Say it aint so!!!

dude, for all the ninjatude you display there, the simple fact your sidearm is a wimpy 9mm brings you back down.

We'll make sure to wear our Warriors for the wonder twin shots. Like we'd use 9mm if we didn't have to at work!
it is true

IZInterogator and IZhuminter are like frick and frack , but armed to the teeth. Frightening when you think about it. But they do have some really nice weapons, and Spiff i think your ninjatude is definately on shaky ground with the Blunder ...oops Wonder Twins around:D

Edit: CelticMP didn't know I was still logged in on the computer and posted that using my user name, sorry. :o
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Somebody tell us decibel challanged types what's up with those can thingies.

Form 4 at 200.00 is easy enough to grasp, but what's the deal with brand "G" being 600.00 and brand "S" being 2,500.00?

Whatcho get for the extra 1,900.00?

Gots no moving parts, so I'm guessing it's not reliability. Too ninja to be engraving extras (duh), maybe an extra 10dB? Glows cherry red without falling off?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Us mere mortals are never going to get to do side-by-side comparisons.
where are you finding a $2500 price tag for a surefire suppressor? granted, they are going to cost us lowly civilians a few extra pennies, nickels, dimes, and some greenbacks than the next brand, but i seriously doubt the cost will be much more than a colt 6920 is sellling for nowadays!
I went to one gunshop in Florida, called Universal Firearms, it sucked so bad I walked out

Other than that I ate like a pig for 12 days.

Medical Alert:

Spiffy, IZi,

If you guys keep walking around with all that crap on, you're going to have back problems by the time you reach 30 years of age.

And just out of curiousity, how do you keep that stuff from clanking when you walk? Looks to me like you'd sound like a couple of knights in full medieval armor.

Oh, don't take this too seriously; I offer it in fraternal humor.
you aint kidding! i'm saving up for a Segway so i dont have to waste my energy walking.

i dunno about izi, but when i've got my gear on, my tactically large belly keeps everything spaced far enough apart that they dont bang into each other.
Archie, I don't really have a choice; I do this for a living. The only difference between that outfit and what I wear on a raid in Baghdad is I trade the balaclava and boonie hat for a Kevlar and trade the shotgun for camera equipment and NVGs. It comes out to somewhere around 80 pounds of gear. :eek: I'm just glad I don't carry a M249 at work. :D

Oh, and I make the gentle rustling sound of Cordura rubbing against Cordura when I walk. Wait, no, it's more like a whisper. Oooohh, I got it, I sound like a shadow in the night when I walk. That sounds tacticool, right? :D
my strained heavy breathing is actually tactical. it sounds like a large animal (like a walrus or moose perhaps) so it sends the bogies running.

jart, i havent done much pricing on suppressors, but i figure a very good one can be had for maybe $1100-1500, but hopefully less.
Curses! I screwed up royally!

I just realized that I'm not wearing my Kevlar codpiece in the photos! Now I must redo all the photos this weekend! :p

For those who think I am kidding about the codpiece, check out the "removable groin protection" in the photo. As for the removable throat protection: screw that, the thing chokes you to death when your head isn't straight and level.

Found it: Brand SF 1600.00 List. One guesses there might be more discount room in cans (?)

Still, whacho get for the extra large one?

1100.00 RR Varmint, 1000.00 Leu Mk4, 1600.00 can - don't seem right.

(link to pdf at bottom of page).
Holy hearing loss, Batman! If that's what SF suppressors are going for, I guess I'll just have to stick with clunky ol' muffs and making my neighbors wonder what kind of war I've got going on in this valley...

I just don't think I can acheive my full ninja tacti-cool potential without a suppressor....:(

Wonder how much they'd be if they weren't an NFA item?

No moving parts.

No fancy finish.

No obvious special materials (unobtainium, mithril, adamantite, etc).

Lotsa paperwork and hassle - not clear how much this applies to the fabricator or how much of the 1600.00 this would represent.

Looks pretty much like something one would find on a Briggs & Stratton for 1585.00 less.

In all fairness, the 1600.00 is a "system". Hopefully, the system comprises something other than a threaded nut to hold it on. Beats me what it'd be, though. Tactical carry pouch? Fitted walnut case? An MP-5 to screw it to? (that'd be nice).

We await word from the tactically gifted...
True but

Wonder how much they'd be if they weren't an NFA item?

No moving parts.

No fancy finish.

No obvious special materials (unobtainium, mithril, adamantite, etc).
there may be no fancy parts or finish, but the research that has gone into those things has to be expensive. I do not know the whole science behind the "can" but i know enough to know that they have to be pretty tight tolerances in manufacture. So thats my theory as to why they would be expensive, if they werent a NFA item. Not all of us are professionals in the Art of Tactigery, as IZI and Spiff are:rolleyes: , I only fired a suppressed weapon on a range and found it kind of nose heavy to the point of uncomfortable and inaccurate. My accuracy suffered greatly and as IZI can tell you, with a pistol, is not that great to begin with. I will hit the target 50 out of 50 but it looks like I shot it with a 00 buckshot 3 or 4 times. Shot grouping whats that?;)