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Rules Enforcement Left to Mods

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An excellent example of what happens to a Board when the Members moderate it, instead of the Moderators, is this thread.
Time permitting, I like to stop in here and read threads which interest me.

Rarely (thank goodness) do I find one or two posts therein which are all but decipherable.

If I'm really interested in that topic, I'll read on for a few posts in search of clarity.

What I do not want to find are folks with hall monitor complexes, further muddying the waters with their Cartman-esque tirades.

I seem to recall something about "More signal, less noise."

I am 100% in Peetzakiller's camp on this.

Use the 'report' button for posts which offend your grammar sensibilities- and spare the rest of us from having to read through material which adds nothing to the topic at hand.
Tuttle8, there is no place for rudeness period! I don't want this to turn into a back and forth kinda thing. Lets just agree to disagree and move on.

Ummm....OK. But it would sure be nice to know what the hell you mean by being rude. I already gave a very detailed response to explain my point. All you stated, with an exclamation point that references yelling, is no place for rudeness even after my response.

The context of your very own post seems to negate your point. Not that I care, but don't you think yelling at a fellow member correcting him is rude in itself?

If you don't care to respond that's fine by me. I'm willing to continue discussion in order to achieve better understanding.
IMO,Peetzakilla has the absolute right line of thought. A few of the members here seem to have a problem with the "how-to`s" of self-policeing and are downright rude. If we really want to self- police this forum how bout pm`ing someone when they make a mistake or don`t spell something correct. Rather it seems as though a few get their jollies trying to make someone look bad for everyone else to read:barf:. Thats not self-policeing. Just because some aren`t as intelligent or computor savy as other`s doesn`t give anyone the right to be rude. No, there isn`t a benefit in hurting feeling`s. There is a benefit in correcting someone without being rude. I for one hope the mods. start coming down hard on those(that can spell and are computor savy) who are not intelligent enough to understand that there are less fortunate people in the world. Thanks Peetza for this thread;)!
I agree with Peetzakilla completely. I don't have a real problem myself as I'd like to think I have good grammar. This is however, something I see pretty regularly on the forums. I agree that members should have enough respect not to over abbreviate or use a lot internet jargon. Proper punctuations is also importatnt. A mispalced comma can completely change the context of what is being said. When I see people unable to write like they've taken English in high school, it does irk me. I think it shows a lack of education, but I don't feel compelled to straighten anyone out. Often people are less than cordial when do. Sometimes just plain rude. Tuttle8 feels it to be his pace to correct people in public. That's fine, but we don't have to be mean about it. I have read posts from members that were clearly meant to humiliate. That's not right. We ought to remeber that we're adults here. Citing the lesser points of others can sometimes tend to do the same for oneself. Like the absence of maturity.
Shortwave, you need to start out your sentence with a capital letter. The words thank and dude should not have been capitalized. What's wrong with you? Are you a stupid idiot?! This is The Firing Line, we don't tolerate that sort of thing around here. Get it straight or don't bother! Just kidding folks, a sarcastic demonstration on what not to do. :D
EricReynolds said:
Tuttle8 feels it to be his pace to correct people in public.

And, by all means, I invite ANYONE to correct me in the same manner. I have no qualms people telling me I made an error in information I provide or my statements are not clear in context.

Again, I'm not saying we need to be the harping on members that make occasional grammatical mistakes. But I do want to provide a VERY compelling argument to support my case.

If you do a bit of research on how anti-gun supporters have built their case against the 2nd Amendment, one of their aces in the hole was how comma placement changed the entire context of its meaning.

It's been a war to prove our point to the anti-gun establishments the simple placement of commas have actually supported our case.

1. Our right is an individual right, not collective.
2. The 2nd Amendment is NOT limited to military and law enforcement. It was intended for any and ALL law abiding citizens.

So, that's my explanation why I'm a nick picking jerk. I take representing ourselves very seriously just for this very reason. What say you?
So are we going to require an English major as a condition for firearms ownership- or just to discuss firearms ownership?

How about tattoos? How do gun owners with tattoos represent us?

How about we re-rail this thread back on topic. Who should moderate individual posts? Mods or members?

I vote mods.
Both if done correctly

WildweareheretohelpeachotherAlaska TM

Agreed, and easily accomplished via
Sarge said:
How about we re-rail this thread back on topic. Who should moderate individual posts? Mods or members?

Well, after some deliberation I'm inclined to agree that the moderators should be the ones to correct sloppy posters. They are all tactful and considerate and a tactful and considerate PM to a new member would be all that it would take for the vast majority of people to understand this sites posting guidelines.

Tuttle8 said:
And, by all means, I invite ANYONE to correct me in the same manner.

Tuttle8 said:
how comma placement changed the entire context of its meaning.

While you are placing those commas, you might want to place an apostrophe between the s and the t in it's.:p

I'm just teasing you Tuttle8, I agree that we should all do our utmost to make our posts as well written and grammatically correct as possible. I also feel we should all do our level best to provide accurate, factual information. I just believe that a well worded PM from a moderator would more than likely be all it takes to get a new member headed down the right track.
I don't know WA. It's quite apparent that my constant explanation that one DOES NOT NEED TO HAVE AN ENGLISH MAJOR to carry on a thoughtful discussion isn't being absorbed.

I keep telling people for the past several months that I need to reinstitute my favorite saying of my father's. I guess it's time to stop talking and just do it...
EricReynolds, you should take a lesson in self policeing from grymster. He`s very polite on his correcting and I learned from him. Since we`re correcting, there should also be a space between Eric and Reynolds. Please always use spaces between first and last names you silly, non-typing, lack of puncuating piece of *#%^. Did I type that out loud :p:D:D:D. More sarcasm.
While you are placing those commas, you might want to place an apostrophe between the s and the t in it's.

Sorry, Nate. Won't do it. "Its" is a possessive form in that statement not a contraction to represent the term "it is".:p
Sorry, Nate. Won't do it. "Its" is a possessive form in that statement not a contraction to represent the term "it is"

Ha Ha, I can't trick you, you are absolutely correct.

The rule is: If you can substitute it is or it has, and the sentence still makes sense, then it's should have an apostrophe. If you can substitute the, and the sentence still makes sense, then its should not have an apostrophe.

Actually your posts are perfect in spelling and grammar. :)
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