Rugers rifles are bad

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I wonder how much a bolt being "rough" affects the performance of a gun. Does it make it less accurate? Less reliable? Less effective? Humm
Ruger rifles are not for everyone

I have had lots of different rifles in the last 50 years and still own several. The ones I shoot the most are my Ruger Model 77 in 243 and 30-06. They are both stainless steel models with composit stocks. They are made for hunting in all types of weather. They are completely reliable, accurate and work great. I suspect the guy that doesn't like the Rugers never shot or hunted with one. Sort of an arm chair evaluator. Ruger rifles are for hunters and shooters.:D
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Seems like a little more research would be a good idea.I think I'd look at more than one before I said some crap like that.People might think you dont know what your talking about,:rolleyes:
I have a Ruger #1 .243 with a 4-digit serial number and a Mod 77 .35 Whelen I bought in 1992 and both are beautiful, solid rifles that shoot accurately and have never given me one iota of trouble.
I also have a 3-screw Ruger Blackhawk 4 5/8" in .41 Mag and it is a thing of beauty to shoot.
To badmouth all Rugers because of one example in a shop is just plain ignorant.
mag spring

My Winchester mag is as you described. I don't understand how this is a problem. They use a flat spring for a reason. It allows more rounds.
I have not seen the new rifles but know the M77 and #1 are fine rifles.
Just finished working in a new load and scope on my 308 M-77 T. Shot 6 rounds 5 touched in a ragged 1/2" hole. 1 flyer, my fault".

I guess I need to junk it.
My Ruger 77 Mk II all-weather stainless .300 Win Mag in it's new Boyds laminated stock (pillar & glass bedded & free floated barrel by gunsmith) will put them all in one hole if I can hold that well. Always under an inch. I've got a sweet shooting Remington 700 .270 Win that shoots under an inch but can't touch the Ruger.
Ruger Compact .243 3" to 4" at 100 with factory ammo. Took some work and $ but now it can shoot 1 hole. I judge it how it came to me (out of the box). There are too many other brands that will shoot better than 1 MOA to mess around with a Ruger.

I've had 2 new Rugers that couldn't shoot worth a darn. I won't buy another one.

The other one was a 10/22.
Here's what it can consistently shoot now.


In the past few years I've bought Remington, Browning, Howa and Tikka all of them out shot the Ruger out of the box. They all shot better than 1" with no work done to them. All but 1 of those rifles was cheaper than the Ruger. Not now though.;)
My wife shot this buck with her Ruger 77 Hawkeye..308..One shot kill....Deader than a door nail....

It is light..soft recoil pad(very little kick)..very accurate..model 70 type safety..Oh and the new Ruger trigger is nice....


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Say what you will about the Ruger American but Ruger has done their homework. The bedding, barrel to receiver locking (ala Savage), free floating barrel and decent trigger all equal accuracy, probably better or equal to most new rifles.... including the Ruger 77.

And as long as we're showing targets here is one from my Ruger 77.



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Ruger's may not have the smoothest action out there (they usually smooth out over time), but they work every time.
Niece has Browning A-bolt that won't set off a primer if it's below flush. Same rounds work just fine in my Frontier.

You probably shouldn't use pistol primers in your nieces gun then.;)

Did I mention the Rugers action is made of pot metal?
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