This leads me to believe Toomey's about to find out how far off the reservation he is.Toomey admits he has absolutely no idea if there’s any other Republican who supports this.
Now, what we've got so far is just a series of suggestions. S. 649 is still just the draconian Fix Gun Checks Act, with some addendi on school safety and trafficking.
The weird thing about Toomey's suggestions is that they seem to be over-reaching reactions to Schumer's. For example, telling NICS to place a higher priority on checks from gun shows than from licensed dealers. Furthermore, I'm not sure how the law would distinguish between family members and other buyers at the point of sale.
This whole thing is still a mess, and I think Toomey's just casting about while trying to appease his base.
It really looks like they're trying to throw us a few bones with national reciprocity and out-of-state sales. Of course, those things can easily be taken away later, leaving the most restrictive provisions in place.
(How are guys like Schumer expected to vote for nationwide CCW, just to get a really watered-down version of what they originally wanted?)