Russia's Army Invades Georgia in Force: How should the US Government React??

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Well, the tensions between Russia and its now independent former state of Georgia finally spilled over into full scale hostilities today. Russian TV is showing long lines of tanks entering Georgia, as you can see here: ( NOTE the large amount of reactive armor on the Russian tanks )


Georgian troops were also seen moving out in force to meet them, in their hybrid light armored car tanks:


Russian planes are also said to be bombing inside Georgia, and Georgia claims that their military forces have managed to shoot down two Russian attack planes so far today.

What should the position of the US Government be? Should we be at all concerned about this? Bush has been very friendly to Putin's Russia ever since he came into power. Yet, as the past years have gone by, Putin and his party have taken tight control over the country. Independent media has been squashed, with all key media now state controlled. Leaders of opposition parties have been arrested for various crimes, and the country is now getting very close to being a one party system again.

And while Putin stepped down as President to become the Prime Minister, many feel that he still pulls all the strings in the government. And now we see Russia invading a small Democratic nation like Georgia.

Of course, Russia says that they are acting in the self-defense of Russians, and that it is Georgia who is engaging in "ethnic cleansing" of ethnic Russians inside their country. But do you buy this argument? Or could this possibly be an attempt to take back Georgia?

Didn't Hitler claim that ethnic Germans were being mistreated in Austria and Poland??

And if Georgia is taken back, could the much bigger Ukraine possibly be next?

Or is all of this really not that important, and should just be ignored by the World??

Georgia is a rather small and poor nation, and does not have a military strong enough to stand up against Russia's.

What should Bush say today about the country of his dear friend Putin? Or is he too busy courting the Chinese right now, to bother with this??

i'm sure we'll go the diplomatic route, but i dont think President Bush will get involved in another conflict unless 100% necessary.

More importantly, i'd like to hear from McCain and Obama have to say about. I am pretty sure i know McCains view...but will Obama rely on his charm and personality?
I don't think we'll do or say much. Putin will respond that its a preemptive action just like Iraq.
i'm sure we'll go the diplomatic route, but i dont think President Bush will get involved in another conflict unless 100% necessary.

Well, I don't see how we could possibly get involved in this war, even if we wanted to.

Where would we get the necessary amount of troops from?

Georgia did announce today that it is immediately pulling its troops out of Iraq, to go home to help defend their country.

So the US led coalition in Iraq has lost another member today.

The US has stuck its unwanted nose into too many Countries already. It has brought us nothing but grief over and over again. We have ENOUGH problems in our own Country than to try to be a Police force for the entire world.
Here is more news from Georgia:

A news photographer got this shot today of a Russian Attack Plane bombing Georgian armed forces:


Here is a photo of Georgian Infantry in their Toyota Pickup Trucks as they are just about go into battle in the key city of Tskhinvali.


Here are more Georgian troops about to attack in their light Toyota pickups. Each Toyota carries 6 soldiers: 2 inside, and 4 in the back.


Here are some Georgian forces firing rocket artillery today during the fighting:


And here is the President of Georgia on national TV announcing that Russia has invaded:

Ruger said:
The US has stuck its unwanted nose into too many Countries already. It has brought us nothing but grief over and over again. We have ENOUGH problems in our own Country than to try to be a Police force for the entire world.

Agree, unfortunately we are over a 100 yrs too late to make this argument.

Sad thing about Georgian troops in Iraq is I just read that they were the third largest coalition supporter behind the US and Great Britain with just 2000 troops...

Just 2000 troops and they were #3? I always thought Australia would be up there.
Bush & Putin Go ...

... Quid Pro Quo?

Putin offers to green light Bush on Iran and Bush agrees to turn his back on Georgia? The devil is in the details.
We could always sent them some Stingers and TOW launchers.:D Heck, they could take back most of the RPG-7s that we capture in Iraq.

OK, if we aren't sending them weapon, we could send them some Red Dots, 4x scopes, and AK side mounts.
Would be curious to know how much Military aid we have given GA. Those helmets look like our kevlar helmets our troops wear (of course they could be a knock off)

Time for a search for curiosty sake.
Putin offers to green light Bush on Iran and Bush agrees to turn his back on Georgia? The devil is in the details.

You mean that you don't trust someone who was selected last December as TIME MAGAZINE'S 2007 PERSON OF THE YEAR???


You know, didn't Hitler win Time's MAN OF THE YEAR just before WWII broke out??

Is history perhaps repeating itself???

It is a European problem but I doubt they have the backbone for it. The U.N. no backbone at all. Any way you look at it we will be asked to lead the way ether with arms or direct intervention.

Could not find any exact numbers in a quick search, but NATO and the US has been giving them trainers and equipment for the past several years, under the auspice of counter-terrorism.

In 2004 we paid 15 Million for a three year contract with an American company, Cubric, to train and teach.

So most likely those our US Mil Grade Kevlar helmets those soldiers are wearing.
Would be curious to know how much Military aid we have given GA

Well, it certainly does not appear that those soldiers are carrying AR-15's

Where are they getting the money to buy all of those Toyotas??

I do not believe that an army equipped with Toyotas has ever been defeated.

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