S&W 945

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New member
I have seen reviews of the 945, and read posts mentioning it, but I've never seen it at a gun shop or in S&W's catalog. I don't know anyone who owns one, and most people I ask about it have either never heard of it or else just barely know it exists. Since everything I've heard/read about this gun say it's the best thing since the 1911, I'd like to take one for a test drive, but since I can't find one, I'm out of luck. Are there only a couple out there? Are they difficult to get? Do you have to order them directly from the Custom Shop? Why can't I find anything on this gun?
I have handled but never fired two examples. IMNSHO they are flat out awesome (I would buy one but I don't need one).
I own two of them. They are the best 19ll style pistol for the money at the present time. Kimber doesn't come anywhere close to the quality of these guns. The Smith&Wesson Performance Center guns are some of the best guns made. I have a full size 945 but my favorite is the commander size model with the aluminum frame. Now they are bringing out an officers size model so I guess I'll have to get that one as well. If you can't find one at one of them at the larger gunshows or locally have your dealer contact RSR or Lew Horton Distributing. Since the are performance center guns they are not listed in the catalog. You can also check out Smith&Wessons webpage for stocking dealers. Good luck on finding one. It's worth the effort.
M-16, Does your Commander-size 945 recoil much? Could you fill us in on any other comparisons. I've heard these are very reliable pistols due to the mag. lining straight up with the barrel. Also, I see S & W makes the 945 in .40 cal. Thanks for the info. JohnH
Recoil of the commander size 945 is not bad at all. It is similar to any comparable size lightweight framed .45. The fullsize 945 comes with adjustable sights while the compact comes with Novak style fixed sights. Accuracy is excellent due to the Briley spherical bushing that keeps the barrel and frame together for a tight fit. Both of my guns have been very reliable as I have not any functioning problems. The magazines work well and can be ordered from S&W for around $20 each. I got a great deal on some full size magazines at a gun store that had them on close-out for $10 each. Trigger pulls are around 4 pounds but are very crisp. I have seen the guns go for around $1500 at some stores. I paid around $1100 each for mine as I had a dealer order them. The .40 caliber ones should be fine but if the frame size is the same I would go with the .45. I'm just not a .40 S&W fan. They will not fit in holster made for Kimber and Colts. I am using a holter that was made for my Model 1076 which works great. Those scalloped slides are just so cool.
I own a blackened stainless steel comander sized 945. It is one of my favorite guns, and I have a few to choose from :)
It is small enough to carry with comfort, VERY accurate, right up there with my Les Bayer. It is reliable and it looks very cool.
Most of the high end holster manugacturers already make holsters for it. If you want to see how the gun looks, just go to Smith&Wesson web page and navigate to Performance Center.
The price of these guns is between $1000 and $1300.
Not cheap, but a bargian for a pistol which is essentially custom made.
I've only owned my 5" 945 for about a month, but I must say it is well worth the money. It's very accurate and extremely reliable. Fit and finish are great. The added weight and lower bore center makes the felt recoil very light. It's lighter than my P220 with a Sprinco Recoil reducer. Some almost compare it to a +P 9mm.

I agree with M16, check S&W for stocking dealers. I did have to order mine. S&W doesn't talk much about the Performance Center Guns in their catalog; however, the Performance Center page in the last two catalogs has shown the 5" and 4" 945's displayed right in the center. I only had the opportunity to handle the 3.75" version before buying mine, but it was a leap of faith I'm glad I made.

If you are anywhere near Boston, Four Season's Firearms has them in stock. http://www.fsguns.com

I don't have any experience with them, but the owner of Four Seasons, Carl Ingrao, says they're great guns, and I've learned to trust Carl's judgement.

There are a lot of good 1911 choices out there. Why not buy one from a company that is trying to preserve our rights, and those of our children, rather than giving your money to the HCI crowd through S&W?

At $1000 plus, there are many good choices to select from.

Unfortunately, here in MA, the S&W 945 is the only 1911ish gun that you can buy new, due to the attorney general's "consumer protection" regulations.

I would buy used then.

I would be damned if I would let me state government force me into purchasing a gun....any gun I was not enamored with simply to comply with their unconstitutional laws. Much less allow them to force me, if I wanted to exercise my rights to make a firearms purchase, to purchase one from a company that has conspired with them to usurp my rights. I do not negotiate with terrorist and that is no little nor no more than that. We will hold a *law* to you head to force you to buy guns from the people that are playing the game with us as though it were a *gun*.

This is not directed at anyone in this thread nor is it a flame to those forced by circumstances to live in that state. I will not suggest that anyone move out of the state....I know it is not that easy. Nor will I suggest y'all vote Kennedy and the rest of the liberal scum out of your state. That is not easy either and I'm sure y'all have done everything you can to get his sorry female drowning arse out.
But for crying out loud there are used guns in the state for sale. Don't just roll over and hand it to them by going along with the game and buying from a company that is sitting squarely in their pocket. All that does is encourage the *&*$#! to pass more restrictive laws. Bury the company that is playing along with those that would destroy your rights...our rights and send a message to them.

This all seems so obvious it is practically painful.
I see you're up in Poughkeepsie. Next time you're in the city check out the Ironworks on Park Row in lower Mahattan. I was there last month and they had two fullsize and one commander.
It's a shame that you can't ask about a Smith & Wesson product on this board without someone having to add their political comments. I thought that there was a legal and political board for this. What a great way to get new shooters interested in the sport. Boycotts should be personal decisions. I just don't think it's any of my business if somebody wants to boycott or not. And by the way this is not directed at anyone in this thread nor meant to be a flame at anybody.
Well, given the fact that our God-given right to ownership of the very things that we show enthusiasm for on this board are threatened constantly by forces from every side - the media, the govt., even our own fellow citizens - you should be able to understand that the reaction of many at being sold out by a company that has been tirelessly supported by gun owners will be nothing less than outrage which will be expressed at every juncture.

We believed that, for better or worse, we were in a sort of partnership with S&W. The bond between gun owners and gun makers is probably stronger than any other between a consumer and a manufacturer. As a result, a lot of us can not stand by and say nothing while someone comtemplates adding to the coffers of a turncoat. It would be no diffeent than if we were at war with China and my friends or colleagues talked about buying Chinese-made goods. It would be their choice to do so, but I would try to dissuade them to the degree possible.

As for new shooters, far more important is it that they understand their right to bear arms and why that right must be so jealously guarded than for them to enjoy the qualities of a well-tuned handgun, because, without the former, the latter will not last.

So in conclusion, S&W now feels our wrath. I support the boycott, but like most others of like mind, I sincerely hope that they repudiate their treasonous acts. If they do so vigorously and with enthusiasm, I will support them and buy a shiny new S&W that very week. If they persist in their betrayl, they will wither on the vine and die.
I'm assuming you would then also propose that all pro RKBA people on this board and in this country put aside their strong personal feelings regarding their commitment to that cause to select areas where you and anyone whom disagrees has to be exposed to us?
I would assume that everybody on this board is pro second amendment. I would also assume they believe in every amendment of the constitution including the first amendment. I would assume that people would act in a civil manner toward others and respect their right to boycott or not. I would assume that when someone mentions a Ruger or Colt that they would get the same treatment given those mentioning Smith&Wesson. I would assume that people could stick to the topic at hand and help new shooters with their questions instead of bashing them and destroying their post. But of course we know what happens when we assume.
Even though I support the boycotting.....I may still buy a S&W product, specifically the 945 (full-size only) or a Performance Center gun (a tweaked 3913 that I would buy used).

But I haven't yet, and the only S&W in this house is an older M38 my wife carries.


"all my revolvers are Ruger revolvers"
A friend has a 945. It is the full-sized one. I've shot it a few times. It is heavy, easy to shoot, and very accurate. It is a good competition gun. He uses it for bowling pin shoots. it would seem a little big and heavy to me for a carry gun. The bore is supposed to be lower to the hand than a regular 1911, which means less barrle flip. I liked the gun a lot. I found it easier to shoot well than a conventional 1911. They are pretty spendy though.
M.....may I call you M? I know that we each cherish all of the amendments (nearly) equally. (Granted most of us here, you and I included I'm sure, tend to lean slightly more heavily to those closer to us...namely the first and the second. Not necessarily in that order.;))
That is what makes it so difficult for me to understand why you would wish me (and others that support the boycott) to only exercise my/our first amendment rights in this complexe and controversial matter only to the Legal & Political forum here. To continue this train of thought it would then follow that one should only express their heart felt RKBA views in certain, politically exceptable, arenas. I believe the phrase coined for this particular activity is "Preaching to the choir". While it may provide us with a warm, fuzzy feeling it offers little in the way of promoting our cause.
It is obvious that you and I differ in our approach to our commitment and efforts to the RKBA cause. There are things that you do that I disapprove.....and I'm sure I do things which you would (justifiably) disagree with.
Having said that I respect your views on the boycott, though I strongly disagree. In exchange for that I only ask that you except the fact that when someone ask about purchasing a new Smith & Wesson product I be equally allowed to express my views...regardless of the forum. (I spend a great deal of time on this board and in the L&P forum and have for some two and a half years. I have yet to see a member ask in that forum about the feasibility of buying a new handgun.)
We differ in our views. But unless and until I am asked not to by a staff member I will continue to be vocal in this and all forums on this board regarding my feelings towards Smith & Wesson and our collective Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

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