Santa brought me a....


New member
1OOO Federal Small Rifle Primers
100 Speer .40 S&W 180gr JHP's
100 10mm PMC cases & primers
Looks like I've been a good boy after all !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Santa just dropped off a new gun cabinet!!
My husband and I decided not to exchange gifts this year so Santa brought it. ;)
It's so pretty and was such a surprise! I hope everyone else is having a nice holiday.

Talk to you soon,
Being Jewish, I get my own Christmas presents :(

In a rare fit of fiscal responsibility, I decided to pass up on a used S&W M17-4 revolver that I found and to wait till I can afford more toys before getting more of them. Don't like going into debt or even stretching my reserves.

But my parents will get Christmas AND New Year gifts from me...I think giving is more fun for me, for the first time in my life :)
Just got back from my sis-in-laws (N. Ky). Got a real nice cowboy shirt and cowboy bookends. Santa is knocking at the door with relatives from Tenn. Gotta go.
Santa brought me...
The joy I feel as I tuck my 5 yo son into bed and the peaceful look on his face as the dreams of Christmas day bound through his young, uncluttered mind. Santa also brought me the satisfaction I feel when the family gathers to share a meal, and get caught up on the missing parts of our daily lives.

Please include in your thoughts tonight the gratitude we feel toward those standing watch over our way of life by serving their country bravely, through the holidays, which for some, can be a very lonely time away from their families and friends.

No lumps of coal for me--- only good things.

[This message has been edited by tatters (edited December 24, 1999).]
Nothing from Santa for me, but my dealer asked me to test-fire an ancient Gummint model today... that makes up for it. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I got me a nice new Ruger 10/22. Now I just gotta find time to go huntin.

"The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important then either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental."
I got a samurai sword complete with removable knifes, two dagger points, removable Chinese stars, and a little bottle in it too. My meager collection is growing... Wahoo!

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
Browning 1919 A4, complete with a big red bow tied to the carrying handle!! :D
500 rounds of ammo, Israeli tripod, and 250 disintergrating links.
Also got 4 nice rifle cases, and some new hikin' boots.
I had to work with Santa on finding the A4 and the paperwork, but he came through just in time for Christmas. :)

Happiness is spelled. . . . .B-E-L-T-F-E-D!!
Santa gave me two cases (1000 rds each)
of Wolf Brand 7.62x39 ammo & 1 case (5ooo)
of win.small pistol primers & 1 case of
Win large pistol primers.
Then ,to shoot it all through,
a Belgan SLR 95 (Black Bueaty) and a S&W model 29, 44 mag
Revolver, blue with a 8&3\8 barrell, Milled
for a scope mount.Hee,hee,hee!
!:^) Mack Bolan would be jeloius!

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 25, 1999).]
I think Bob Cogan (Accurate Plating and Weaponry) is Santa!

I sent pieces of my recently finished (for fit and function) custom STI 40 cal to them for hard chroming the Monday after Thanksgiving. I knew they said they had a 4 week turnaround but I figured, with the Holidays and all, I wouldn't see it again 'till January...WRONG!

UPS delivered the package last Tuesday. I had time to put it back together, take some pre-travel out of the trigger, refit the grip safety and have it all cleaned up to show my Dad on Christmas Eve.

By the way, it's the finest hard chrome job I believe I've ever seen. I wasn't sure what style to ask for so I left it up to Bob. He did his rendition of a matte rounds/brushed flats with lots of nice little touches here and there.

I'm going to attempt my best effort at some "Ichiro Nagata style" photos and post them later (if I can figure out how).

So far I have received a couple of Christmas e-mails from friends in other lands that I have not seen or heard from in a long time. It is nice to know that they are still around, knowing their line of work (military and LE). I just know I'm gonna get a Romanian single shot .22 target rifle from my folks. (I did the 4473 so they would not have too.)

Later on today, I'll have Christmas with the entire family and that will be the best part of the day.


Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited December 25, 1999).]
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, it's Christmas!!!!!!!!

Santa squeezed down the chimney and delivered well:

100 little stocking stuffers (100 rounds of 9mm)!

.22 rimfire spinner targets for plinking with my old .22 Mauser!!

.357/.38 pistol-caliber lever action rifle--yee-haw!!!

Closet I came to a virtual world with guns--lots of guns--was . . . THE MATRIX (but that was cheating because I bought it from me to me).

Christmas has been good this year (plus it's mine and my wife's first married Christmas together, and to be mushy, her love is the best gift I've gotten. Period.).

Life, ladies and gentlemen, is good.
Well I have four boys,all got a Mossberg shotgun. Three 12's and one 20.Case of shells,too. I think they are happy!
My #2 son said ,Hey we have a redneck Christmas!
Merry Christmas ya'all! :)
Let's see here, I got a book on recent Hatfield geneology (my family going back about six generations--interesting for me).


About $500 worth of Christmas money, about a third of which has gone toward a case of ammo (Saving up the rest for a new pistol, trying to decide between a M40 and a P99--any input over email is welcome).


"And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree..."
A while back I went through a Galls catalog and marked a bunch of things I wanted. My wife and mother-in-law came through. I got a new patrol bag and two pairs of boots.

My mother-in-law also got me the Rougue Speer game along with all of the needed upgrades to make it work on our computer.

My wife made a trip to Victoria's Secret. :) :) :) Funny thing is, so did I. :)

I also got several books and other odds and ins.