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Every price increase is not gouging. What was Midway's price for Accurate 2520 before they "jacked it up"?

Exactly. December 2020 had prices already at gouging level on Gunbroker, Armslist, etc. Yet, on 12/22/21 I lucked into buying 5,000 small pistol primers on Midway for $216. Plus tax and hazmat, but the total price was far from gouging.
so now I see midway ,raised his price on unstacked primers. was 34.00 than 60.00 now 75.00 @ 1000 cci200. bye Larry
Since those are out of stock, he probably won't miss your patronage. But, just curious, since you already told him bye over a month ago in post #1, why do you care what he charges?
But with that said I will generally buy from the place that is cheaper that has what I need.

ditto, it's called capitalism. Midway can charge what they want, and I can buy from whoever I want. I sure as heck do not want the government telling a business what they can charge or telling me where I can shop
All of these post against Midway, the name calling, etc. are so laughable. Seriously, I find them funny. It is interesting to see the power of Denial that exist in shooting enthusiast. Some Just cannot accept the fact that the shortage is REAL Calling Mr. Potter a scalper, telling him to shove it etc. sound more like Don Lemon of CNN on a crying meltdown. Even if someone were to find primers/Ammo on the internet and the customer does not like the Price, I am trying to figure out exactly why they would not simply ignore the product or just purchase the product rather than whining about the cost for weeks on in and threatening to ban that vendor for life.
Heck, maybe have a protest and burn a city down over it.
The ammo shortage sucks. My Hobby which I love is gone. It is over for the most part, at least gone for the amount of quality time I use to spend on it.
But it is reality. It is what it is and crying like a whining ******* is not going to help anything. Face the fact head on, fight the best you can or take up golf. Stop the denial process.
I don't care about all this HERD HATRED from LARRY lovers. ,show me where I said anything derogative. but calling me like don lemon is a real insult ,I won't go to your level
Unless local options ran dry, I see no need to ever order anything involving a hazmat fee as the cost savings is negligible to none at all and I would rather help keep open the local option if I'm able to do so.
My hobby is gone :eek: exaggerate much? Search engines are your friends. I just put together a .308 tactical including optics all at close to pre covid prices. Also purchased new brass, 8 pounds of powder and 1 K of Barnes match Burners for it.

Oh and nothing was purchased from Midway, not because I am in a peeing contest , it was just available elsewhere at better prices.

Some of you guys really need to get a grip
My hobby is gone :eek: exaggerate much? Search engines are your friends. I just put together a .308 tactical including optics all at close to pre covid prices. Also purchased new brass, 8 pounds of powder and 1 K of Barnes match Burners for it.

Oh and nothing was purchased from Midway, not because I am in a peeing contest , it was just available elsewhere at better prices.

Some of you guys really need to get a grip
You might actually quote me on the whole sentence rather than just doing a edit.
What the real sentence consisted of "The ammo shortage sucks. My Hobby which I love is gone. It is over for the most part, at least gone for the amount of quality time I use to spend on it.
To give you a idea, I was shooting at my Club or other memberships at least twice a week. Over 1,000 rds of just 9mm alone in a month. That does not include other calibers. So NO, I do not have the same quality in this sport any longer. I do not have the finacial ability to buy a 1,000 rds of 9mm, and 380 is extremely hard to even find much less afford. 357 and 38. hard to find. is about the same price as 9mm. So you can call it a exaggeration if you like. I will just call it a sever shortage and I will live with it. It is reality. Again it is what it is.
Sorry just getting tired of the my cheese is gone threads/posts. I see a lot of pistol powder being posted for sale again, primers supplies are lagging but this has been no different than other shortages
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