S&W Stainless Factory Finish Horrid

Yup thats exactly what I do, looking at pictures on the internet might work for you but I like that up close and personal approach.

How about some pictures of those so called "crappy finishes". As we all know, on the internet, it ain't true unless you post a picture.
Open up your safes and check out the older guns, (handguns and long arms.) The older guns have deep blue finishes that look like they will stand up to time and weather. Pretty. The finish on my S&W m60 is crappy, but the gun works and shoots very well so I'm willing to love my ugly little Smith! The prices are really going up though, they need to ease up a little on the prices.
The brushed finish on my two month old 686-8 looks the same as on my 20year old 686-2 and my 15 year old -4. The finish on my ND629 looks the same as on my two year old PC629-7 Magnum Hunter and the X-frames finishes look no different than the previously stated. Maybe I'm just lucky.
The gun store I went to today only had a used S&W 500, looked good, it also had a lock.

Looks like people in Las Vegas don't buy revolvers anymore. In fact the range hooked to the store only had about 1/3 of what they used to for rent, no 44s or 500s. I guess that's why I just got a mint Redhawk 44 for just over $400 from a gun store.

I find the polished stainless guns impractical: there's to much glare when shooting in the sun shine. I agree that they they are attractive; however, the brushed finishes are superior in the hunting fields. As for smith & Wesson producing inferior guns is a fallacy: Smith sets the stndard for the revolver industry. I agree that Smith's blue finished revolvers are not as rich as they were fifty years ago, but they are still attractive. Look at a blue DX model. I read a lot of unwarranted Smith bashing on The Firing Line but each is entitled to his opinion. To each his own said the old lady when she kissed the cow.

Semper Fi.

Gunnery seergeant
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired
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Here are some examples of the sloppy brushed finishes I have seen. Granted I have seen a few that don't look so bad, but compared to other firearm companies their brushed finish is just sloppy and unattractive. I am not some anti S&W guy, the only revolvers I have ever owned have been smiths. I just absolutely hate the cheap finishes they put on their revolvers.

S&W 686

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WESHOOT2 - I only care about how a gun shoots; it must be reliable, and offer me controllable accuracy.

zombieslayer - Im not particularly worried about the finish on a stainless gun. Unless its gouged or ground.

So your alright with paying $600+ for a brand new gun with a bad finish. Would you buy a brand new work truck with a bad paint job just because the truck performs well? Dont know about you guys but I like to get my moneys worth.
S&W Fit and Finish

I have been buying/carrying and shooting handguns since 1970. SMith was probably the foremost maker for a time...but that time ended in the 80s. The finish on these modern Scandium framed guns is garbage and does not hold up to any sort of use or carry. The blued guns I have owned and handled suffer from the crummiest polishing and fit I have seen this side of Taurus. I hate that...but it's true.
I bought my GP100 in august.Looked great had to go to a couple shops to find it. Shot indoors acouple times fun.Any way first time shooting in bright sunlight the finish looked bad real bad.Finish did not match barrel and frame right side was better than left side that side matched! Sent it packin back to ruger!Got her back today it is nice!!Both sides match.They told me when they assemble no one looks to see if the finish is good.It is all about dollars and time spent to make dollars.If you spend to much time making a beautiful finish they lose money.If you complaine they will make it right.

Dont know about you guys but I like to get my moneys worth.

Maybe you buy a Tuarus.

Don't see how buying a Taurus relates to expecting my moneys worth from a reputable gun company like S&W. Sorry if I expect to have a nice finish on a $600+ firearm, it really isn't too much to ask for and I cant see justifying it either. S&W owns Walther now and manufactures the Walther PPK which has a very nice brushed finish on the frame and flat parts of the slide. I got my PPK for under $500 and it has a beautiful finish, so why wouldn't a revolver costing significantly more have just as good a finish.


Don't see how buying a Taurus relates to expecting my moneys worth from a reputable gun company like S&W.

At least you didn't open a can of worm's.

Taurus isn't a reputable gun company, Like S&W?

They are still in business!

Maybe because they have a better finish for less?

What's your point?

If you don't like it, buy something else, and stop bashing my favorite gun company's, like Ruger also.


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The last S&W I bought was my 686 the finish on it looks good to me. I have never been disappointed with any of my S&W revolvers
This is all that needs to be said

If you don't like it, buy something else

No one is forcing you to buy anything.

Heck WRITE S&W. But arguing on the internet won't get anyone very far.
