Say it aint so!!!

Holy Removable Codpiece, Batman!

Where have I been the last few days that I haven't joined in on the fun?

Spiffy and Izi, you're both tacti-cool, each in your own "special" way. Now stop fighting.

Izi, that rear plate pocket looks nice, I bet you're glad that you don't have to duct-tape them onto your back anymore (mall ninja thread anyone?). I sure am, as my extensive back hair has just finished filling in......:barf:

Spiffy, are you going with the Tactical Segway? It has several dozen rail mounts on it. I'd get the optional brass catcher, porta-potty and beverage dispenser.

Maybe cans cost so much because they're an NFA item and so not many are sold because of the tax stamp hassles, therefore the maker has to charge more related to not selling in bulk, ie: the more you sell, the less you can charge to cover expenses.

Jart, I would like a mithril suppressor, it could stand up to sustained full auto.
Unobtainium would be nice, but it's too hard to find.
mall ninja thread anyone?
Speaking of which, has anyone noticed that is down? Seems they haven't renewed their domain name. I think we should take up a collection to keep it going. Such a valuable resource for the tactical ninja/gunstore commando must be kept going for national security!
Tactical Segway

I believe it was Michael Crichton that said the greatest challange facing us in the 21st century will be discerning reality from fiction.

There's much to be learned from this forum, some of which I find bemusing. I guess it was too much to hope for that feeding "tactical segway" to a search engine wouldn't turn up reality where I though only fantasy should exist:

i180 Police Package:

Not to mention a 3 year old press release on tactical segways:
PR Stuff

Spiff, your new ride has arrived. But it's going to need some time in the shop upgrading it with armor, comms, and a rail system for... something. :D

but the research that has gone into those things has to be expensive.
If you read on Surefire's website about all the equipment they had to buy to ensure they had built the world's most advanced suppressor, you'll know where the list price comes from.
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N o gyroscopic vehicle in the world can handle Spiff, keeps fallin over belly first!

He needs a front training wheel....alos good for holding up hios Yugo Mauser on a pedestal mount :)

IZ ya know hes gonna win the ninja contest with you since he gettin a surefire supressor for his AR as soon as I do the paperwork

Wow, I guess he really wanted the Malibu Barbie throne back. :D I can't compete with a Surefire suppressor... at least, not at this particular moment. ;)

Spiff, could you at least wear the new 5.11 TACPATT uniform offered by Brigade Quartermasters for your "silenced ninja" photo? Basic black is for cocktail dresses, not urban assaults. :p
but black defines me as a ninja! its the only color in the spectrum that captures my sullen look on life. i am the enigma! no one can understand me!

but maybe i'll wrap myself in gauze and have WA paint me in an urban camo pattern of grays and black, and then he can take a good pic of his homemade urban camo stock on his m1a.
Spiff et al, Many years ago there was a song that perfectly described y'all, perhaps some of you remember it. I can't remember the title but part of the Chorus was "Their coming to take me away....Ha Ha, Their coming to take me away........" Wild, how did you like your visit to our fair state?
Wild, how did you like your visit to our fair state?

The one gun shop I went to sucked. There are more chain resteraunts that I have ever seen in my life. Poeple were shivering when it got to be 60F (ha!) Traffic was horrible. The Lobster Buffet was great, SWMB ate 3 Lobsters and 6 Lobster heads (she likes to scoop out the stuff inside)..

Nice thing was I could carry my seecamp no problem


I think the somg you are refering to in "Deck The Halls" and in prticular the verse relating to done you now your gay appairal!:barf:
Wild, I'm sorry you had such a disappoining experience. I am not surprised though. It is difficult to have a good experience anywhere in a whirlwind visit that is pretty well limited to urban, touristy areas. The Tourist Industry here is our #1 product and quite intense. Believe me, there are wonderful places to see, things to do and restaurants to dine in. I wish that I or someone who knows and loves Florida could have had a chance to show you the true Floridian Experience. Remember the History of this state goes back awhile. When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, St. Augustine was in Urban Renewal. The wilds and wildlife of this state are unique and quite different than you are used to, I think you would enjoy seeing them, there is native cuisine that I think you would have enjoyed as well.. I am not in the Chamber of Commerce but do love Florida and from what I glean from your comments on TFL, think I would enjoy being your "Tour Guide."
But did we take in Randall on Orange Blossom Trail?

Nothing like seeing the original letters from WW2 addressed to "Knife Man - Orlando" that somehow got delivered.
We couldnt even take in Randall....OBT is sort of sleazy in parts....

Now on the other hand watchin the Mexican Navy patrol tourist areas was pretty cool....:)
