S.649: Reid's Base Gun Control Bill

I just got done watching President Obama's remarks about these bills. I happened to notice VP Biden standing off to the side. Is it just me, or did he look like Walter?

He is Walter, thats why all he can say is buy a shotgun buy a shotgun
Maybe National Reciprocity isn't so far off after all.
Double edged sword. Another hook by the federal government into guns. Maybe not at first, but later down the road. I really empathize, though, for the folks in states like New York.
Biden may look like Walter, but Walter is no fool, whereas Biden is the old fool there's no fool like. Speaking of shotguns, this man advised someone to fire one through an open window at night. What could possibly go wrong there? I just hope they don't let him near the stove when no one is home.
Here's my take on what's going to happen. Although Reid voted 'Nay' to give himself the ability to bring it up to a vote at another time, I believe it's highly unlikely he will for this current session.

Polls are showing that gun control/rights are about #6 or #7 in the population's priority list. People want something done about the Economy, Obamacare, Immigration, etc, before they want to worry about guns. The Senate spent 4 months trying to get gun control legislation through. They have failed. Constituents on both sides of the issue, at this point, want to see the Senate move on to other (what they deem) more important issues.

For any "purple" or "red" state democrat (like Reid) to bring the issue up again would be like telling everyone, "Hey, I don't want to get elected again!" Voters want him to move on, and deal with other issues.

This doesn't meant the fight is over. 1) The fight is moving to the states. This means that if we either want our rights back, or not to lose anymore rights, it's really important to join our state and local gun rights groups. 2) It's very likely we're going to go through all of this again if there's another shooting (God forbid...), or after the mid-term elections, assuming there's not much change in power in either house, or a change to the blue side. But for the immediate time, it seems like the fight is over at the Federal level.
I would gloat over the major victory we have won but this video says it best.


according to the GOAs news alert I received the Harry Reids main bill will be up for a cloture vote and if the cloture fails than the bill is dead.

The liberals can rant all they want and make it look like this isn't over, but effectively it will take some time before a major attack like this from the congress will take place.

The biggest threat now is through the executive branch. Obama is exploiting every loophole he can find to disarm americans.
Harkins-Alexander Amendment on mental health passed 95-2. Lee and Paul were only No votes. Senate recessed until 2pm, then they will take up judicial nominations. Probably not a lot of movement on gun stuff.
Current status as of 4/18/2013 1:40 Eastern: All amendments required 60 votes to pass. The amendments to protect gun owner privacy and improve the mental health system oassed by solid majorities. The AWB and mag bans failed to achieve even 50 votes. The underlying S.649 bill is still horrible and not something we would want to pass; however it is also unlikely to pass and needs 60 votes. The Senate is going to take up judicial nominations when they return. There is still a rumor that Reid may pull the bill from the floor rather than see it die in a final vote and put it on the legislative calendar for later.

Manchin-Toomey amendment #715. Failed 54-46

Grassley substitute amendment consistent with the summary which is at the desk; Failed 52-48

Leahy-Collins amendment #713 (trafficking) Failed 58-42

Cornyn amendment #719 (conceal carry) Failed 57-43

Feinstein amendment #711 (assault weapons/clip bans) Failed 40-60

Burr amendment #720 (veterans/guns) Failed 56-44

Lautenberg-Blumenthal amendment #714 (high capacity clip ban) Failed 46-54

Barrasso amendment #717 (privacy) Passed 67-30

Harkin-Alexander amendment relative to mental health Passed 95-2
There is still a rumor that Reid may pull the bill from the floor rather than see it die in a final vote and put it on the legislative calendar for later.
Not that this would be surprising, but it would be a tad hypocritical, after the bill's supporters made all that noise along the lines of "It must come up for a vote, we owe it to the children," etc., etc. :cool:
Reid up. Lecturing on guns again. Says they will come back to bill.

Stabenow - mental health
Coburn - UBC
Veterans issues

Reid pulled S.649. Promises it will be back. Senate moving on to S.743 for now.
So, S.649 has a privacy provision, and a provision to supply mental health info to NICS. Sounds okay to me, although I haven't read through those 2 completely.

Was there anything in the base bill or was it "blank"? Why not pass it with these 2 items? Or was addressing mental health (the only thing that applies to Newtown, Aurora, and Tucson) really not the point of this exercise?:rolleyes:
Hard to say where to drop this link but since this is a generic thread


Seems that Toomey is realizing the errors of his ways and wants to pull back. The article states that if he leaves the effort with Manchin that further weakens chances of reintroduced legislation.

Manchin is hangin on and trying to say that it is his fault and its not Obama's bill or Chucky's. A little off from reality I would think. He was on the tube with that gun hating blah, blah Joe Scarborough. I wonder if he is being offered up as the sacrificial goat for the failure.

Interestingly, Chuck Todd pointed out that Cornyn's reciprocity amend. got more votes that the original Toomey-Manchin one. Chucky was so incensed by the progun stuff that they wanted the 60 votes to keep evil guns out of NYC. So he was willing to lose the whole thing. So much for compromise. Why not trade UBC for Universal Carry? Oh, guns are just bad, real agenda for compromise? :rolleyes:
So, Reid voted Nay, so he could bring it up later. Right? Why not have one or our Nay voters bring the bill up right now, with privacy and mental health provisions only? We pass it, and it's the good guys who did it. Political cover for pro-gun Senators.
That would be an amendment, you'd still have to get 60 votes. And no one in their right mind would vote Yea to strip the background check portion of the bill, they'd rather save their jobs and leave it in limbo.