed away, the time the cops would have spent there would have been much less, your insurance company dealings would have been less complicated, and your life would have gotten back to normal much more quickly.

An anti perspective? Nope, I don't think so. Fighting smarter sometimes means not fighting at all and any time you have the option of leaving a potential lethal confrontation situation physically unharmed, you are way ahead of the game.
...Fighting smarter sometimes means not fighting at all and any time you have the option of leaving a potential lethal confrontation situation physically unharmed, you are way ahead of the game....

Very well said.
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