Contributors to these boards represent a mere fraction of a fraction of gun owners with saftey locks. Perhaps one did fail somewhere along the way.
OK, so we represent a minority. We agree.
I've heard stories of more than one, I can think of at least four (including the one RIGHT ABOVE) involving first hand use. One guy dropped his revolver, and when he picked it up the lock was engaged, the other three had their locks engage while shooting.
So, that's 4 of however many thousands sold, right? OK, that's a pretty rare circumstance, isn't it? A percentage so low that it probably doesn't even register.
How many CCW owners actually use their weapon in a life and death situation, y'know, when compared to actual gun owners, or more to the point to actual people walking the street? I bet that percentage is pretty damned low, as well.
But, yet, the majority of people on this board prepare themselves for that tiny possibility. Some of them prepare themselves so far they walk around with a full size service sidearm, a backup weapon, a knife, a chemical spray, and enough spare ammo to fight off a small gang. Why? What are the chances they'll need 45 rounds in two weapons plus a hand-to-hand weapon, not to mention the first string of defense in a load of pepper spray?
Because they're prepared.
Are you prepared? You are? Then why would you carry a weapon with which even a small percentage of people have had a disturbing issue where it locked itself and prevented its use as anything other than a club? I've already prepared myself by bringing the stupid thing with me that I might need it, and I already have to worry about a hundred other mechanical or chemical issues causing it not to fire, why should I add one more, especially one more that's EASILY avoided and PROVEN in at least a tiny percentage of weapons sold?
Plus, y'know, its ugly.
gfen, prelock.