S.649: Reid's Base Gun Control Bill

Burr now up promoting his bill to remove veterans put on NICS by VA without adjudication or being found a danger to themselves or others. (S.720 I think)

Murphy up now. SSDD. Claims firearms have become remarkably more powerful in the last few decades :confused: suggests a good school shooter strategy is to have children shot with smaller firearms (not making that up by the way).

Just looked up and noticed Murphy has a picture chart of "assault weapons" that contains several NFA weapons, including the already banned Striker shotgun.
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Grassley proposes his alternative to Manchin-Toomey. Probably too good for us to pass the Senate.

I sadly agree. His explanation made way too much sense to me.

Anyone know where the actual text of Grassley's Proposal can be found?
That Reid will never allow the Grassley-Cruz amendment to be offered demonstrates yet again how this has been nothing but a shallow, one-sided campaign - not to save lives - but to usurp our rights in a surreptitious and deceitful manner. Unfortunately, the American public has a short memory and is intellectually lazy, so we will repeat this exercise sometime in the future the next time a similar event occurs.
Murphy up now. SSDD. Claims firearms have become remarkably more powerful in the last few decades suggests a good school shooter strategy is to have children shot with smaller firearms (not making that up by the way).
Ms. Murphy seems to be perennially exempt from being fact-checked by the media. Her claims are *ludicrously* ludicrous and self-contradictory. Self-contradictory, that is, unless she has reinvented the laws of physics.
Reid is going to allow Grassley-Cruz to be offered after the vote on Toomey-Manchin; but it will need 60 votes - so probably dead.

Reed, Senator from some NE banana republic, argues for AWB.

Sen. Richard Shelby comes out swinging hard with a speech that would make TFL members think "Man, that guy is a little too gun crazy.". Very pro-2nd :D
Reid is going to allow Grassley-Cruz to be offered after the vote on Toomey-Manchin; but it will need 60 votes - so probably dead.
I didn't think he'd have the guts to do so, but then again no one has been doing any arm-twisting on behalf of Grassley-Cruz, so you're right - there's absolutely no way it will get 15 or more Democratic votes, which is pretty much what it would take to get to a total of 60.
Reid has been a tricky one to pin down on 2A matters, but this is pretty unexpected.

Not unexpected at all. He would love to have an AWB, but likely can't vote for one as NV is a fairly pro-gun state. With Manchin-Toomey looking bad, and the bill looking even less likely to pass, he can vote for an AWB and raise his score with obama and friends and not get voted out of office.
There may be a pro-gun procedural reason for Reid to vote for the AWB. I need to do more research. Calling the roll for voting now.
Perhaps. Or perhaps he's looking for an A rating from both the NRA AND HCI? Nothing would surprise me.
Senator Reid's office confirmed his support for the AWB on the phone with me a few minutes ago.

I have supported and defended Senator Reid here and elsewhere, given him the benefit of a doubt, assumed he was maneuvering on our behalf, but it is now my top priority to make sure this traitor is done here in Nevada.
Of course, what we're missing in our celebration, is we're still left with what Schumer put out. Which was still by far worse than Manchin-Toomey on the floor.
Is Cruz complaining a Straw purchase would be a straw purchase? If Dad send me to Cabelas to buy a gun for him with his money, it's a straw purchase even if Dad is the Chief of Police.