Ruger Quality Control

okay. Ill through my 2 cents in. My GP100 has not given me zilch problems and
Staff is 100% correct about the ammo you use. Use good ammo and your Ruger will be good to you. Use junk and you your Ruger might just foul up. You know that old saying " you are what you eat "!
Merry Christmas.
When Ruger first came out with the New Vaquero, I bought a pair for SASS.
Nothing But Trouble...sent 'em back for being out of time, one twice, one three times.
They both got fixed properly, one got a new cylinder,
however at that point I was a bit peeved, so sold 'em.
Used a pair of Uberti's after issues at all.

Any gun MFR can have a bad day, or even a couple of bad days...
I've seen guns that looked like a hot, steaming mess, but shot like lasers...
& guns that looked perfect, but couldn't keep all shots in an 8" pie plate @ 50 yards...

So if the unthinkable does happen, remember a few things...
CSM's that you talk to on the phone are generally Gun-Muggles,
and very apt to forget to type up the important info you tell them,
they also have very limited powers to do things & must approve a lot thru Sup's,
so, be nice, be concise, expect that the call will kill your morning or afternoon,
check to make sure they are putting the important things in the notes section,
even so, STILL include a note in the box wrapped around the barrel...
that tells the repair guy EXACTLY what is going on...

because it is not unheard of for the Computer Notes to go Missing...
especially if you are nasty to the CSM ;)

With guns, expect a Minimum 4-6 weeks wait, if not longer...
if they get it back faster, COOL!
If it takes 3-4 months, that's not unexpected either...they are human, after all...
but do check in at least every 6 weeks for updates. Remember to Be Nice!

Hope that helps :)
My only Ruger is an LCP and I'm less than impressed. My least accurate firearm (and I have smaller/lighter/shorter guns), only one that has jammed (not bad, but nothing else I own has), and I need to bang a couple pins back in after ever range session.
My only Ruger is an LCP and I'm less than impressed. My least accurate firearm (and I have smaller/lighter/shorter guns), only one that has jammed (not bad, but nothing else I own has), and I need to bang a couple pins back in after ever range session.

They've had many reported issues with that little pistol, including one major recall since its release, a perfect example of the QC issues Ruger has generated via their semi-autos. It works well enough once fixed, or replaced with a properly manufactured specimen, they also have had some issues with the LC9, the primary one to my knowledge being the slide failing to lock back after the last round has been fired. They had numerous problems with the now discontinued P345, along with the current full size 9mm, and I believe its .40 stablemate as well. Amazingly, the SR1911's, which were universally expected to have the same typical Ruger roll out issues never did, the only issues being related to demand, in fact the SR1911's are very nicely done, to such extent that they are quite likely the best 1911's in their price class.
I've never sent a product back to Ruger. I have called their customer service line with questions before. Their service in those issues has generally been better than other manufacturers. For one, they seem to have no problem calling me back after discussing with an engineer.

I recently called SW service, talked to a phone operator with no product knowledge, who passed my query up the line, and responded back by e-mail that they couldn't help me then failed to respond to my e-mail replied query of a very simple question.
I've owned more than a dozen Rugers over the past 45 years and ALL have been great...from my first 3-screw Single-Six Convertible in '72, to my most recent SR1911 CMD.

None has gone back to Ruger for work, and the absolute worst of them would shoot into 2" or less at 25 yds on demand, and some did a lot better than that. Some had better triggers than others, but all were usable, working triggers right out of the box. Some had better finishes (my most recent 4 Flat Tops all in .44 Special) and some not so pristine (the '72 model Single-Six 3-screw). I regret selling every one that slipped away...especially the 3-screw BH's.

I've never had a DA Ruger, I'm a S&W fan in that regard; and never a polymer semi-auto pistol so I can't comment on that part of their product line...but I'll say this...I'd recommend any of their SA's or 1911's for the one-gun guy or rely on when the SHTF over any other make of handgun...they're that good.

Ruger and Glock - They have seen the most trips back to the manufacture. Every new Generation of Glock require parts or mag followers replaced to function 100%
After 3 bad semi autos from Ruger I promised myself I would not purchase another.
I still love the large frame Ruger revolves, always 100%
Let me think about my Ruger experience:

Ruger American Rimfire - No problems.

Ruger MKIII - No problems, has been super reliable considering the junk (remington) I feed it. Seriously, I can put five hundred thunderbolts through it, as long as I run the bore snake thru the barrel to keep the garbage out it will keep chugging and hold accuracy, it's unreal. I think I got lucky with this one as I've read other not so good reports online.

Ruger SR1911 CMD - No problems, the gun has been 100% for me.

Ruger LCP 1st Gen - All kinds of problems, mostly feeding issues, sold it for an LCP Custom.

Ruger LCP Custom - Feed issues out of box and after the supposed two hundred round break in period. Sent it back to Ruger, they made it right within a few weeks.

TALO 10/22 - Always had problems feeding rounds. Ruger replaced the bolt and it's been much much better since.

Yes I've had issues with some of my Rugers over the years but they've fixed their mistakes at no additional cost (other than some wasted time). Even with the hassle of sending them off occasionally to get worked on I feel like they still offer an incredible value in comparison with other manufacturers. In my experience, once you get one that works, it'll keep on working.
I have me some rugers - bought used/ super red hawk 44 , n/m black hawk 357, and just bought the wife a half lug gp100 in 357.. bought new 2 - lrc 38+p's his and hers, and a lc380. the only one that has given me trouble is the lc380 but with a feed ramp polish and some de-burring on the barrel it runs good even with hard cast slugs .i have been a automotive mechanic for many many years, guns are like cars we all have our favorites but they ALL have problems and need work some time or other..
Ruger and Glock - They have seen the most trips back to the manufacture. Every new Generation of Glock require parts or mag followers replaced to function 100%
If you are an "early adopter" expect such problems. I never buy a design until it is a few years old.
Quality control and bad design are not the same thing. QC's job is to see the company's designs are being built within their tolerances. For instance when I purchased a SR22P the gun operated great but when the take down lever blew up at about 5000 rounds that was bad design. Now when I was at my LGS checking out the new 480 Blackhawk and I couldn't cock the hammer without pointing the gun up and shaking it that is poor QC. When I had to send my SR22P in twice for it's repair and it still wasn't right that was just a service department that isn't worth working with again.
I haven't had a lot of problems with mine. The main issue I had was with a .22LR 10/22 that wouldn't cycle anything but premium .22 rounds. Oh, and I never found an aftermarket mag that worked with it. Other than that things have been pretty consistent.
I have a bunch of Rugers, most are 15-40 years old, Love them all. Bought a couple of new Rugers in the past couple of years. First was the SR 1911. It would not feed anything but FMJ. I shot it a bunch to "break it in" and finally sent it back to Ruger. Their customer service is great. Got back a great shooter that eats anything I feed it. Second was a LCR 22 Mag. Great little gun not a hint of any problem. I have noticed a number of complaints about QC on a Ruger forum I read. They all turn out the same, send it back to Ruger and Customer service was wonderful. I think they have dropped a little in quality but they do make it right.
this new lcr I just bought is very rough looking
guess im used to stainless revolvers with silky smooth finishes

the lcr looks straight out of casting, grain lines in the metal reminds me of the wasr ak's very rough metal

now dont get me wrong, its not a big deal but was kind of shocked when looking at it closely
Sure its a black finish and from a foot away you can see it, but I had thought it was a coat of oil over the entire gun that made it look that way

almost looks like the metal is polymer maybe thats the look they were going for?



also where they mill out an opening for the rear sight
to me looks like the machine wasnt centered before milling or didnt go over far enough to the right side

unless it was done that way for a reason


other then that so far im fine with everything else
Recent Ruger purchases:

GP100 5 inch-Excellent
Single Six 22-Excellent
LCR 9mm-Excellent
LCP 380-Excellent. Know some have had problems but mine good to go
LC9sPro-not so excellent...Fail to ejects periodically and magazine would pop out on occasion. It's gone
Never had a problem with my rugers. I have an SR9 and LC9-S. They both work fine. My service six is great too. They do have fantastic customer service. Friend of mine sent his dad's security six in to service. 30 years old. Ruger completely built he gun all over and even reblued it for free. Ready to another 30 years.
The only Ruger I've owned (I've had quite a few) that had a problem was a 10/22. It was as accurate as can be but it was very particular about ammo. CCI Mini Mags were about the only thing it would cycle. It also didn't seem to work with any aftermarket mags but I wouldn't necessarily call that a problem.

Beyond that, they've never given me a moment's problem including my LCP and LC9s
I've bought 15 or so Rugers of all types since 1959, and never had a problem with any of them. Ain't a thing wrong with my latest one either (.44 Magnum Super Blackhawk):
