Scary day at the range


New member
First trip to the range since picking up my pistol after having some warranty work done on it, and I wanted to check it out. I get to my "usual" range, pay, go out and get ready to start shooting. I look, through my safety glasses, to the left, man in his 40's hearing protection, no glasses, his kid maybe 17, no glasses, two other people with them in the next lane, no glasses. Look to my right, another 40 something with two 20 somethings, no glasses. Everybody is rapid firing. Three lanes further to the right are three more folks all in their 20's, no glasses, no hearing protection. A couple of them are going back and forth to the car (which you could hear, faintly, the rap music playing from). One of them comes back to the range with a 12 guage pistol grip short barrel shotgun and procceeds to destroy what's left of the chicken wire behind the targets. At this point I'm off the firing line, smoking a cigarette waiting for the range officer who never comes down. Most of the clowns take off at the cease fire, so I go back to the line and start shooting. After about 50 flawless rounds of junk ammo, another group of "yahoos" show up. Three more 20 somethings, in flip flops, and ball caps. One has a revolver and he proceeds to spin the clyinder, loads it and starts shooting, never bothering to put out his cigarette, much less put on any safety gear. I finish my magazine, and start packing up. About this time one of the 20 somethings finishes his six shots, holds the revolver up and blows into the barrel.:eek: His buddy racks the slide on his pistol, over his head, while walking DOWN the line to the next lane. I'm out of there, inside to tell the girl behind the counter that the range officer NEEDS to get out there. I go home and call the range, the officer procceds to tell me that they really don't enforce the glasses and hearing protection rules all that much, and that they were short handed tonight. I'm thinking that I'll be shooting elsewhere from now on.
Don't go back

It seems you're in Texas, and I hope it's not the range I belong to (in Houston) In fact, I know it isn't because our range is as tight as a drum.
You got off lucky, and so did the management that nobody was shot.
Totally unacceptable, I'll repeat, never go back.
When I got home, I called the range, and the assistant range manager told me that after I had called that behavior to their attention they "removed" those individuals. Kinda makes me feel better about using that range. I just felt that some of the people there tonight were not taking things as seriously as they should with a deadly weapon and live amunition. Maybe I'm a little paranoid, but it's not like dropping a beer bottle and cutting your foot, an accident at a gun range could prove deadly.
That happens everywhere. I go to the range and shoot on a mat with a coat and glove and some people always show up with a Glock and a SKS. They then proceed to fire as fast as they can pull the trigger from the hip and can barely keep their rounds on the backstop. They then look at me like I'm some kind of freak for actually AIMING and hitting my target.:D They ones that make me nervous are the ones who always line up next to you and want to fire about 2 feet behind the line.
Some people like to shoot fast and some people like to shoot slow.
Sometimes I shoot fast.
Sometimes people dont wear eye protection.
I never wear eye protection.
Sometimes people get hit with brass.
I have hit people and property (truck) with brass.
I have swept people and I have been swept by people.
My point is that I am not perfect, and that some people do not follow safety rules.
Some people like to get all their shots through one hole, while other people like to blow stuff up.
Some people like to shoot fast and some people like to shoot slow.
Sometimes I shoot fast.
Nothing wrong with rapid fire, but if you don't aim or hit anything what's the point?

Sometimes people dont wear eye protection.
I never wear eye protection.
One trip to the ER to get some crud dug out of your eye(s) will make you reconsider.

I have swept people and I have been swept by people.

My point is that I am not perfect, and that some people do not follow safety rules
Safety isn't about perfection, it's about common sense.

Some people like to get all their shots through one hole, while other people like to blow stuff up.
I shoot a 50 BMG at times so I know a little about "blowing" stuff up. If you don't hit what you're aiming at you don't "blow" anything up.:rolleyes:
I have swept people and I have been swept by people.

The one rule that cannot be broken is keeping the muzzel pointed down range. If it is broken, and someone gets "swept", the sweeper should be banned for life.....its that important. You want to lose an eye or your hearing and thats a personal decision/problem. Muzzel disciplin breakdowns might involve death or injury to others and that is not acceptable.

At an IPSC match I used to shoot if you sweep any part of your own body ie hand, arm, anything you are gone for the day. They ask you to leave immediatly.....presumably to think about it.
Mxmelch - Well said.

I sometimes feel like a trip to the range could be my last. I've been hit by richocheets several times, twice knocked the breath out of me. I always wear eye and ear proctection, but something unnerving about picking chunks of metal out of your shirt. I have yet to get hit in the face thankfully, so I'm still good with the ladies.:)
Some people like to shoot fast and some people like to shoot slow.
Sometimes I shoot fast.
Sometimes people dont wear eye protection.
I never wear eye protection.
Sometimes people get hit with brass.
I have hit people and property (truck) with brass.
I have swept people and I have been swept by people.
My point is that I am not perfect, and that some people do not follow safety rules.
Some people like to get all their shots through one hole, while other people like to blow stuff up.
good thing you're like 3000 miles away from where I am.
Even as a 'newbie' at the range I've been going to, safety is paramount! The range I use in Dallas seems to enforce the rules pretty well and there is a good mix of responsible people that come in. Granted, I've only been using it for about a month (about 2x a week), but I feel very comfortable there. One persons show-boating could be someone elses funeral...
Bad Day At The Range !!

Here is one for you:
Range Master a couple of weeks ago, @ the 7yr line in the middle of a 18 rd volley, female center lanes (12 shooters on line), draws on the whistle and fires two rds in 3 sec, during the second round the barrel of the S&W .357 separates from the frame (broke at the threads) and flies down range landing near the 2yr line barrel still facing the target. CAN YOU SAY CEASE FIRE!!!!!!
Saw a guy blow the wood grip off his 1911. Blew the floorplate and live ammo out the bottom and destroyed both grips one completely off. Only a few splinters and a tired sphincter to show for it.......lucky man.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why anybody would want to shoot at a range with no ear protection. How can that be fun???

I guess I'm fortunate that the range I shoot at is managed very seriously and they always have at least two range officers on hand. Frankly, given what you were describing, I would have gotten the heck out of there immediately. I've been there once when a shooter on the rifle side approached the bench during cease fire and she was promptly removed from the line. There is NO room for goofing off at a range.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why anybody would want to shoot at a range with no ear protection. How can that be fun???

I guess I'm fortunate that the range I shoot at is managed very seriously and they always have at least two range officers on hand. Frankly, given what you were describing, I would have gotten the heck out of there immediately. I've been there once when a shooter on the rifle side approached the bench during cease fire and she was promptly removed from the line. There is NO room for goofing off at a range.
I think you are putting way too much thought into other's behavior. The only person you can control is you. Just set a good example, and don't obsess about others.
all you need to do is find the loudest possible gun you can, go back to the range and fire off a bunch of rounds when these non hearing protection idiots are around. maybe then they will be too preoccupied with their ringing ears that they won't come back to the range.