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Rules Enforcement Left to Mods

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it would be best to leave the enforcement of the existing rule to the moderators - let us be the "heavies" if you will. If most members would do that, it would save quite a bit of online bickering, embarrassment and perhaps even a banned member or two.

I don't bicker with them, but when a post is essentially unintelligible, I don't mind pointing it out. If I can get by on my meager education, that doesn't leave much in the way of excuses for others.
This board is populated by a a majority of members who actually give a hoot about the board and how it actually looks to new viewers. The written word is our only avenue of expression. Do it using standard English as best you are able.

I completely agree. The question is "Who is best to enforce those standards?" I believe it is best for the board and for new members to have these issues addressed:
1)By mods

Somebody comes on and posts:


and then we get two pages of fighting between them and veteran posters because of grammar and punctuation. Why? Who is benefiting by that exchange?

Not to mention that most, nearly all, attempts at "correction" violate rules #2 and #3, which is pretty ironic:
2) Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.
3) No spamming, trolling, flaming or other personal attacks, be they acrimonious or veiled in humor.

i.e.- What are you a freakin' moron? Don't you know where the space bar is? Damn dude, get a clue!

Most offenders seem to turn the focus away from their own transgression and make a big stink about their feelings being hurt.

Yep, and what is the benefit of hurting their feelings? None. The grammar should be corrected and they should be banned if they refuse to comply. Public humiliation benefits neither them nor us.

Disagreement is good, but dont allofwildalaskaspostsfallunderthebadgrammerviolations, and what would Shakespeare have thought of needing a smilie to denote sarcasm?

There is the letter of the law and then the spirit of the law.

I don't mind pointing it out.

I don't "mind" pointing it out either.

If we care about this board, and our (gun owners) image that it projects then the thought process should not be "Can I call this guy out for this...?" but rather "How will my comment make a positive contribution to this thread and this forum?" Hammering someone publicly because their VERY FIRST POST doesn't meet the standards of english grammar is not beneficial to ANYBODY. (anybody,anyone? I don't know, grammar is not my specialty:o)
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I've read WA's sig line enough times that the above actually flows well and does not offend me.... I'm starting to think austere spacebar usage actually helps me read faster. :)
Yep, and what is the benefit of hurting their feelings? None. The grammar should be corrected and they should be banned if they refuse to comply. Public humiliation benefits neither them nor us.

If merely telling the violator that I don't understand their statement and ask to provide clearer context in the future is going to hurt his/her feelings, then there's serious underlying problems. Mutual respect for your fellow gunowner is one thing. But the need to walk on eggshells here is another. We're all adults here. If one is so offended by a simple statement then the problem isn't TFL's philosophy on the growth of their board, it's the person that's offended.

So, yes, I do think there's benefits to "hurting" feelings. It either teaches the person that they need to quit being lazy while posting here or they go somewhere else that allows it. You can't make everyone happy. I've surfed around different forums and I keep coming back here. One of the reasons is the atmosphere here drives me to better myself in the firearms community. I don't see this in very many other forums. How you present yourself matters

alloy said:
...but what happened to paragraphs and indenting the first word of each one? Now its all about typing a line per thought and then skipping a line. Maybe the bullet list is becoming the acceptable post format. Quotation marks around a word are used to show it means something "other" than what it means, when it really "means" the exact same thing?

Heeyyyy....you just described me! I'm shocked and appauled! Why don't you just call me out so I can blame you for my actions?:D

I agree - Just be nice about it because some people don't spell well and don't need to be intimidated anymore than they likely have been for their entire lives!!
tyme said:
Is that a joke, because it's hydrogen not carbon...

Very astute of you tyme, yes it was a joke, or an attempt at one anyway, not only are the majority of words in that sentence misspelled, it is also mispunctuated and the information contained within it is incorrect.
Ah but isnt the universe made up primarily of dark matter?
Lot's of scientists now believe there are infinite universes, accounting for every possibility. If this is true, there is a universe where you'd be right. It's just that it's not this universe, but rather one that runs parallel.... or maybe even perpendicular in your case :p
Reference post #28. I take issue with anyone who thinks "theres benefits to hurting feelings". The question I always ask myself is 'would I say this if I were face to face with the person'? With that being the case I post accordingly. If you are the type of person who sees a need to respond to people in a rude way it speaks volumes about the kind of person you are, your level of intelligence, and not that of the other person.

I'm all for proper grammar and punctuation. At the same time I acknowledge my shortcomings in this area. I do however believe that my posts, and most others are easy to read and comprehend. I don't need you (generally speaking) to be a english major. Don't remember it being a requirement for joining this site either. I do expect you to represent yourself as best that you can given your level of intelligence and education. I would be terribly disappointed and would end my association with this site if a persons best was not accepted and were asked to "go somewhere else that allows it". How can anyone hold others to a standard that they obviously don't meet?
Reference post #28. I take issue with anyone who thinks "theres benefits to hurting feelings". The question I always ask myself is 'would I say this if I were face to face with the person'? With that being the case I post accordingly. If you are the type of person who sees a need to respond to people in a rude way it speaks volumes about the kind of person you are, your level of intelligence, and not that of the other person.

That would be me, so here's my response:

1. I'm not talking about calling out for a correction for the occasional wrongly spelled word, punctuation error, etc. I think if you read the link provided by Antipitas regarding what the owner's (Rich Lucibella) philosophy is, you'll find that this isn't what the problem is.

2. Ever gone through 2nd grade? Ever disrupted the class? Ever have that teacher that smacks the back of your hands with a ruler right in front of the class? Hurt, didn't it? I bet you were a little embarrassed having that happen in front of your friends and Jennifer. You know, Jennifer. That girl you had a crush on. I'm willing to bet that you didn't disrupt the class like that again, did you? I don't think the teacher would have gotten as effective results by taking you out of the class room and gently chided you in private....

3. I never said anything about responding in a rude way, just up front.

4. Read VERY carefully: I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have the guts to speak the same words I post here face to face. I don't hide where I live and I don't hide where I'm currently located. I'm willing to meet anybody within reasonable driving distance from my home at a neutral ground to hear me repeat what I post to their face. This offer will always stand with me on the grounds that it isn't taken that I want a physical confrontation. I will meet face to face to stand by and prove my word and to further the discussion in an adult manner. I'm currently in West Palm Beach for training until Feb 13th. So if anybody wants to take up my offer, by all means PM me.

Example #1: i cant beleve this is goin on and on and on what ruup2? whats the best gun ever you owned savage mossberg remington colt45 or what

Example#2: I can't believe this situation is ongoing. What is the problem? What's the best gun that youve ever own? Savage? mossber? Remington?

There's a distinct difference between these two examples. One I believe there's honest grammatical errors. The other I believe is just pathetic.

I do however believe that my posts, and most others are easy to read and comprehend. I don't need you (generally speaking) to be a english major. Don't remember it being a requirement for joining this site either.

Most? Yes. But my first example is by no means an exaggeration of what has been posted here.

I do expect you to represent yourself as best that you can given your level of intelligence and education. I would be terribly disappointed and would end my association with this site if a persons best was not accepted and were asked to "go somewhere else that allows it". How can anyone hold others to a standard that they obviously don't meet?

This the whole point. It isn't about a person's intelligence level or education. There's some members here that are up front about their English skills aren't exactly going to win them a scholarship to Oxford. However, it's obvious in their effort to communicate the best they can. And that's fine and dandy.

In a grey area, it isn't required for you to have an English major. However, it IS required that each and every member including staff to be held to a higher standard than some other gun sites.
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