Ruger LCR .357 for Home Defense

Ok..guess I walked right into that one.. I recently got a Ruger GP100 Wiley Clapp .357... Perfect size and weight for full house .357 loads.. I dislike the super light guns as a primary carry..good for backup ankle carry, though..
Also, try using a different way to grip the gun..talking snubbies... Put the thumb of your support hand OVER your shooting hand in a horizontal much more stability for recoil...
You might also consider the LCR in .327 Federal Mag.

It will give you 6 rounds vs. 5 rounds in the .357 and less recoil. Not quite as powerful as the 357 but not far from it either.

I have both so I'm speaking from experience.
^^So less recoil than the .357 Magnum but still pretty stout. I've always liked the idea of having 20% more ammunition in similar size and weight snub-nose revolvers (i.e., the Colt Cobra/Agent vs a Smith Airweight J-frame). Thanks, Water-Man. ^^
The .327 is a great caliber with a wide range of ammo choices. The only downside is ammo availability and price.

Much louder than a similar. .357, IME. More flash, more bang. The full power loadings run at 45K psi..... if house gun is the idea, not a good choice.
I prefer something more substantial for HD.
I mean seriously - - this is my home - where my wife and I & our dogs, eat sleep and live - my grandson is a frequent overnight guest.

My home is my 2100 sq feet of the universe. If the sanctity of my home is violated by anyone that means to do harm to me or my wife - - then it's a no holds barred, gloves are off, just about anything goes.

If I use a small gun, like an LCR - or even my .45 acp Shield for that matter,,,if/when I've shot the gun dry & a threat still exists (ex. home invasion by multiple people), I want something in my hands that I can still continue the fight with.

An empty 6" barreled revolver still makes a decent club - as does a carbine.
A snubby? Hmm, I don't think so...

I would almost prefer a .22 semi auto rifle, such as a Marlin M60.
That's just me though & I have the luxury to buy what I feel best suits my HD situation.
I've had a LCR in 357 magnum snub & it was a real pain in the rear for accuracy. You have to put serious time into practice practice practice .
I am no expert but I realize that using at least a Ruger 3" or Smith 3" in 357 magnum and your choice of using 38 spec. P+' ammo is my idea of a good home SD weapon. If you live in a house and have no children, then a shot gun isn't a bad choice either.
This is why I don't hang around gun shops much.
Guys are opinionated-especially guys who are all ego and short on intelligence.
I'd probably get my ass kicked a lot.
There have been some very good suggestions in this thread, and there have been some laughable ones.
Any decent .38/.357 revolver is a serious weapon. If you can't shoot a short-barelled one at home defense ranges, you need LOTS of practice.
.38 Special-regular old .38 Special, not +P, you know- the weak .38 Special- is a fine round for home defense.

My side of the bed has a S&W 642, and my wife's side has an engraved Charter Undercover. I have lots of guns to choose from, and we use a couple of 2" barreled .38s.
This is why I don't hang around gun shops much.
Guys are opinionated-especially guys who are all ego and short on intelligence.
I'd probably get my ass kicked a lot.
Either you shop at some unsavory gun shops, you're buying out of someone's trunk in some alley in the hood or.....that's just so much empty bravado (the type you seem to object to in others)- - or ,,,

FWIW -I've never been in a gun store where I felt at all like I was physically threatened by anyone - staff or customer.

Any decent .38/.357 revolver is a serious weapon. If you can't shoot a short-barelled one at home defense ranges, you need LOTS of practice.
.38 Special-regular old .38 Special, not +P, you know- the weak .38 Special- is a fine round for home defense.
I don't really see anywhere in this thread where that's questioned at all.
I said I prefer something more substantial - but - that was more in reference to the small revolver, not the caliber.
Small frame revolvers and I don't play well together.
I'm delighted you can use one.

My first choice for HD?
Simple - - the neighborhood I live in.
I paid and continue to pay dearly for where I live because our crime index is a fraction of what the national average is.
We've lived here for over 30 years & it cost us everything we could scrape together to buy the place.
In the 30 plus years we've lived here, there has been a grand total of - 2 murders.

I view that as - - if someone is in my house, posing a threat to me or mine - - it's probably a very personal thing & that person (or persons) aren't going to run away at the sight or sound of a gun.
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No, not seriously, Hal. :rolleyes:

I live in a very nice, upscale neighborhood, too. If I didn't I would probably switch to 3" barreled guns.....
One advantage of an lcr for a home defense gun is you can keep it in your pocket all the time when you are home.

In most of the home invasions I've heard about, the home owner doesn't know anything is happening until the bad guys kick the door down and come in.

No time to go get a big gun out of a safe or from another room.
My absolute first choice for "HOME" defense is my short barreled 12 gauge shotgun loaded with "0" Buck. My LCR 357 which is my EDC and loaded with .38 Special ARX ammo is always on me or within arms reach would be my backup.

I keep mine loaded with Hornady 357 mag FTX 125gr